require 'spec_helper' require 'tempfile' require 'faker' describe Twimock::Config do let(:db_name) { ".test" } let(:database) { } let(:host) { "" } let(:port) { 443 } let(:callback_url) { "http://localhost/auth/twiter/callback" } before { stub_const("Twimock::Database::DEFAULT_DB_NAME", db_name) } after { database.drop } describe '.host' do after { = host } subject { } it { eq host } context 'when set this' do before { = host } let(:host) { "" } it { eq host } end end describe '.port' do after { Twimock::Config.port = port } subject { Twimock::Config.port } it { eq port } context 'when set this' do before { Twimock::Config.port = port } let(:port) { 80 } it { eq port } end end describe '.callback_url' do after { Twimock::Config.callback_url = callback_url } subject { Twimock::Config.callback_url } it { eq callback_url } context 'when set this' do before { Twimock::Config.callback_url = callback_url } let(:callback_url) { "http://localhost:3000/users/auth/twitter/callback" } it { eq callback_url } end end ['default_database', 'database']. each do |db| describe "##{db}" do before do [:connect, :create_tables, :disconnect!].each do |method| allow_any_instance_of(Twimock::Database).to receive(method) { true } end end subject { Twimock::Config.send(db) } it { be_truthy } describe '.name' do subject { Twimock::Config.send(db).name } it { is_expected.not_to be_nil } it { is_expected.not_to be_empty } end end end describe '#reset_database' do subject { Twimock::Config.reset_database } it { be_nil } end describe '#load_users' do let(:app) { app_data } let(:yaml_load_data) { [app] } let(:path) { create_temporary_yaml_file(yaml_load_data) } context 'without argument' do subject { lambda { Twimock::Config.load_users } } it { raise_error ArgumentError } end context 'with yaml file path' do subject { lambda { Twimock::Config.load_users(path) } } context 'but file does not exist' do let(:path) { 'testdata.yml' } it { raise_error Errno::ENOENT } end shared_examples 'IncorrectDataFormat' do it 'app and user should not be created' do raise_error Twimock::Errors::IncorrectDataFormat expect(Twimock::Application.all).to be_empty expect(Twimock::User.all).to be_empty end end context 'but incorrect format' do context 'when load data is not array' do let(:yaml_load_data) { "" } it_behaves_like 'IncorrectDataFormat' end [:id, :api_key, :api_secret, :users].each do |key| context "when #{key} is not exist" do before { app.delete(key) } it_behaves_like 'IncorrectDataFormat' end end [:id, :name, :password].each do |key| context "when users #{key} is not exist" do before { app[:users].first.delete(key) } it_behaves_like 'IncorrectDataFormat' end end end context 'yaml is correct format' do let(:yaml_load_data) { [app_data, app_data(2)] } let(:app_count) { yaml_load_data.size } let(:user_count) { yaml_load_data.inject(0){ |count, data| count += data[:users].size } } let(:app) { yaml_load_data.first } let(:user) { yaml_load_data.first[:users].first } it 'app and user should be created' do expect{ Twimock::Config.load_users(path) }.not_to raise_error expect(Twimock::Application.all.count).to eq app_count expect(Twimock::User.all.count).to eq user_count expect(Twimock::AccessToken.all.count).to eq user_count # 要改善 : yamlの全部が登録されたことがチェックされていない [:api_key, :api_secret].each do |key| expect(Twimock::Application.find_by_id(app[:id]).send(key).to_s).to eq app[key].to_s end [:name, :password].each do |key| expect(Twimock::User.find_by_id(user[:id]).send(key).to_s).to eq user[key].to_s end access_tokens = Twimock::AccessToken.where(user_id: user[:id]) expect(access_tokens.count).to eq 1 access_token = access_tokens.first expect(access_token.string).to eq user[:access_token] expect(access_token.secret).to eq user[:access_token_secret] expect(access_token.application_id).to eq app[:id] end end context 'same user should not be created' do let(:new_path) { create_temporary_yaml_file(yaml_load_data) } before { Twimock::Config.load_users(path) } it { expect{ Twimock::Config.load_users(new_path) }.not_to change{ Twimock::User.all.count } } end end end end def app_data(user_count = 1) users = [] user_count.times do user = { id: Faker::Number.number(10), name: create_user_name, password: Faker::Internet.password, access_token: Faker::Lorem.characters(50), access_token_secret: Faker::Lorem.characters(45) } users.push user end app = { id: Faker::Number.number(10).to_i, api_key: Faker::Lorem.characters(25), api_secret: Faker::Lorem.characters(50), users: users } end def create_user_name n = (n.include?("'") || n.include?(".")) ? create_user_name : n end def create_temporary_yaml_file(data) ymlfile = 'testdata.yml' path = do |tempfile| tempfile.puts YAML.dump(data) tempfile.path end end