require 'spec_helper' require 'readline' class ClassMixedWithDSLStructure include Beaker::DSL::Structure include Beaker::DSL::Helpers::TestHelpers end describe ClassMixedWithDSLStructure do include Beaker::DSL::Assertions let(:logger) { double } let(:metadata) { @metadata ||= {} } before do allow(subject).to receive(:metadata).and_return(metadata) end describe '#step' do it 'requires a name' do expect { subject.step { ; } }.to raise_error ArgumentError end it 'notifies the logger' do allow(subject).to receive(:set_current_step_name) expect(subject).to receive(:logger).and_return(logger) expect(logger).to receive(:notify) subject.step 'blah' end it 'yields if a block is given' do expect(subject).to receive(:logger).and_return(logger).twice allow(subject).to receive(:set_current_step_name) allow(logger).to receive(:with_indent).and_yield expect(logger).to receive(:notify) expect(subject).to receive(:foo) subject.step 'blah' do end end it 'sets the metadata' do allow(subject).to receive(:logger).and_return(logger) allow(logger).to receive(:notify) step_name = 'pierceBrosnanTests' subject.step step_name expect(metadata[:step][:name]).to be === step_name end end describe '#manual_step' do context 'without exec manual test option' do let(:options) { {} } it 'throws an error' do expect(Readline).not_to receive(:readline) expect { subject.manual_step 'blah' do; end }.to raise_error StandardError end end context 'with exec manual test option' do let(:options) { { exec_manual_tests: nil } } it 'requires a name' do expect { subject.manual_step { ; } }.to raise_error ArgumentError end it 'notifies the logger' do subject.instance_variable_set(:@options, options) allow(subject).to receive(:set_current_step_name) expect(subject).to receive(:logger).and_return(logger) expect(logger).to receive(:notify) allow(Readline).to receive(:readline).and_return('Y') subject.manual_step 'blah' end end context 'with exec manual test option set to true' do let(:options) { { exec_manual_tests: true } } it 'requires a name' do expect { subject.manual_step { ; } }.to raise_error ArgumentError end it 'pass when user enters Y' do subject.instance_variable_set(:@options, options) allow(subject).to receive(:set_current_step_name) allow(subject).to receive(:logger).and_return(logger) allow(logger).to receive(:notify) expect(Readline).to receive(:readline).and_return('Y') subject.manual_step 'blahblah' end it 'fails when user enters n and uses default error when no message is entered' do subject.instance_variable_set(:@options, options) allow(subject).to receive(:set_current_step_name) allow(subject).to receive(:logger).and_return(logger) allow(logger).to receive(:notify) expect(Readline).to receive(:readline).and_return('n', 'step failed') expect { subject.manual_step 'blah two' do; end }.to raise_error(Beaker::DSL::FailTest, 'step failed') end end end describe '#manual_test' do context 'without exec manual test option' do let(:options) { {} } it 'requires a name' do expect { subject.manual_test { ; } }.to raise_error ArgumentError end it 'raises a skip test' do subject.instance_variable_set(:@options, options) allow(subject).to receive(:logger).and_return(logger) allow(logger).to receive(:notify) test_name = 'random test name' expect { subject.manual_test test_name do; end }.to raise_error Beaker::DSL::SkipTest end end context 'with exec manual test option' do let(:options) { { exec_manual_tests: true } } it 'requires a name' do expect { subject.manual_test { ; } }.to raise_error ArgumentError end it 'notifies the logger' do subject.instance_variable_set(:@options, options) expect(subject).to receive(:logger).and_return(logger) expect(logger).to receive(:notify) subject.manual_test 'blah blah' end it 'yields if a block is given' do subject.instance_variable_set(:@options, options) expect(subject).to receive(:logger).and_return(logger).twice expect(logger).to receive(:notify) allow(logger).to receive(:with_indent).and_yield expect(subject).to receive(:foo) subject.manual_test 'blah' do end end it 'sets the metadata' do subject.instance_variable_set(:@options, options) allow(subject).to receive(:logger).and_return(logger) allow(logger).to receive(:notify) test_name = 'test is setting metadata yay!' subject.manual_test test_name