module Ragweed; end module Ragweed::Wraposx::ThreadInfo class << self #factory method to get a ThreadInfo variant def get(flavor,tid) found = false klass = self.constants.detect{|c| con = self.const_get(c); con.kind_of?(Class) && (flavor == con.const_get(:FLAVOR))} if klass.nil? raise Ragwed::Wraposx::KErrno::INVALID_ARGUMENT else klass.get(tid) end end end # info interfaces BASIC_INFO = 3 #basic information # following are obsolete interfaces # according to the source @ fxr they still work except FIFO SCHED_TIMESHARE_INFO = 10 SCHED_RR_INFO = 11 # SCHED_FIFO_INFO = 12 FLAVORS = { # define THREAD_BASIC_INFO_COUNT ((mach_msg_type_number_t)(sizeof(thread_basic_info_data_t) / sizeof(natural_t))) BASIC_INFO => {:size => 30, :count => 10}, # define POLICY_TIMESHARE_INFO_COUNT ((mach_msg_type_number_t)(sizeof(struct policy_timeshare_info)/sizeof(integer_t))) SCHED_TIMESHARE_INFO => {:size => 20, :count => 5}, # define POLICY_RR_INFO_COUNT ((mach_msg_type_number_t)(sizeof(struct policy_rr_info)/sizeof(integer_t))) SCHED_RR_INFO => {:size => 20,:count => 5}, # define POLICY_FIFO_INFO_COUNT ((mach_msg_type_number_t)(sizeof(struct policy_fifo_info)/sizeof(integer_t))) # SCHED_FIFO_INFO => {:size => 16,:count => 4} # immediately returns KERNEL_INVALID_POLICY on osx } module State #Thread run states RUNNING = 1 #/* thread is running normally */ STOPPED = 2 #/* thread is stopped */ WAITING = 3 #/* thread is waiting normally */ UNINTERRUPTIBLE = 4 #/* thread is in an uninterruptible wait */ HALTED = 5 #/* thread is halted at a clean point */ end module ThreadInfoMixins def initialize(str=nil) refresh(str) if (str && !str.empty?) end # (re)loads the data from str def refresh(str) fields = self.class.const_get :FIELDS pp self.class if str and not str.empty? str.unpack( {|x| x[1]}.join("")).each_with_index do |val, i| raise "i is nil" if i.nil? instance_variable_set "@#{ fields[i][0] }".intern, val end end end def to_s fields = self.class.const_get :FIELDS {|f| send(f[0])}.pack( {|x| x[1]}.join("")) end def inspect body = lambda do self.class.const_get(:FIELDS).map do |f| "#{f[0]}=#{send(f[0]).to_s}" end.join(", ") end "#<#{'::').last(2).join('::')} #{}>" end def self.get(t), self.class.const_get(:FLAVOR))) end def get(t) refresh(Ragweed::Wraposx::vm_region_raw(t, self.class.const_get(:FLAVOR))) end end # struct thread_basic_info # { # time_value_t user_time; # time_value_t system_time; # integer_t cpu_usage; # policy_t policy; # integer_t run_state; # integer_t flags; # integer_t suspend_count; # integer_t sleep_time; # }; class Basic include Ragweed::Wraposx::ThreadInfo::ThreadInfoMixins module Flags #Thread flags (flags field). SWAPPED = 0x1 #/* thread is swapped out */ IDLE = 0x2 #/* thread is an idle thread */ end attr_accessor :user_time attr_accessor :system_time alias_method :__refresh, :refresh (FIELDS = [ [:user_time_s, "I"], [:user_time_us, "I"], [:system_time_s, "I"], [:system_time_us, "I"], [:cpu_usage, "I"], [:policy, "I"], [:run_state, "I"], [:flags, "I"], [:suspend_count, "I"], [:sleep_time, "I"]]).each {|x| attr_accessor x[0]} FLAVOR = Ragweed::Wraposx::ThreadInfo::BASIC_INFO #(re)loads the data from str def refresh(str) __refresh str @user_time = @user_time_s + (@user_time_us/1000000.0) @system_time = @system_time_s + (@system_time_us/1000000.0) end def dump(&block) maybe_hex = lambda {|a| begin; "\n" + (" " * 9) +, 16).hexdump(true)[10..-2]; rescue; ""; end } maybe_dis = lambda {|a| begin; "\n" +, 16) {|i| " " + i.mnem}.join("\n"); rescue; ""; end } string =<