When /^I open the runnables tree$/ do Redcar::Runnables::ShowRunnables.new.run end When /^I change the command to "([^"]*)"$/ do |name| current = File.read(runnable_config) File.open(runnable_config, 'w') do |f| f.print current.gsub("An app", name) end end When /^I go back to the "([^"]*)" window$/ do |title| Redcar.app.windows.detect { |w| w.title == title }.focus end When /^I note the number of windows$/ do @windows = Redcar.app.windows.size end Then /^I should see (\d+) more windows?$/ do |window_count| Redcar.app.windows.size.should == (@windows + window_count.to_i) end