require "test_helper" module Trailblazer class Endpoint_ < Trailblazer::Activity::Railway class PolicyChain < Trailblazer::Activity::Railway step :is_root?, Output(:success) => End(:success) # bypass policy chain # step :a? end end end # TODO: document :track_color class Basic_EndpointTest < Minitest::Spec it "{Protocol} is very simple and has no handlers" do protocol = Trailblazer::Developer.render(protocol).must_equal %{ # {Trailblazer::Activity::Right} => # # {Trailblazer::Activity::Left} => # {Trailblazer::Activity::Right} => # # {Trailblazer::Activity::Left} => # {Trailblazer::Activity::Right} => Trailblazer::Endpoint::Protocol::Noop Trailblazer::Endpoint::Protocol::Noop {#} => # {#} => # # # # # # # } end it "{Protocol::Standard} has handlers for 401, 403, 422" do protocol = Trailblazer::Developer.render(protocol).must_equal %{ # {Trailblazer::Activity::Right} => # # {Trailblazer::Activity::Left} => # {Trailblazer::Activity::Right} => # # {Trailblazer::Activity::Left} => # {Trailblazer::Activity::Right} => Trailblazer::Endpoint::Protocol::Noop Trailblazer::Endpoint::Protocol::Noop {#} => # {#} => # # {Trailblazer::Activity::Left} => # {Trailblazer::Activity::Right} => # # {Trailblazer::Activity::Left} => # {Trailblazer::Activity::Right} => # # # # # # # } end it "{Adapter::Web} has status setters for 401, 403, 422" do protocol = Trailblazer::Developer.render(protocol).must_equal %{ # {Trailblazer::Activity::Right} => Trailblazer::Endpoint::Protocol Trailblazer::Endpoint::Protocol {#} => # {#} => # {#} => # {#} => # {#} => # {#} => # # {Trailblazer::Activity::Right} => # # {Trailblazer::Activity::Right} => # # {Trailblazer::Activity::Right} => # # {Trailblazer::Activity::Left} => # {Trailblazer::Activity::Right} => # # # # # } end it "{Adapter::API} has status setters for 401, 403, 422, error handlers (message)" do protocol = Trailblazer::Developer.render(protocol).must_equal %{ # {Trailblazer::Activity::Right} => Trailblazer::Endpoint::Protocol Trailblazer::Endpoint::Protocol {#} => # {#} => # {#} => # {#} => # {#} => # {#} => # # {Trailblazer::Activity::Right} => # # {Trailblazer::Activity::Right} => # # {Trailblazer::Activity::Right} => # # {Trailblazer::Activity::Right} => # # {Trailblazer::Activity::Left} => # {Trailblazer::Activity::Right} => # # {Trailblazer::Activity::Left} => # {Trailblazer::Activity::Right} => # # {Trailblazer::Activity::Left} => # {Trailblazer::Activity::Right} => # # {Trailblazer::Activity::Left} => # {Trailblazer::Activity::Right} => # # {Trailblazer::Activity::Left} => # {Trailblazer::Activity::Right} => # # {Trailblazer::Activity::Left} => # {Trailblazer::Activity::Right} => # # {Trailblazer::Activity::Left} => # {Trailblazer::Activity::Right} => # # {Trailblazer::Activity::Right} => # # {Trailblazer::Activity::Right} => # # # # # } end end class EndpointTest < Minitest::Spec # policies # policy.success? # invoke # Workflow::Advance [or simple OP] # success? [standardized "result" object that holds end signal and ctx] # controller [this code must be executed in the controller instance, but should be "Rails independent"] # "injectable" policy (maybe also on controller level, configurable) # if success yield # Or.