module ActiveJobChannel module Broadcaster class NoIdentifierError < NameError MESSAGE = 'ActiveJobChannel expects an ActionCable Connection ' \ 'identifier to broadcast to. The identifier should be made available ' \ 'in your job via a method or an instance variable, either named ' \ '`ajc_identifier`. For details about setting up an identifier in ' \ 'your ActionCable Connection, visit' \ "action_cable_overview.html#connection-setup\n\nTo broadcast " \ 'globally without an identifier, pass in ' \ '`{ global_broadcast: true } ` to `active_job_channel` as part of an ' \ 'options hash.'.freeze def initialize(msg = MESSAGE) super end end module ClassMethods def active_job_channel(options = {}) class_attribute :ajc_config self.ajc_config = { global_broadcast: false } ajc_config.merge!(options) after_perform :broadcast_success rescue_from '::StandardError' do |exception| broadcast_failure(exception) raise exception end include ActiveJobChannel::Broadcaster::InstanceMethods end end module InstanceMethods private attr_writer :ajc_identifier def ajc_channel_name if ajc_config[:global_broadcast] ::ActiveJobChannel::Channel::CHANNEL_NAME else [::ActiveJobChannel::Channel::CHANNEL_NAME, ajc_identifier]. compact. join('#') end end def ajc_identifier raise NoIdentifierError if ajc_identifier_missing? @ajc_identifier end def ajc_identifier_missing? !ajc_config[:global_broadcast] && @ajc_identifier.nil? end def broadcast_failure(exception) ActionCable.server.broadcast( ajc_channel_name, status: 'failure', job_name: self.class.to_s, error: exception.inspect ) end def broadcast_success ActionCable.server.broadcast( ajc_channel_name, status: 'success', job_name: self.class.to_s ) end end end end