require 'user-choices/arglist-strategies'
require 'user-choices/builder'
require 'user-choices/command'
require 'user-choices/command-line-source'
require "user-choices/conversions"
require "user-choices/ruby-extensions"
require 'user-choices/sources'
require 'user-choices/version'
=begin rdoc
UserChoices provides a unified interface to more than one source of
user choices: the command line, environment variables, configuration
files, and the choice to use program defaults. A typical usage defines allowable choices
within the framework of a Command object:
class Example < Command
# The sources are the various places in which the user can
# describe her choices to the program.
def add_sources(builder)
# Each individual choice is named with a symbol that is common
# to all sources.
def add_choices(builder)
builder.add_choice(:choice, ...) { | command_line | ... }
# Immediately after recording the choices, the program can
# add new (derived ones) or do any other once-per-program
# initialization.
def postprocess_user_choices
... @user_choices ...
# Perform the command.
def execute
= Describing sources
Sources are described by ChoicesBuilder#add_source.
EnvironmentSource describes the use of environment variables as sources. The following says that all environment variables beginning with "amazon_" are choices about this program.
builder.add_source(EnvironmentSource, :with_prefix, "amazon_")
XmlConfigFileSource points to a configuration file with choices.
builder.add_source(XmlConfigFileSource, :from_file, "ms-config.xml")
CommandLineSource uses the command line options and
arguments as a source of choices. The following gives the usage line
for the script:
builder.add_source(CommandLineSource, :usage,
"Usage ruby #{$0} [options] names...")
= Describing choices
The end result of the process is a hash mapping choices to chosen
values. Choices are named by symbols. They are described by
ChoicesBuilder#add_choice. Here are simple examples that
don't involve the command line.
The first just names a choice.
The second gives a default value:
:default => "eaargh")
The second gives a default value and a type. The type is used to check the value and, if appropriate, to convert the value away from a string. Note that the default is always a string regardless of the type.
:default => "false",
:type => :boolean)
= Command line options
ChoicesBuilder#add_choice passes a
CommandLineSource object to a block. That can be used to
describe the command line. The syntax is the same as OptionParser.
In the following, ordinary_choice can be specified with either the -o or --ordinary-choice options. The strings also appear in help messages (automatically produced from ruby script --help).
:default => 'default') { | command_line |
command_line.uses_option("-o", "--ordinary-choice CHOICE",
"CHOICE can be any string.")
The command line's argument list (everything that's not an option) can
be bundled up into another choice. Here, the arguments become an array
named by :names:
builder.add_choice(:names) { | command_line |
= Using choices
Most often, choices are used within the context of a Command object. They are stored in a hash named by instance variable @user_choices (or accessor +user_choices+).
class AffinityTripCommand < Command
def execute
starting_url = @strategy.url_for(self.user_choices[:isbn])
take_trip(starting_url, self.user_choices[:trip_steps])
You can construct the hash directly with ChoicesBuilder#build. That's
not needed or used when using the Command object.
module UserChoices