() # test with authenticated user # without user but for a "free" action module Model def model(ctx, seq:, model:true, **) ctx[:model] ="Yo") if model seq << :model model end end # Example OP with three termini class Create < Trailblazer::Activity::Railway include T.def_steps(:model, :validate, :save, :cc_check) step :model, Output(:failure) => End(:not_found) step :cc_check, Output(:failure) => End(:cc_invalid) step :validate, Output(:failure) => End(:my_validation_error) step :save include Model end # Represents a classic FastTrack OP without additional ends. # Implicit termini: # model => not_found # cc_check => cc_invalid # validate => invalid_data class LegacyCreate < Trailblazer::Activity::FastTrack include T.def_steps(:my_policy, :model, :validate, :save, :cc_check) step :my_policy step :model step :cc_check, fail_fast: true step :validate step :save include Model end # we want to define API and Protocol somewhere application-wide in an explicit file. # the domain OP/wiring we want via the endpoint builder. module MyTest # This implements the actual authentication, policies, etc. class Protocol < Trailblazer::Endpoint::Protocol # include EndpointTest::T.def_steps(:authenticate, :handle_not_authenticated, :policy, :handle_not_authorized, :handle_not_found) [:authenticate, :handle_not_authenticated, :policy, :handle_not_authorized, :handle_not_found].each do |name| define_method(name) do |ctx, **| ctx[:domain_ctx][:seq] << name return false if ctx[name] === false true end end # TODO: how can we make this better overridable in the endpoint generator? def success?(ctx, domain_activity_return_signal:, domain_ctx:, **) # FIXME: stupid test to see if we can read {:domain_activity_return_signal}. ctx[:_domain_activity_return_signal] = domain_activity_return_signal return Trailblazer::Endpoint::Protocol::Bridge::NotFound if domain_ctx[:model] === false return Trailblazer::Endpoint::Protocol::Bridge::NotAuthorized if domain_ctx[:my_policy] === false # for all other cases, the return value doesn't matter in {fail}. end end end class MyApiAdapter < Trailblazer::Endpoint::Adapter::API # example how to add your own step to a certain path # FIXME: :after doesn't work step :my_401_handler, before: :_401_status, magnetic_to: :_401, Output(:success) => Track(:_401) # def render_success(ctx, **) # ctx[:json] = %{#{ctx[:representer]}.new(#{ctx[:model]})} # end def failure_config_status(ctx, **) # DISCUSS: this is a bit like "success?" or a matcher. if ctx[:domain_ctx][:validate] === false ctx[:status] = 422 else ctx[:status] = 200 # DISCUSS: this is the usual return code for application/domain errors, I guess? end end # how/where would we configure each endpoint? (per action) # class Endpoint # representer ... # message ... def my_401_handler(ctx, domain_ctx:, errors:, **) errors.message = "No token" domain_ctx[:seq] << :my_401_handler end end # MyApiAdapter api_create_endpoint = adapter: MyApiAdapter, protocol: do # FIXME: why do we have to open a new class to inject the handler method? def handle_invalid_data(ctx, errors:, **) # FIXME: should this be part of the library? errors.message = "The submitted data is invalid." # DISCUSS: here, we could "translate" the {contract.errors}. end def handle_not_authorized(ctx, errors:, **) errors.message = "Action not allowed due to a policy." end step :handle_not_authorized, magnetic_to: :not_authorized, Output(:success) => Track(:not_authorized), Output(:failure) => Track(:not_authorized), before: "End.not_authorized" end, domain_activity: Create, ) do ### PROTOCOL ### step :handle_invalid_data, magnetic_to: :invalid_data, Output(:success) => Track(:invalid_data) # these are arguments for the Protocol.domain_activity { # wire a non-standardized application error to its semantical pendant. Output(:my_validation_error) => Track(:invalid_data), # non-protocol, "application" output # Output(:not_found) => Track(:not_found), # wire an unknown end to failure. Output(:cc_invalid) => Track(:failure), # application error. Output(:not_found) => _Path(semantic: :not_found) do # _Path will use {End(:not_found)} and thus reuse the terminus already created in Protocol. step :handle_not_found # FIXME: don't require steps in