require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '/../../test_helper') class Cms::SectionNodesControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase include Cms::ControllerTestHelper def test_index_as_admin login_as_cms_admin @foo = Factory(:section, :name => "Foo", :parent => root_section) @bar = Factory(:section, :name => "Bar", :parent => @foo) @page = Factory(:page, :name => "Test Page", :section => @bar) get :index assert_response :success assert_select "title", "Sitemap" assert_select "h1", "Sitemap" assert_select "#sitemap" do assert_select "ul#root_1" do assert_select "#section_#{}" do assert_select "div", "My Site" end end assert_select "ul#section_node_#{}" do assert_select "#section_#{}" do assert_select "div", "Foo" end end assert_select "ul#section_node_#{}" do assert_select "#section_#{}" do assert_select "div", "Bar" end assert_select "#section_node_#{}" do assert_select "#page_#{}" do assert_select "div", "Test Page" end end end end end end class Cms::SectionNodesControllerPermissionsTest < ActionController::TestCase tests Cms::SectionNodesController include Cms::ControllerTestHelper def setup # DRYME copypaste from UserPermissionTest @user = Factory(:user) login_as(@user) @group = Factory(:group, :name => "Test", :group_type => Factory(:group_type, :name => "CMS User", :cms_access => true)) @group.permissions << create_or_find_permission_named("edit_content") @group.permissions << create_or_find_permission_named("publish_content") @user.groups << @group @editable_section = Factory(:section, :parent => root_section, :name => "Editable") @group.sections << @editable_section @editable_page = Factory(:page, :section => @editable_section, :name => "Editable Page") @editable_link = Factory(:link, :section => @editable_section, :name => "Editable Link") @noneditable_section = Factory(:section, :parent => root_section, :name => "Not Editable") @noneditable_page = Factory(:page, :section => @noneditable_section, :name => "Non-Editable Page") @noneditable_link = Factory(:link, :section => @noneditable_section, :name => "Non-Editable Link") @noneditables = [@noneditable_section, @noneditable_page, @noneditable_link] @editables = [@editable_section, @editable_page, @editable_link,] end def test_index_as_contributor_with_subsections get :index assert_response :success # Check that each non-editable has the non-editable class, and that each editable does not have # the non-editable class @noneditables.each do |ne| assert_select "td.node.non-editable div", end @editables.each do |e| td = css_select("td##{e.class.to_s.underscore}_#{}", assert !td.attributes["class"].include?("non-editable") end end end