#!/usr/bin/env ruby # wxRuby2 Sample Code. Copyright (c) 2004-2008 wxRuby development team # Freely reusable code: see SAMPLES-LICENSE.TXT for details begin require 'rubygems' rescue LoadError end require 'wx' # added this class so that the panel in each NB tab can respond to size events and properly size each nb page - otherwise # NB pages that contain the colored windows won't properly size themseleves class NBPanel < Wx::Panel attr_accessor :win def initialize(parent) super(parent, -1) evt_size {|event| on_size(event)} @win end def on_size(event) win.set_size(event.get_size()) end end class TestNB < Wx::Notebook def demo_file(base_name) File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), base_name ) end def initialize(parent, id, log) super(parent, id, Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION, Wx::DEFAULT_SIZE, Wx::NB_BOTTOM) @log = log File load demo_file("ColorPanel.rbw") load demo_file("wxScrolledWindow.rbw") load demo_file("GridSimple.rbw") #load "wxListCtrl.rbw" # Show how to put an image on one of the notebook tabs, # first make the image list: il = Wx::ImageList.new(16,16) ic_file = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'icons','wxwin16x16.xpm') il.add_icon( Wx::Icon.new(ic_file) ) set_image_list(il) win = make_color_panel(Wx::BLUE) add_page(win, "Blue", true, 0) st = Wx::StaticText.new(win, -1, "You can put nearly any type of window here,\n" + "and if the platform supports it then the\n" + "tabs can be on any side of the notebook.", Wx::Point.new(10,10)) st.set_foreground_colour(Wx::WHITE) st.set_background_colour(Wx::BLUE) win = make_color_panel(Wx::RED) add_page(win, "Red") win = MyCanvas.new(self) add_page(win, "ScrolledWindow") win = make_color_panel(Wx::GREEN) add_page(win, "Green") win = SimpleGrid.new(self, log) add_page(win, "Grid") #win = TestListCtrlPanel(self, log) #add_page(win, "List") win = make_color_panel(Wx::CYAN) add_page(win, "Cyan") win = make_color_panel(Wx::LIGHT_GREY) add_page(win, "Light Grey") win = make_color_panel(Wx::BLACK) add_page(win, "Black") win = make_color_panel(Wx::Colour.new("MEDIUM ORCHID")) add_page(win, "MEDIUM ORCHID") win = make_color_panel(Wx::Colour.new("MIDNIGHT BLUE")) add_page(win, "MIDNIGHT BLUE") win = make_color_panel(Wx::Colour.new("INDIAN RED")) add_page(win, "INDIAN RED") evt_notebook_page_changed(self.get_id()) {|event| on_page_changed(event)} evt_notebook_page_changing(self.get_id()) {|event| on_page_changing(event)} end def make_color_panel(color) p = NBPanel.new(self) win = ColoredPanel.new(p, color) p.win = win return p end def on_page_changed(event) old = event.get_old_selection() new = event.get_selection() sel = get_selection() @log.write_text("on_page_changed, old:" + old.to_s() + ", new:" + new.to_s() + ", sel:" + sel.to_s()) event.skip() end def on_page_changing(event) old = event.get_old_selection() new = event.get_selection() sel = get_selection() @log.write_text("on_page_changing, old:" + old.to_s() + ", new:" + new.to_s() + ", sel:" + sel.to_s()) event.skip() end end module Demo def Demo.run(frame, nb, log) win = TestNB.new(nb, -1, log) return win end def Demo.overview return "This class represents a notebook control, which manages multiple windows with associated tabs. To use the class, create a wxNotebook object and call AddPage or InsertPage, passing a window to be used as the page. Do not explicitly delete the window for a page that is currently managed by wxNotebook." end end if __FILE__ == $0 run_solo_lib = File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), 'run.rb') load run_solo_lib run File.basename($0) end