path! end } end api_legacy_create_endpoint = # DISCUSS: how do we implement a 201 route? adapter: { def success_render_status(ctx, **) ctx[:status] = 201 end }, protocol: Trailblazer::Endpoint::Protocol::Bridge.insert(MyTest::Protocol).class_eval do def handle_not_authorized(ctx, errors:, **) errors.message = "Action not allowed due to a policy." end step :handle_not_authorized, magnetic_to: :not_authorized, Output(:success) => Track(:not_authorized), Output(:failure) => Track(:not_authorized), before: "End.not_authorized" self end, domain_activity: LegacyCreate, ) do # Implicit termini: # model => not_found # cc_check => cc_invalid # validate => invalid_data ### PROTOCOL ### # these are arguments for the Protocol.domain_activity { Output(:fail_fast) => Track(:failure), # TODO: pass_fast test # TODO: do we want to wire those ends to an ongoing "binary" protocol? # wire a non-standardized application error to its semantical pendant. # Output(:my_validation_error) => Track(:invalid_data), # non-protocol, "application" output # Output(:not_found) => Track(:not_found), # wire an unknown end to failure. # Output(:cc_invalid) => Track(:failure), # application error. # Output(:not_found) => _Path(semantic: :not_found) do # _Path will use {End(:not_found)} and thus reuse the terminus already created in Protocol. # step :handle_not_found # FIXME: don't require steps in path! # end } end ###############3 TODO ####################### # test to wire 411 to another track (existing, known, automatically wired) # test wiring an unknown terminus like "cc_not_accepted" to "failure" # TODO: should we also add a 411 route per default? # how do implement #success? ? in Protocol for sure # Here we test overriding an entire "endpoint", we want to replace {authenticate} and remove {policy} and the actual {activity}. class Gemauth < api_create_endpoint step Subprocess( MyTest::Protocol, patch: {[] => ->(*) { step nil, delete: :policy step nil, delete: :domain_activity step :gemserver_authenticate, replace: :authenticate, id: :authenticate, inherit: true def gemserver_authenticate(ctx, domain_ctx:, gemserver_authenticate:true, **) return false if ctx[:gemserver_authenticate] === false domain_ctx[:seq] << :gemserver_authenticate domain_ctx[:model] ="Gemserver says yes.") end } }), replace: :protocol, inherit: true, id: :protocol end # step Invoke(), Output(:failure) => Track(:render_fail), Output(:my_validation_error) => ... # Invoke(Create, ) # for login form, etc # endpoint, skip: [:authenticate] # workflow always terminates on wait events/termini => somewhere, we need to interpret that # OP ends on terminus class Errors <, :errors) # FIXME: extract end require "json" class ErrorsRepresenter < # DISCUSS: use Representable? def to_json JSON.generate(errors: model.errors, message: model.message) end end class DiagramRepresenter < ErrorsRepresenter def to_json JSON.generate({name:}) end end def app_options app_options = { error_representer: ErrorsRepresenter, representer: DiagramRepresenter, errors:, } end # The idea here is to bridge a FastTrack op (without standardized ends) to the Protocol termini it "LegacyCreate" do # cc_check ==> FailFast ctx = {seq: [], cc_check: false} ctx = {domain_ctx: ctx, **app_options} signal, (ctx, _ ) = Trailblazer::Endpoint.with_or_etc(api_legacy_create_endpoint, [ctx, {}], failure_block: _rails_failure_block) signal.inspect.must_equal %{#} # we rewire {domain.fail_fast} to {protocol.failure} ctx[:domain_ctx][:seq].inspect.must_equal %{[:authenticate, :policy, :my_policy, :model, :cc_check]} # 1.c **404** (NO RENDERING OF BODY!!!) ctx = {seq: [], model: false} ctx = {domain_ctx: ctx, **app_options} signal, (ctx, _ ) = Trailblazer::Endpoint.with_or_etc(api_legacy_create_endpoint, [ctx, {}], failure_block: _rails_failure_block) signal.inspect.must_equal %{#} ctx[:domain_ctx][:seq].inspect.must_equal %{[:authenticate, :policy, :my_policy, :model]} to_h.inspect.must_equal %{{:render_options=>{:json=>nil, :status=>404}, :failure=>true, :seq=>\"[:authenticate, :policy, :my_policy, :model]\", :signal=>\"#\"}} # 2. **201** because the model is new. ctx = {seq: []} ctx = {domain_ctx: ctx, **app_options} signal, (ctx, _ ) = Trailblazer::Endpoint.with_or_etc(api_legacy_create_endpoint, [ctx, {}], success_block: _rails_success_block) signal.inspect.must_equal %{#} ctx[:domain_ctx][:seq].inspect.must_equal %{[:authenticate, :policy, :my_policy, :model, :cc_check, :validate, :save]} to_h.inspect.must_equal %{{:render_options=>{:json=>\"{\\\"name\\\":\\\"Yo\\\"}\", :status=>201}, :failure=>nil, :seq=>\"[:authenticate, :policy, :my_policy, :model, :cc_check, :validate, :save]\", :signal=>\"#\"}} # **403** because my_policy fails. ctx = {seq: [], my_policy: false} ctx = {domain_ctx: ctx, **app_options} signal, (ctx, _ ) = Trailblazer::Endpoint.with_or_etc(api_legacy_create_endpoint, [ctx, {}], failure_block: _rails_failure_block) signal.inspect.must_equal %{#} ctx[:domain_ctx][:seq].inspect.must_equal %{[:authenticate, :policy, :my_policy]} # this calls Rails default failure block to_h.inspect.must_equal %{{:render_options=>{:json=>\"{\\\"errors\\\":null,\\\"message\\\":\\\"Action not allowed due to a policy.\\\"}\", :status=>403}, :failure=>true, :seq=>\"[:authenticate, :policy, :my_policy]\", :signal=>\"#\"}} # we can read {:domain_activity_return_signal} (currently only set for fails) ctx[:_domain_activity_return_signal].inspect.must_equal %{#} end # TODO: AUTOWIRE RAILWAY/FASTTRACKS ######### API ######### # FIXME: fake the controller let(:_rails_success_block) do ->(ctx, endpoint_ctx:, seq:, signal:, model:, **) { @failure = nil render json: endpoint_ctx[:json], status: endpoint_ctx[:status]; @seq = seq.inspect; @signal = signal.inspect } end let(:_rails_failure_block) do ->(ctx, endpoint_ctx:, seq:, signal:, errors:, **) { @failure = true render json: endpoint_ctx[:json], status: endpoint_ctx[:status]; @seq = seq.inspect; @signal = signal.inspect } end # nil-JSON with 404, def render(options) @render_options = options end def to_h {render_options: @render_options, failure: @failure, seq: @seq, signal: @signal} end it do puts "API" puts Trailblazer::Developer.render(MyApiAdapter) # puts # puts Trailblazer::Developer.render(Adapter::API::Gemauth) # exit # 1. ops indicate outcome via termini # 2. you can still "match" # 3. layers # DSL .Or on top # use TRB's wiring API to extend instead of clumsy overriding/super. Example: failure-status =begin success representer: Api::V1::Memo::Representer status: 200 failure representer: Api::V1::Representer::Error status: 422 not_found representer: status: 404 success_representer: Api::V1::Memo::Representer, failure_representer: Api::V1::Representer::Error, policy: MyPolicy, =end # api_create_endpoint.instance_exec do # step(Subprocess(MyTest::Protocol), patch: {[:protocol] => ->(*) { step :success?, delete: :success? }}, replace: :protocol, inherit: true, id: :protocol) end # 1. 