/* * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. * (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at * http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) * * Copyright (c) 2009 Helge Bahmann * Copyright (c) 2012 Tim Blechmann * Copyright (c) 2014 Andrey Semashev */ /*! * \file atomic/detail/ops_gcc_x86_dcas.hpp * * This header contains implementation of the double-width CAS primitive for x86. */ #ifndef BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_OPS_GCC_X86_DCAS_HPP_INCLUDED_ #define BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_OPS_GCC_X86_DCAS_HPP_INCLUDED_ #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef BOOST_HAS_PRAGMA_ONCE #pragma once #endif namespace boost { namespace atomics { namespace detail { #if defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_X86_HAS_CMPXCHG8B) template< bool Signed > struct gcc_dcas_x86 { typedef typename make_storage_type< 8u, Signed >::type storage_type; typedef typename make_storage_type< 8u, Signed >::aligned aligned_storage_type; static BOOST_CONSTEXPR_OR_CONST bool is_always_lock_free = true; static BOOST_FORCEINLINE void store(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { if ((((uint32_t)&storage) & 0x00000007) == 0) { #if defined(__SSE2__) __asm__ __volatile__ ( #if defined(__AVX__) "vmovq %1, %%xmm4\n\t" "vmovq %%xmm4, %0\n\t" #else "movq %1, %%xmm4\n\t" "movq %%xmm4, %0\n\t" #endif : "=m" (storage) : "m" (v) : "memory", "xmm4" ); #else __asm__ __volatile__ ( "fildll %1\n\t" "fistpll %0\n\t" : "=m" (storage) : "m" (v) : "memory" ); #endif } else { #if !defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_NO_ASM_IMPLIED_ZERO_DISPLACEMENTS) #if defined(__PIC__) uint32_t v_lo = (uint32_t)v; uint32_t scratch; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "movl %%ebx, %[scratch]\n\t" "movl %[value_lo], %%ebx\n\t" "movl %[dest], %%eax\n\t" "movl 4+%[dest], %%edx\n\t" ".align 16\n\t" "1: lock; cmpxchg8b %[dest]\n\t" "jne 1b\n\t" "movl %[scratch], %%ebx\n\t" : [scratch] "=m" (scratch), [dest] "=o" (storage), [value_lo] "+a" (v_lo) : "c" ((uint32_t)(v >> 32)) : BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_ASM_CLOBBER_CC_COMMA "edx", "memory" ); #else // defined(__PIC__) __asm__ __volatile__ ( "movl %[dest], %%eax\n\t" "movl 4+%[dest], %%edx\n\t" ".align 16\n\t" "1: lock; cmpxchg8b %[dest]\n\t" "jne 1b\n\t" : [dest] "=o" (storage) : [value_lo] "b" ((uint32_t)v), "c" ((uint32_t)(v >> 32)) : BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_ASM_CLOBBER_CC_COMMA "eax", "edx", "memory" ); #endif // defined(__PIC__) #else // !defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_NO_ASM_IMPLIED_ZERO_DISPLACEMENTS) #if defined(__PIC__) uint32_t v_lo = (uint32_t)v; uint32_t scratch; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "movl %%ebx, %[scratch]\n\t" "movl %[value_lo], %%ebx\n\t" "movl 0(%[dest]), %%eax\n\t" "movl 4(%[dest]), %%edx\n\t" ".align 16\n\t" "1: lock; cmpxchg8b 0(%[dest])\n\t" "jne 1b\n\t" "movl %[scratch], %%ebx\n\t" #if !defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_NO_ASM_CONSTRAINT_ALTERNATIVES) : [scratch] "=m,m" (scratch), [value_lo] "+a,a" (v_lo) : "c,c" ((uint32_t)(v >> 32)), [dest] "D,S" (&storage) #else : [scratch] "=m" (scratch), [value_lo] "+a" (v_lo) : "c" ((uint32_t)(v >> 32)), [dest] "D" (&storage) #endif : BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_ASM_CLOBBER_CC_COMMA "edx", "memory" ); #else // defined(__PIC__) __asm__ __volatile__ ( "movl 0(%[dest]), %%eax\n\t" "movl 