expect(metadata[:case][:name]).to be === test_name end end end describe '#test_name' do it 'requires a name' do expect { subject.test_name { ; } }.to raise_error ArgumentError end it 'notifies the logger' do expect(subject).to receive(:logger).and_return(logger) expect(logger).to receive(:notify) subject.test_name 'blah' end it 'yields if a block is given' do expect(subject).to receive(:logger).and_return(logger).twice expect(logger).to receive(:notify) allow(logger).to receive(:with_indent).and_yield expect(subject).to receive(:foo) subject.test_name 'blah' do end end it 'sets the metadata' do allow(subject).to receive(:logger).and_return(logger) allow(logger).to receive(:notify) test_name = '15-05-08\'s weather is beautiful' subject.test_name test_name expect(metadata[:case][:name]).to be === test_name end end describe '#teardown' do it 'append a block to the @teardown var' do teardown_array = double subject.instance_variable_set :@teardown_procs, teardown_array block = -> { 'blah' } expect(teardown_array).to receive(:<<).with(block) subject.teardown(&block) end end describe '#expect_failure' do it 'passes when a Minitest assertion is raised' do expect(subject).to receive(:logger).and_return(logger) expect(logger).to receive(:notify) # We changed this lambda to use the simplest assert possible; using assert_equal # caused an error in Minitest 5.9.0 trying to write to the file system. block = -> { assert(false, 'this assertion should be caught') } expect { subject.expect_failure 'this is an expected failure', &block }.not_to raise_error end it 'passes when a Beaker assertion is raised' do expect(subject).to receive(:logger).and_return(logger) expect(logger).to receive(:notify) block = -> { refute_match('1', '1', '1 and 1 should not match') } expect { subject.expect_failure 'this is an expected failure', &block }.not_to raise_error end it 'fails when a non-Beaker, non-Minitest assertion is raised' do block = -> { raise 'not a Beaker or Minitest error' } expect { subject.expect_failure 'this has a non-Beaker, non-Minitest exception', &block }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, /not a Beaker or Minitest error/) end it 'fails when no assertion is raised' do block = -> { expect('1').to(eq('1'), '1 should equal 1') } expect { subject.expect_failure 'this has no failure', &block }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, /An assertion was expected to fail, but passed/) end end describe '#confine' do let(:logger) { double.as_null_object } before do allow(subject).to receive(:logger).and_return(logger) end it ':to - skips the test if there are no applicable hosts' do allow(subject).to receive(:hosts).and_return([]) allow(subject).to receive(:hosts=) expect(logger).to receive(:warn) expect(subject).to receive(:skip_test).with('No suitable hosts found with {}') subject.confine(:to, {}) end it ':except - skips the test if there are no applicable hosts' do allow(subject).to receive(:hosts).and_return([]) allow(subject).to receive(:hosts=) expect(logger).to receive(:warn) expect(subject).to receive(:skip_test).with('No suitable hosts found without {}') subject.confine(:except, {}) end it ':to - uses a provided host subset when no criteria is provided' do subset = %w[host1 host2] hosts = subset.dup << 'host3' allow(subject).to receive(:hosts).and_return(hosts).twice expect(subject).to receive(:hosts=).with(subset) subject.confine :to, {}, subset end it ':except - excludes provided host subset when no criteria is provided' do subset = %w[host1 host2] hosts = subset.dup << 'host3' allow(subject).to receive(:hosts).and_return(hosts).twice expect(subject).to receive(:hosts=).with(hosts - subset) subject.confine :except, {}, subset end it 'raises when given mode is not :to or :except' do hosts = %w[host1 host2] allow(subject).to receive(:hosts).and_return(hosts) allow(subject).to receive(:hosts=) expect do subject.confine(:regardless, { :thing => 'value' }) raise_error('Unknown option regardless') end it 'rejects hosts that do not meet simple hash criteria' do hosts = [{ 'thing' => 'foo' }, { 'thing' => 'bar' }] expect(subject).to receive(:hosts).and_return(hosts).twice expect(subject).to receive(:hosts=) .with([{ 'thing' => 'foo' }]) subject.confine :to, :thing => 'foo' end it 'rejects hosts that