401 authenticate err # RENDER an error document ctx = {seq: []} ctx = {domain_ctx: ctx, authenticate: false, **app_options} # signal, (ctx, _ ) =, [ctx, {}]) signal, (ctx, _ ) = Trailblazer::Endpoint.with_or_etc(api_create_endpoint, [ctx, {}], failure_block: _rails_failure_block) signal.inspect.must_equal %{#} ctx[:domain_ctx][:seq].inspect.must_equal %{[:authenticate, :my_401_handler]} # DISCUSS: where to add things like headers? # this calls Rails default failure block to_h.inspect.must_equal %{{:render_options=>{:json=>\"{\\\"errors\\\":null,\\\"message\\\":\\\"No token\\\"}\", :status=>401}, :failure=>true, :seq=>\"[:authenticate, :my_401_handler]\", :signal=>\"#\"}} # raise ctx.inspect # 1.c 404 (NO RENDERING OF BODY!!!) ctx = {seq: [], model: false} ctx = {domain_ctx: ctx, **app_options} signal, (ctx, _ ) = Trailblazer::Endpoint.with_or_etc(api_create_endpoint, [ctx, {}], failure_block: _rails_failure_block) signal.inspect.must_equal %{#} ctx[:domain_ctx][:seq].inspect.must_equal %{[:authenticate, :policy, :model, :handle_not_found]} to_h.inspect.must_equal %{{:render_options=>{:json=>nil, :status=>404}, :failure=>true, :seq=>\"[:authenticate, :policy, :model, :handle_not_found]\", :signal=>\"#\"}} # `-- # # |-- Start.default # |-- protocol # | |-- Start.default # | |-- authenticate # | |-- policy # | |-- domain_activity # | | |-- Start.default # | | |-- model # | | `-- End.not_found # | |-- handle_not_found this is added via the block, in the PROTOCOL wiring # | `-- End.not_found # |-- _404_status # |-- protocol_failure # `-- End.fail_fast # 1.b 422 domain error: validation failed # RENDER an error document ctx = {seq: [], validate: false} ctx = {domain_ctx: ctx, **app_options} signal, (ctx, _ ) = Trailblazer::Endpoint.with_or_etc(api_create_endpoint, [ctx, {}], failure_block: _rails_failure_block) signal.inspect.must_equal %{#} ctx[:domain_ctx][:seq].inspect.must_equal %{[:authenticate, :policy, :model, :cc_check, :validate]} # this calls Rails default failure block to_h.inspect.must_equal %{{:render_options=>{:json=>\"{\\\"errors\\\":null,\\\"message\\\":\\\"The submitted data is invalid.\\\"}\", :status=>422}, :failure=>true, :seq=>\"[:authenticate, :policy, :model, :cc_check, :validate]\", :signal=>\"#\"}} # `-- # # |-- Start.default # |-- protocol # | |-- Start.default # | |-- authenticate # | |-- policy # | |-- domain_activity # | | |-- Start.default # | | |-- model # | | |-- validate # | | `-- End.my_validation_error # | |-- handle_invalid_data # | `-- End.invalid_data this is wired to the {failure} track # |-- failure_render_config # |-- failure_config_status # |-- render_failure # `-- End.failure # 1.b2 another application error (#save), but 200 because of #failure_config_status ctx = {seq: [], save: false} ctx = {domain_ctx: ctx, **app_options} signal, (ctx, _ ) = Trailblazer::Endpoint.with_or_etc(api_create_endpoint, [ctx, {}], failure_block: _rails_failure_block) signal.inspect.must_equal %{#} ctx[:domain_ctx][:seq].inspect.must_equal %{[:authenticate, :policy, :model, :cc_check, :validate, :save]} # this calls Rails default failure block # we set status to 200 in #failure_config_status to_h.inspect.must_equal %{{:render_options=>{:json=>\"{\\\"errors\\\":null,\\\"message\\\":null}\", :status=>200}, :failure=>true, :seq=>\"[:authenticate, :policy, :model, :cc_check, :validate, :save]\", :signal=>\"#\"}} # invalid {cc_check}=>{cc_invalid} ctx = {seq: [], cc_check: false} ctx = {domain_ctx: ctx, **app_options} signal, (ctx, _ ) = Trailblazer::Endpoint.with_or_etc(api_create_endpoint, [ctx, {}], failure_block: _rails_failure_block) signal.inspect.must_equal %{#} ctx[:domain_ctx][:seq].inspect.must_equal %{[:authenticate, :policy, :model, :cc_check]} # this calls Rails default failure block # we set status to 200 in #failure_config_status to_h.inspect.must_equal %{{:render_options=>{:json=>\"{\\\"errors\\\":null,\\\"message\\\":null}\", :status=>200}, :failure=>true, :seq=>\"[:authenticate, :policy, :model, :cc_check]\", :signal=>\"#\"}} # 4. authorization error ctx = {seq: []} ctx = {policy: false, domain_ctx: ctx, **app_options} signal, (ctx, _ ) = Trailblazer::Endpoint.with_or_etc(api_create_endpoint, [ctx, {}], failure_block: _rails_failure_block) signal.inspect.must_equal %{#} ctx[:domain_ctx][:seq].inspect.must_equal %{[:authenticate, :policy]} # this calls Rails default failure block to_h.inspect.must_equal %{{:render_options=>{:json=>\"{\\\"errors\\\":null,\\\"message\\\":\\\"Action not allowed due to a policy.