# # = Sorting # Contents: # 1. {Heapsort of vectors}[link:files/rdoc/sort_rdoc.html#1] # 1. {Sorting vectors}[link:files/rdoc/sort_rdoc.html#2] # 1. {Selecting the k smallest or largest elements}[link:files/rdoc/sort_rdoc.html#3] # # == {}[link:index.html"name="1] Heapsort # # --- # * GSL::Vector#heapsort # * GSL::Vector::Complex#heapsort # * GSL.heapsort(v) # # These method sort the elements of the vector self # using the comparison function given by a block, and return the result # as a new vector object. The vector self is not changed. # # Example: Sorting a complex vector in ascending order by magnitudes. # # p v.heapsort { |a, b| # a.abs <=> b.abs # } # # --- # * GSL::Vector#heapsort! # * GSL::Vector::Complex#heapsort! # * GSL.heapsort!(v) # # These method sort the elements of the vector self in-place. # # --- # * GSL::Vector#heapsort_index # * GSL::Vector::Complex#heapsort_index # * GSL.heapsort_index(v) # # These method indirectly sort the elements of the vector self # using the comparison # function given by a block, and return the result # as a permutation object. The vector itself is not changed. # # == {}[link:index.html"name="2] Sorting vectors # --- # * GSL::Vector#sort! # # This method sorts the elements of the vector self into # ascending numerical order. The vector itself is changed. # # --- # * GSL::Vector#sort # # This returns a new vector whose elements are sorted into ascending # numerical order. The vector self is not changed. # # --- # * GSL::Vector#sort_index # # This method indirectly sorts the elements of the vector self # into ascending order, # and returns the result as a GSL::Permutation object. # The elements of the returned permutation give the index of the vector # element which would # have been stored in that position if the vector had been sorted in place. # The first element of the permutation gives the index of the least element # in self, and the last element of the permutation gives the index # of the greatest element in # self. The vector self is not changed. # # == {}[link:index.html"name="3] Selecting the k smallest or largest elements # --- # * GSL::Vector#sort_smallest(k) # * GSL::Vector#sort_largest(k) # # These functions return a new vector of the k smallest or # largest elements of the vector self. # The argument k must be less than or equal to the length # of the vector self. # # --- # * GSL::Vector#sort_smallest_index(k) # * GSL::Vector#sort_largest_index(k) # # These functions return a new GSL::Permutation object of the indices of the # k smallest or largest elements of the vector self. # k must be less than or equal to the length of the vector. # # # {prev}[link:files/rdoc/multiset_rdoc.html] # {next}[link:files/rdoc/blas_rdoc.html] # # {Reference index}[link:files/rdoc/ref_rdoc.html] # {top}[link:files/rdoc/index_rdoc.html] # #