require 'spec_helper' describe IsItWorking::Handler do it "should lookup filters from the pre-defined checks" do handler = do |h| h.check :directory, :path => ".", :permissions => :read end response ={}) response.first.should == 200 response.last.flatten.join("").should include("OK") response.last.flatten.join("").should include("directory") end it "should use blocks as filters" do handler = do |h| h.check :block do |status| status.ok("Okey dokey") end end response ={}) response.first.should == 200 response.last.flatten.join("").should include("OK") response.last.flatten.join("").should include("block - Okey dokey") end it "should use object as filters" do handler = do |h| h.check :lambda, lambda{|status| status.ok("A-okay")} end response ={}) response.first.should == 200 response.last.flatten.join("").should include("OK") response.last.flatten.join("").should include("lambda - A-okay") end it "should create asynchronous filters by default" do handler = do |h| h.check :block do |status| status.ok("Okey dokey") end end runner ={} IsItWorking::Filter::AsyncRunner.should_receive(:new).and_return(runner) response ={}) end it "should be able to create synchronous filters" do handler = do |h| h.check :block, :async => false do |status| status.ok("Okey dokey") end end runner ={} IsItWorking::Filter::SyncRunner.should_receive(:new).and_return(runner) response ={}) end it "should work with synchronous checks" do handler = do |h| h.check :block, :async => false do |status| status.ok("Okey dokey") end end response ={}) response.first.should == 200 response.last.flatten.join("").should include("OK") response.last.flatten.join("").should include("block - Okey dokey") end it "should return a success response if all checks pass" do handler = do |h| h.check :block do |status| status.ok("success") end h.check :block do |status| status.ok("worked") end end response ={}) response.first.should == 200 response.last.flatten.join("").should include("block - success") response.last.flatten.join("").should include("block - worked") end it "should return an error response if any check fails" do handler = do |h| h.check :block do |status| status.ok("success") end h.check :block do |status|"down") end end response ={}) response.first.should == 500 response.last.flatten.join("").should include("block - success") response.last.flatten.join("").should include("block - down") end it "should be able to be used in a middleware stack with the route /is_it_working" do app_response = [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/plain"}, ["OK"]] app = lambda{|env| app_response} check_called = false stack = do |h| h.check(:test){|status| check_called = true; status.ok("Woot!")} end"PATH_INFO" => "/").should == app_response check_called.should == false"PATH_INFO" => "/is_it_working").last.flatten.join("").should include("Woot!") check_called.should == true end it "should be able to be used in a middleware stack with a custom route" do app_response = [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/plain"}, ["OK"]] app = lambda{|env| app_response} check_called = false stack =, "/woot") do |h| h.check(:test){|status| check_called = true; status.ok("Woot!")} end"PATH_INFO" => "/is_it_working").should == app_response check_called.should == false"PATH_INFO" => "/woot").last.flatten.join("").should include("Woot!") check_called.should == true end it "should be able to synchronize access to a block" do handler = handler.synchronize{1}.should == 1 handler.synchronize{2}.should == 2 end it "should be able to set the host name reported in the output" do handler = handler.hostname = "woot""PATH_INFO" => "/is_it_working").last.join("").should include("woot") end # NOTE: these tests are only to document existing behavior, not actual requirements. context "Adding filters:" do let(:handler) do described_class.allocate.tap do |h| h.instance_variable_set(:@filters, filters) end end let(:opts) { {myopt: 'myval'.freeze}.freeze } let(:opts_with_async) { {async: true}.merge(opts).freeze } let(:opts_without_async) { {async: false}.merge(opts).freeze } let(:filters) { [] } let(:ck_name) { :look_me_up } let(:looked_up_check) { double(:looked_up_check) } let(:example_full_desc) { RSpec.current_example.full_description.dup.freeze } let(:passed_proc) { proc{|stat| example_full_desc } } before :each do handler.stub(:lookup_check) { raise 'Unexpected lookup_check call' } end context "check(name, &block)" do it "uses block as check" do handler.check(ck_name, &passed_proc) expect(filters[0].name).to eq ck_name expect(filters[0].instance_variable_get(:@check).call(nil)).to eq example_full_desc expect(filters[0].async).to be true end context "check(name, options, &block)" do it "allows disabling of async" do handler.check(ck_name, async: false, &passed_proc) expect(filters[0].name).to eq ck_name expect(filters[0].instance_variable_get(:@check).call(nil)).to eq example_full_desc expect(filters[0].async).to be false end end end context "check(name, options)" do it "uses looked-up class with passed-in options" do handler.should_receive(:lookup_check).with(ck_name, opts_with_async).and_return looked_up_check handler.check(ck_name, opts) expect(filters[0].name).to eq ck_name expect(filters[0].instance_variable_get(:@check)).to be looked_up_check expect(filters[0].async).to be true end it "allows disabling of async" do handler.should_receive(:lookup_check).with(ck_name, opts_without_async).and_return looked_up_check handler.check(ck_name, opts_without_async) expect(filters[0].name).to eq ck_name expect(filters[0].instance_variable_get(:@check)).to be looked_up_check expect(filters[0].async).to be false end end context "check(name, check)" do it "uses passed-in check" do handler.check(ck_name, passed_proc) expect(filters[0].name).to eq ck_name expect(filters[0].instance_variable_get(:@check)).to be passed_proc expect(filters[0].async).to be true end it "ignores block" do handler.check(ck_name, passed_proc) { raise "don't call me" } expect(filters[0].name).to eq ck_name expect(filters[0].instance_variable_get(:@check)).to be passed_proc expect(filters[0].async).to be true end context "check(name, check, options)" do it "allows disabling of async" do handler.check(ck_name, passed_proc, opts_without_async) expect(filters[0].name).to eq ck_name expect(filters[0].instance_variable_get(:@check)).to be passed_proc expect(filters[0].async).to be false end end end end context "lookup_check (non-public)" do let(:handler) { described_class.allocate } let(:check_data) do [ [:action_mailer, IsItWorking::ActionMailerCheck], [:active_record, IsItWorking::ActiveRecordCheck], [:dalli, IsItWorking::DalliCheck ], [:directory, IsItWorking::DirectoryCheck ], [:ping, IsItWorking::PingCheck ], [:url, IsItWorking::UrlCheck ], ].each_with_object( do |(ck_name, ck_class), map| map[ck_name] = { class: ck_class, opts: double("#{ck_name} opts"), instance: double("#{ck_class} instance") } end end it "works for built-in check classes" do check_data.each do |ck_name, data| data[:class].should_receive(:new).with(data[:opts]).and_return data[:instance] end check_data.each do |ck_name, data| expect(handler.send(:lookup_check, ck_name, data[:opts])).to be data[:instance] end end it "raises on undefined check class" do expect{ handler.send(:lookup_check, :foobar, {}) }.to raise_error(/Check not defined FoobarCheck/i) end end end