\\\"}\", :status=>403}, :failure=>true, :seq=>\"[:authenticate, :policy]\", :signal=>\"#\"}} # 2. all OK ctx = {seq: []} ctx = {domain_ctx: ctx, **app_options} signal, (ctx, _ ) = Trailblazer::Endpoint.with_or_etc(api_create_endpoint, [ctx, {}], success_block: _rails_success_block) signal.inspect.must_equal %{#} ctx[:domain_ctx][:seq].inspect.must_equal %{[:authenticate, :policy, :model, :cc_check, :validate, :save]} ctx[:json].must_equal %{{\"name\":\"Yo\"}} # Rails default success block was called to_h.inspect.must_equal %{{:render_options=>{:json=>\"{\\\"name\\\":\\\"Yo\\\"}\", :status=>200}, :failure=>nil, :seq=>\"[:authenticate, :policy, :model, :cc_check, :validate, :save]\", :signal=>\"#\"}} # 3. 401 for API::Gemauth # we only want to run the authenticate part! # # -- EndpointTest::Adapter::API::Gemauth # |-- Start.default # |-- protocol # | |-- Start.default # | |-- authenticate # | |-- handle_not_authenticated # | `-- End.not_authenticated # |-- my_401_handler # |-- _401_status # |-- render_protocol_failure_config # |-- render_protocol_failure # |-- protocol_failure # `-- End.fail_fast ctx = {seq: []} ctx = {domain_ctx: ctx, gemserver_authenticate: false, **app_options} signal, (ctx, _ ) = Trailblazer::Endpoint.with_or_etc(Gemauth, [ctx, {}], failure_block: _rails_failure_block) signal.inspect.must_equal %{#} ctx[:domain_ctx][:seq].inspect.must_equal %{[:my_401_handler]} to_h.inspect.must_equal %{{:render_options=>{:json=>\"{\\\"errors\\\":null,\\\"message\\\":\\\"No token\\\"}\", :status=>401}, :failure=>true, :seq=>\"[:my_401_handler]\", :signal=>\"#\"}} # authentication works # `-- EndpointTest::Adapter::API::Gemauth # |-- Start.default # |-- protocol # | |-- Start.default # | |-- authenticate # | `-- End.success # |-- success_render_config # |-- success_render_status # |-- render_success # `-- End.success ctx = {seq: [], gemserver_authenticate: true} ctx = {domain_ctx: ctx, **app_options} signal, (ctx, _ ) = Trailblazer::Endpoint.with_or_etc(Gemauth, [ctx, {}], success_block: _rails_success_block) signal.inspect.must_equal %{#} ctx[:domain_ctx][:seq].inspect.must_equal %{[:gemserver_authenticate]} to_h.inspect.must_equal %{{:render_options=>{:json=>\"{\\\"name\\\":\\\"Gemserver says yes.\\\"}\", :status=>200}, :failure=>nil, :seq=>\"[:gemserver_authenticate]\", :signal=>\"#\"}} ######### Controller ######### # 1. do everything automatically # 2. override success # 2. override failure: suppress the automatic rendering? # class MyPolicyChain < Trailblazer::Endpoint::PolicyChain # step :a? # step :b? # end # Trailblazer::Endpoint(policy: MyPolicyChain) # class MyEndpoint < Trailblazer::Endpoint # step MyPolicies, replace: :policy # with or without root, we have a binary outcome? # end # MyEndpoint.() # with operation # MyEndpoint.() # with workflow # # op with > 2 ends # {our_404: :not_found} # map ends to known ends # # html version # run(MyEndpoint, ) do |ctx| # # success # end # # api version # # if 404 ... # # else default behavior # end end end # require "test_helper" # require "reform" # require "trailblazer" # require "reform/form/dry" # require "trailblazer/endpoint" # require "trailblazer/endpoint/rails" # class EndpointTest < Minitest::Spec # Song =, :title, :length) do # def self.find_by(id:nil); id.nil? ? nil : new(id) end # end # require "representable/json" # class Serializer < Representable::Decorator # include