module RRTF class ListTable def initialize @templates = [] end def new_template @templates.push @templates.last end def to_rtf(indent=0) return '' if @templates.empty? prefix = indent > 0 ? ' ' * indent : '' # List table text = "#{prefix}{\\*\\listtable" @templates.each {|tpl| text << tpl.to_rtf} text << "}" # List override table, a Cargo Cult. text << "#{prefix}{\\*\\listoverridetable" @templates.each do |tpl| text << "{\\listoverride\\listid#{}\\listoverridecount0\\ls#{}}" end text << "}\n" end protected def next_template_id @templates.size + 1 end end class ListMarker def initialize(name, codepoint=nil) @name = name @codepoint = codepoint end def bullet? !@codepoint.nil? end def type bullet? ? :bullet : :decimal end def number_type # 23: bullet, 0: arabic # applies to the \levelnfcN macro # bullet? ? 23 : 0 end def name name = "\\{#@name\\}" name << '.' unless bullet? name end def template_format # The first char is the string size, the next ones are # either placeholders (\'0X) or actual characters to # include in the format. In the bullet case, \uc0 is # used to get rid of the multibyte translation: we want # an Unicode character. # # In the decimal case, we have a fixed format, with a # dot following the actual number. # if bullet? "\\'01\\uc0\\u#@codepoint" else "\\'02\\'00. " end end def text_format(n=nil) text = if bullet? "\\uc0\\u#@codepoint" else "#{n}." end "\t#{text}\t" end end class ListTemplate attr_reader :id Markers = { :disc =>'disc', 0x2022), :hyphen =>'hyphen', 0x2043), :decimal =>'decimal' ) } def initialize(id) @levels = [] @id = id end def level_for(level, kind = :bullets) @levels[level-1] ||= begin # Only disc for now: we'll add support # for more customization options later marker = Markers[kind == :bullets ? :disc : :decimal], marker, level) end end def to_rtf(indent=0) prefix = indent > 0 ? ' ' * indent : '' text = "#{prefix}{\\list\\listtemplate#{id}\\listhybrid" @levels.each {|lvl| text << lvl.to_rtf} text << "{\\listname;}\\listid#{id}}\n" text end end class ListLevel ValidLevels = (1..9) LevelTabs = [ 220, 720, 1133, 1700, 2267, 2834, 3401, 3968, 4535, 5102, 5669, 6236, 6803 ].freeze ResetTabs = [560].concat(LevelTabs[2..-1]).freeze attr_reader :level, :marker def initialize(template, marker, level) unless marker.kind_of? ListMarker"Invalid marker #{marker.inspect}") end unless ValidLevels.include? level"Invalid list level: #{level}") end @template = template @level = level @marker = marker end def type @marker.type end def reset_tabs ResetTabs end def tabs @tabs ||= begin tabs = LevelTabs.dup # Kernel#tap would be prettier here (@level - 1).times do # Reverse-engineered while looking at # generated output: they already made sure that it # would look good on every RTF editor :-p # a, = tabs.shift(3) a,b = a + 720, a + 1220 tabs.shift while tabs.first < b tabs.unshift a, b end tabs end end def id @id ||= * 10 + level end def indent @indent ||= level * 720 end def to_rtf(indent=0) prefix = indent > 0 ? ' ' * indent : '' text = "#{prefix}{\\listlevel\\levelstartat1" # Marker type. The first declaration is for Backward Compatibility (BC). nfc = @marker.number_type text << "\\levelnfc#{nfc}\\levelnfcn#{nfc}" # Justification, currently only left justified (0). First decl for BC. text << '\leveljc0\leveljcn0' # Character that follows the level text, currently only TAB. text << '\levelfollow0' # BC: Minimum distance from the left & right edges. text << '\levelindent0\levelspace360' # Marker name text << "{\\*\\levelmarker #{}}" # Marker text format text << "{\\leveltext\\leveltemplateid#{id}#{@marker.template_format};}" text << '{\levelnumbers;}' # The actual spacing text << "\\fi-360\\li#{self.indent}\\lin#{self.indent}}\n" end end end