require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper' describe Sprinkle::Installers::Source do include Sprinkle::Deployment before do @source = '' @deployment = deployment do delivery :capistrano source do prefix '/usr' archives '/usr/archives' builds '/usr/builds' end end @installer = create_source @source do prefix '/usr/local' archives '/usr/local/archives' builds '/usr/local/builds' enable %w( headers ssl deflate so ) disable %w( cache proxy rewrite ) with %w( debug extras ) without %w( fancyisms ) option %w( foo bar baz ) end @installer.defaults(@deployment) end def create_source(source, version = nil, &block) @package = mock(Sprinkle::Package, :name => 'package', :version => version), source, &block) end describe 'when created' do it 'should accept a source archive name to install' do @installer.source.should == @source end end describe 'before installation' do before do @settings = { :prefix => '/usr/local', :archives => '/usr/local/tmp', :builds => '/usr/local/stage' } end it 'should fail if no installation area has been specified' do @settings.delete(:prefix) end it 'should fail if no build area has been specified' do @settings.delete(:builds) end it 'should fail if no source download area has been specified' do @settings.delete(:archives) end after do @settings.each { |k, v| @installer.send k, v } lambda { @installer.install_sequence }.should raise_error end end describe 'customized configuration' do it 'should support specification of "enable" options' do @installer.enable.should == %w( headers ssl deflate so ) end it 'should support specification of "disable" options' do @installer.disable.should == %w( cache proxy rewrite ) end it 'should support specification of "with" options' do @installer.with.should == %w( debug extras ) end it 'should support specification of "without" options' do @installer.without.should == %w( fancyisms ) end it 'should support specification of "option" options' do @installer.option.should == %w( foo bar baz ) end it 'should support customized build area' do @installer.prefix.should == '/usr/local' end it 'should support customized source area' do @installer.archives.should == '/usr/local/archives' end it 'should support customized install area' do @installer.builds.should == '/usr/local/builds' end end describe 'during gnu source archive style installation' do it 'should prepare the build, installation and source archives area' do @installer.should_receive(:prepare).and_return( [ 'mkdir -p /usr/local', 'mkdir -p /usr/local/builds', 'mkdir -p /usr/local/archives' ] ) end it 'should download the source archive' do @installer.should_receive(:download).and_return( [ "wget -cq --directory-prefix='/usr/local/archives' #{@source}" ] ) end it 'should extract the source archive' do @installer.should_receive(:extract).and_return( [ "bash -c 'cd /usr/local/builds && tar xzf /usr/local/archives/ruby-1.8.6-p111.tar.gz" ] ) end it 'should configure the source' do enable = %w( headers ssl deflate so ).inject([]) { |m, value| m << "--enable-#{value}"; m } disable = %w( cache proxy rewrite ).inject([]) { |m, value| m << "--disable-#{value}"; m } with = %w( debug extras ).inject([]) { |m, value| m << "--with-#{value}"; m } without = %w( fancyisms ).inject([]) { |m, value| m << "--without-#{value}"; m } options = "#{enable.join(' ')} #{disable.join(' ')} #{with.join(' ')} #{without.join(' ')}" @installer.should_receive(:build).and_return( [ "bash -c 'cd /usr/local/builds && ./configure --prefix=/usr/local #{options} > #{}-configure.log 2>&1'" ] ) end it 'should build the source' do @installer.should_receive(:build).and_return( [ "bash -c 'cd /usr/local/builds && make > #{}-build.log 2>&1'" ] ) end it 'should install the source' do @installer.should_receive(:install).and_return( [ "bash -c 'cd /usr/local/builds && make install > #{}-install.log 2>&1'" ] ) end describe 'with a custom archive definition' do before do @installer.options[:custom_archive] = 'super-foo.tar' end it 'should install the source from the custom archive' do @installer.send(:extract_commands).first.should =~ /super-foo/ @installer.send(:configure_commands).first.should =~ /super-foo/ @installer.send(:build_commands).first.should =~ /super-foo/ @installer.send(:install_commands).first.should =~ /super-foo/ end end describe 'during a customized install' do before do @installer = create_source @source do custom_install 'ruby setup.rb' end @installer.defaults(@deployment) end it 'should store the custom install commands' do @installer.options[:custom_install].should == 'ruby setup.rb' end it 'should identify as having a custom install command' do @installer.should be_custom_install end it 'should not configure the source automatically' do @installer.should_receive(:configure).and_return([]) end it 'should not build the source automatically' do @installer.should_receive(:build).and_return([]) end it 'should install the source using a custom installation command' do @installer.send(:custom_install_commands).first.should =~ /ruby setup.rb/ end it 'should be run relative to the source build area' do @installer.send(:custom_install_commands).first.should =~ %r{cd /usr/builds/ruby-1.8.6-p111} end describe 'with a customized directory' do before do @installer.options[:custom_dir] = 'test' end it 'should install the source from the custom dir path' do @installer.send(:custom_install_commands).first.should =~ /test/ end it 'should store the custom build dir path' do @installer.options[:custom_dir].should == 'test' end end end after do @installer.send :install_sequence end end describe 'pre stage commands' do before do @commands = { :prepare => %w( prepare1 prepare2 ), :download => %w( down1 down2 ), :extract => %w( ex1 ex2 ), :configure => %w( conf1 conf2 ), :build => %w( build1 build2 ), :install => %w( install1 install2 ) } @installer = create_source @source @commands.each { |k, v| @installer.pre k, *v } @installer.defaults(@deployment) end it 'should run all pre-prepare commands' do @commands.each { |k, v| @installer.should_receive(:pre_commands).with(k).and_return(v) } end it 'should be run relative to the source build area' do @commands.each { |stage, command| @installer.send(:pre_commands, stage).first.should =~ %r{cd /usr/builds/ruby-1.8.6-p111} } end after do @installer.send :install_sequence end end describe 'post stage commands' do before do @commands = { :prepare => %w( prepare1 prepare2 ), :download => %w( down1 down2 ), :extract => %w( ex1 ex2 ), :configure => %w( conf1 conf2 ), :build => %w( build1 build2 ), :install => %w( install1 install2 ) } @installer = create_source @source @commands.each { |k, v| k, *v } @installer.defaults(@deployment) end it 'should run all post-prepare commands' do @commands.each { |k, v| @installer.should_receive(:post_commands).with(k).and_return(v) } end it 'should be run relative to the source build area' do @commands.each { |stage, command| @installer.send(:post_commands, stage).first.should =~ %r{cd /usr/builds/ruby-1.8.6-p111} } end after do @installer.send :install_sequence end end describe 'install sequence' do it 'should prepare, then download, then extract, then configure, then build, then install' do %w( prepare download extract configure build install ).each do |stage| @installer.should_receive(stage).ordered.and_return([]) end end after do @installer.send :install_sequence end end describe 'source extraction' do it 'should support tgz archives' do @installer.source = 'blah.tgz' @extraction = 'tar xzf' end it 'should support tar.gz archives' do @installer.source = 'blah.tgz' @extraction = 'tar xzf' end it 'should support tar.bz2 archives' do @installer.source = 'blah.tar.bz2' @extraction = 'tar xjf' end it 'should support tb2 archives' do @installer.source = 'blah.tb2' @extraction = 'tar xjf' end it 'should support zip archives' do @installer.source = '' @extraction = 'unzip' end after do @installer.send(:extract_command).should == @extraction end end end