Representable::JSON # property :id # property :title # property :length # class Errors < Representable::Decorator # include Representable::JSON # property :messages # end # end # class Deserializer < Representable::Decorator # include Representable::JSON # property :title # end # let (:my_handlers) { # ->(m) do # m.present { |result| _data << result["representer.serializer.class"].new(result["model"]).to_json } # end # } # #--- # # present # class Show < Trailblazer::Operation # extend Representer::DSL # step Model( Song, :find_by ) # representer :serializer, Serializer # end # # if you pass in "present"=>true as a dependency, the Endpoint will understand it's a present cycle. # it do #{ id: 1 }, { "present" => true }), my_handlers) # _data.must_equal ['{"id":1}'] # end # # passing handlers directly to Endpoint#call. # it do # result = Show.({ id: 1 }, { "present" => true }) # do |m| # m.present { |result| _data << result["representer.serializer.class"].new(result["model"]).to_json } # end # _data.must_equal ['{"id":1}'] # end # class Create < Trailblazer::Operation # step Policy::Guard ->(options) { options["user.current"] == ::Module } # extend Representer::DSL # representer :serializer, Serializer # representer :deserializer, Deserializer # representer :errors, Serializer::Errors # # self["representer.serializer.class"] = Representer # # self["representer.deserializer.class"] = Deserializer # extend Contract::DSL # contract do # property :title # property :length # include Reform::Form::Dry # validation :default do # required(:title).filled # end # end # step Model( Song, :new ) # step Contract::Build() # step Contract::Validate( representer: self["representer.deserializer.class"] ) # step Persist( method: :sync ) # step ->(options) { options["model"].id = 9 } # end # let (:controller) { self } # let (:_data) { [] } # def head(*args); _data << [:head, *args] end # let(:handlers) {, path: "/songs").() } # def render(options) # _data << options # end # # not authenticated, 401 # it do # result = Create.( { id: 1 }, "user.current" => false ) # # puts "@@@@@ #{result.inspect}" #, handlers) # _data.inspect.must_equal %{[[:head, 401]]} # end # # created # # length is ignored as it's not defined in the deserializer. # it do # result = Create.( {}, "user.current" => ::Module, "document" => '{"id": 9, "title": "Encores", "length": 999 }' ) # # puts "@@@@@ #{result.inspect}" #, handlers) # _data.inspect.must_equal '[[:head, 201, {:location=>"/songs/9"}]]' # end # class Update < Create # self.~ Model( :find_by ) # end # # 404 # it do # result = Update.({ id: nil }, "user.current" => ::Module, "document" => '{"id": 9, "title": "Encores", "length": 999 }' ) #, handlers) # _data.inspect.must_equal '[[:head, 404]]' # end # #--- # # validation failure 422 # # success # it do # result = Create.({}, "user.current" => ::Module, "document" => '{ "title": "" }') #, handlers) # _data.inspect.must_equal '[{:json=>"{\\"messages\\":{\\"title\\":[\\"must be filled\\"]}}", :status=>422}]' # end # include Trailblazer::Endpoint::Controller # #--- # # Controller#endpoint # # custom handler. # it do # invoked = nil # endpoint(Update, { id: nil }) do |res| # res.not_found { invoked = "my not_found!" } # end # invoked.must_equal "my not_found!" # _data.must_equal [] # no rails code involved. # end # # generic handler because user handler doesn't match. # it do # invoked = nil # endpoint( Update, { id: nil }, args: {"user.current" => ::Module} ) do |res| # res.invalid { invoked = "my invalid!" } # end # _data.must_equal [[:head, 404]] # invoked.must_equal nil # end # # only generic handler # it do # endpoint(Update, { id: nil }) # _data.must_equal [[:head, 404]] # end # end