match a list of criteria' do hosts = [{ 'thing' => 'foo' }, { 'thing' => 'bar' }, { 'thing' => 'baz' }] expect(subject).to receive(:hosts).and_return(hosts).twice expect(subject).to receive(:hosts=) .with([{ 'thing' => 'bar' }]) subject.confine :except, :thing => %w[foo baz] end it 'rejects hosts when a passed block returns true' do host1 = { 'platform' => 'solaris' } host2 = { 'platform' => 'solaris' } host3 = { 'platform' => 'windows' } ret1 = ('Result1', :stdout)).new(':global') ret2 = ('Result2', :stdout)).new('a_zone') hosts = [host1, host2, host3] expect(subject).to receive(:hosts).and_return(hosts).twice expect(subject).to receive(:on) .with(host1, '/sbin/zonename') .and_return(ret1) expect(subject).to receive(:on) .with(host1, '/sbin/zonename') .and_return(ret2) expect(subject).to receive(:hosts=).with([host1]) subject.confine :to, :platform => 'solaris' do |host| subject.on(host, '/sbin/zonename').stdout.include?(':global') end end it 'doesn\'t corrupt the global hosts hash when confining from a subset of hosts' do host1 = { 'platform' => 'solaris', :roles => ['master'] } host2 = { 'platform' => 'solaris', :roles => ['agent'] } host3 = { 'platform' => 'windows', :roles => ['agent'] } hosts = [host1, host2, host3] agents = [host2, host3] expect(subject).to receive(:hosts).and_return(hosts) expect(subject).to receive(:hosts=).with([host2, host1]) confined_hosts = subject.confine :except, { :platform => 'windows' }, agents expect(confined_hosts).to be === [host2, host1] end it 'can apply multiple confines correctly' do host1 = { 'platform' => 'solaris', :roles => ['master'] } host2 = { 'platform' => 'solaris', :roles => ['agent'] } host3 = { 'platform' => 'windows', :roles => ['agent'] } host4 = { 'platform' => 'fedora', :roles => ['agent'] } host5 = { 'platform' => 'fedora', :roles => ['agent'] } hosts = [host1, host2, host3, host4, host5] agents = [host2, host3, host4, host5] expect(subject).to receive(:hosts).and_return(hosts).exactly(3).times expect(subject).to receive(:hosts=).with([host1, host2, host4, host5]) hosts = subject.confine :except, { :platform => 'windows' } expect(hosts).to be === [host1, host2, host4, host5] expect(subject).to receive(:hosts=).with([host4, host5, host1]) hosts = subject.confine :to, { :platform => 'fedora' }, agents expect(hosts).to be === [host4, host5, host1] end it 'can apply confine with multiple arguments' do host1 = { 'platform' => 'solaris', 'hypervisor' => 'vmpooler' } host2 = { 'platform' => 'windows', 'hypervisor' => 'vmpooler' } host3 = { 'platform' => 'fedora', 'hypervisor' => 'vmpooler' } host4 = { 'platform' => 'fedora', 'hypervisor' => 'docker' } hosts = [host1, host2, host3, host4] expect(subject).to receive(:hosts).and_return(hosts).twice expect(subject).to receive(:hosts=).with([host1, host2, host3]) result = subject.confine :except, { :platform => 'fedora', :hypervisor => 'docker' } expect(result).to eq([host1, host2, host3]) end end describe '#select_hosts' do let(:logger) { double.as_null_object } before do allow(subject).to receive(:logger).and_return(logger) end it 'returns an empty array if there are no applicable hosts' do hosts = [{ 'thing' => 'foo' }, { 'thing' => 'bar' }] expect(subject.select_hosts({ 'thing' => 'nope' }, hosts)).to be == [] end it 'selects hosts that match a list of criteria' do hosts = [{ 'thing' => 'foo' }, { 'thing' => 'bar' }, { 'thing' => 'baz' }] expect(subject.select_hosts({ :thing => %w[foo baz] }, hosts)).to be == [{ 'thing' => 'foo' }, { 'thing' => 'baz' }] end it 'selects hosts when a passed block returns true' do host1 = { 'platform' => 'solaris1' } host2 = { 'platform' => 'solaris2' } host3 = { 'platform' => 'windows' } ret1 = double('result1') allow(ret1).to receive(:stdout).and_return(':global') ret2 = double('result2') allow(ret2).to receive(:stdout).and_return('a_zone') hosts = [host1, host2, host3] expect(subject).to receive(:hosts).and_return(hosts) expect(subject).to receive(:on).with(host1, '/sbin/zonename').once.and_return(ret1) expect(subject).to receive(:on).with(host2, '/sbin/zonename').once.and_return(ret2) selected_hosts = subject.select_hosts 'platform' => 'solaris' do |host| subject.on(host, '/sbin/zonename').stdout.include?(':global') end expect(selected_hosts).to be == [host1] end end end