Feature: Middlemac produces plist and strings files, uses correct HTML formats, and provides useful helpers to generate content. As a software developer I want to build useable macOS help books. Background: Given a built app at "middlemac_app" Scenario: The correct HTML version must be used on generated files. When I cd to "New_Project_(pro).help/Contents/Resources/en.lproj/" And the file "index.html" should contain "" And the file "testing_world_file.html" should contain "" Scenario: The Info.plist file must be processed with relevant data. When I cd to "New_Project_(pro).help/Contents/" And the file "Info.plist" should contain "com.sample.project.pro.help" And the file "Info.plist" should contain "New Project" And the file "Info.plist" should contain "New Project.helpindex" And the file "Info.plist" should contain "New Project Help" And the file "Info.plist" should contain "http://www.sample.com" Scenario: The InfoPlist.strings file must be processed with relevant data. When I cd to "New_Project_(pro).help/Contents/Resources/en.lproj/" And the file "InfoPlist.strings" should contain "New Project" And the file "InfoPlist.strings" should contain "New Project Help" Scenario: The help index file should have been produced. When I cd to "New_Project_(pro).help/Contents/Resources/en.lproj/" And the file "New Project.helpindex" should exist Scenario: The navigation.json file must have relevant data. When I cd to "New_Project_(pro).help/Contents/Resources/en.lproj/" And the file "navigation.json" should contain "sample_group_number_two/nested_group_example/page_san.html" And the file "navigation.json" should contain '"landing": "topic-Resources-en.lproj",' Scenario: The helpers will produce correct output. When I cd to "New_Project_(pro).help/Contents/Resources/en.lproj/" And the file "testing_world_file.html" should contain "Resources/SharedGlobalAssets/_partials" And the file "testing_world_file.html" should contain "com.sample.project.pro.help" And the file "testing_world_file.html" should contain "New Project" And the file "testing_world_file.html" should contain "New Project Pro" And the file "testing_world_file.html" should contain "3.1.0" And the file "testing_world_file.html" should contain "http://www.sample.com" And the file "testing_world_file.html" should contain "_new_style_partial" And the file "testing_world_file.html" should contain "_partials_dir_partial"