{% comment %} This page conforms to the structure introduced by docs-base layout, supporting expandable navigation widget. {% endcomment %} {% assign product_base_url = page.url | split: "/" | slice: 0, 3 | join: "/" | append: "/" %} {% if page.url == product_base_url %} {% assign is_docs_landing = true %} {% else %} {% assign is_docs_landing = false %} {% endif %} {% assign item_docs = include.items | where_exp: "item", "item.url contains product_base_url" %} {% assign nav = item_docs | where_exp: "item", "item.path contains 'docs/navigation'" | first %} {% if nav == nil %} {% assign nav = page.navigation || layout.navigation %} {% endif %} {% assign num_top_nav_items = nav.items | size %} {% assign item_data = include.items | where_exp: "item", "item.url == product_base_url" | first %} {% if item_data['docs']['git_repo_subtree'] %} {% assign docs_base_url = product_base_url | append: item_data['docs']['git_repo_subtree'] | append: "/" %} {% else %} {% assign docs_base_url = product_base_url %} {% endif %} {% if is_docs_landing != true %}
{% endif %}
{% if is_docs_landing == false %} {% endif %}
{% if include.item_type == 'software' and page.url == product_base_url %}
{% include software-symbol.html item_id=page.id %}
{% endif %}

{{ page.article_header_title | default: page.title }}

{% if is_docs_landing == false %} {% endif %}

{{ page.description }}

{% if is_docs_landing %} {% endif %}
{{ content }}
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