4(%[dest]), %%edx\n\t" ".align 16\n\t" "1: lock; cmpxchg8b 0(%[dest])\n\t" "jne 1b\n\t" : #if !defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_NO_ASM_CONSTRAINT_ALTERNATIVES) : [value_lo] "b,b" ((uint32_t)v), "c,c" ((uint32_t)(v >> 32)), [dest] "D,S" (&storage) #else : [value_lo] "b" ((uint32_t)v), "c" ((uint32_t)(v >> 32)), [dest] "D" (&storage) #endif : BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_ASM_CLOBBER_CC_COMMA "eax", "edx", "memory" ); #endif // defined(__PIC__) #endif // !defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_NO_ASM_IMPLIED_ZERO_DISPLACEMENTS) } } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type load(storage_type const volatile& storage, memory_order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { storage_type value; if ((((uint32_t)&storage) & 0x00000007) == 0) { #if defined(__SSE2__) __asm__ __volatile__ ( #if defined(__AVX__) "vmovq %1, %%xmm4\n\t" "vmovq %%xmm4, %0\n\t" #else "movq %1, %%xmm4\n\t" "movq %%xmm4, %0\n\t" #endif : "=m" (value) : "m" (storage) : "memory", "xmm4" ); #else __asm__ __volatile__ ( "fildll %1\n\t" "fistpll %0\n\t" : "=m" (value) : "m" (storage) : "memory" ); #endif } else { #if defined(__clang__) // Clang cannot allocate eax:edx register pairs but it has sync intrinsics value = __sync_val_compare_and_swap(&storage, (storage_type)0, (storage_type)0); #else // We don't care for comparison result here; the previous value will be stored into value anyway. // Also we don't care for ebx and ecx values, they just have to be equal to eax and edx before cmpxchg8b. __asm__ __volatile__ ( "movl %%ebx, %%eax\n\t" "movl %%ecx, %%edx\n\t" "lock; cmpxchg8b %[storage]\n\t" : "=&A" (value) : [storage] "m" (storage) : BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_ASM_CLOBBER_CC_COMMA "memory" ); #endif } return value; } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool compare_exchange_strong( storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type& expected, storage_type desired, memory_order, memory_order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { #if defined(__clang__) // Clang cannot allocate eax:edx register pairs but it has sync intrinsics storage_type old_expected = expected; expected = __sync_val_compare_and_swap(&storage, old_expected, desired); return expected == old_expected; #elif defined(__PIC__) // Make sure ebx is saved and restored properly in case // of position independent code. To make this work // setup register constraints such that ebx can not be // used by accident e.g. as base address for the variable // to be modified. Accessing "scratch" should always be okay, // as it can only be placed on the stack (and therefore // accessed through ebp or esp only). // // In theory, could push/pop ebx onto/off the stack, but movs // to a prepared stack slot turn out to be faster. uint32_t scratch; bool success; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "movl %%ebx, %[scratch]\n\t" "movl %[desired_lo], %%ebx\n\t" "lock; cmpxchg8b %[dest]\n\t" "movl %[scratch], %%ebx\n\t" "sete %[success]\n\t" #if !defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_NO_ASM_CONSTRAINT_ALTERNATIVES) : "+A,A,A,A,A,A" (expected), [dest] "+m,m,m,m,m,m" (storage), [scratch] "=m,m,m,m,m,m" (scratch), [success] "=q,m,q,m,q,m" (success) : [desired_lo] "S,S,D,D,m,m" ((uint32_t)desired), "c,c,c,c,c,c" ((uint32_t)(desired >> 32)) #else : "+A" (expected), [dest] "+m" (storage), [scratch] "=m" (scratch), [success] "=q" (success) : [desired_lo] "S" ((uint32_t)desired), "c" ((uint32_t)(desired >> 32)) #endif : BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_ASM_CLOBBER_CC_COMMA "memory" ); return success; #else bool success; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "lock; cmpxchg8b %[dest]\n\t" "sete %[success]\n\t" #if !defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_NO_ASM_CONSTRAINT_ALTERNATIVES) : "+A,A" (expected), [dest] "+m,m" (storage), [success] "=q,m" (success) : "b,b" ((uint32_t)desired), "c,c" ((uint32_t)(desired >> 32)) #else : "+A" (expected), [dest] "+m" (storage), [success] "=q" (success) : "b" ((uint32_t)desired), "c" ((uint32_t)(desired >> 32)) #endif : BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_ASM_CLOBBER_CC_COMMA "memory" ); return success; #endif } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool compare_exchange_weak( storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type& expected, storage_type desired, memory_order success_order, memory_order failure_order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return compare_exchange_strong(storage, expected, desired, success_order, failure_order); } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type exchange(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { #if defined(__clang__) // Clang cannot allocate eax:edx register pairs but it has sync intrinsics storage_type old_val = storage; while (true) { storage_type val = __sync_val_compare_and_swap(&storage, old_val, v); if (val == old_val) return val; old_val = val; } #elif !defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_NO_ASM_IMPLIED_ZERO_DISPLACEMENTS) #if defined(__PIC__) uint32_t scratch; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "movl %%ebx, %[scratch]\n\t" "movl %%eax, %%ebx\n\t" "movl %%edx, %%ecx\n\t" "movl %[dest], %%eax\n\t" "movl 4+%[dest], %%edx\n\t" ".align 16\n\t" "1: lock; cmpxchg8b %[dest]\n\t" "jne 1b\n\t" "movl %[scratch], %%ebx\n\t" : "+A" (v), [scratch] "=m" (scratch), [dest] "+o" (storage) : : BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_ASM_CLOBBER_CC_COMMA "ecx", "memory" ); return v; #else // defined(__PIC__) __asm__ __volatile__ ( "movl %[dest], %%eax\n\t" "movl 4+%[dest], %%edx\n\t" ".align 16\n\t" "1: lock; cmpxchg8b %[dest]\n\t" "jne 1b\n\t" : "=A" (v), [dest] "+o" (storage) : "b" ((uint32_t)v), "c" ((uint32_t)(v >> 32)) : BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_ASM_CLOBBER_CC_COMMA "memory" ); return v; #endif // defined(__PIC__) #else // !defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_NO_ASM_IMPLIED_ZERO_DISPLACEMENTS) #if defined(__PIC__) uint32_t scratch; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "movl %%ebx, %[scratch]\n\t" "movl %%eax, %%ebx\n\t" "movl %%edx, %%ecx\n\t" "movl 0(%[dest]), %%eax\n\t" "movl 4(%[dest]), %%edx\n\t" ".align 16\n\t" "1: lock; cmpxchg8b 0(%[dest])\n\t" "jne 1b\n\t" "movl %[scratch], %%ebx\n\t" #if !defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_NO_ASM_CONSTRAINT_ALTERNATIVES) : "+A,A" (v), [scratch] "=m,m" (scratch) : [dest] "D,S" (&storage) #else : "+A" (v), [scratch] "=m" (scratch) : [dest] "D" (&storage) #endif : BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_ASM_CLOBBER_CC_COMMA "ecx", "memory" ); return v; #else // defined(__PIC__) __asm__ __volatile__ ( "movl 0(%[dest]), %%eax\n\t" "movl 4(%[dest]), %%edx\n\t" ".align 16\n\t" "1: lock; cmpxchg8b 0(%[dest])\n\t" "jne 1b\n\t" #if !defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_NO_ASM_CONSTRAINT_ALTERNATIVES) : "=A,A" (v) : "b,b" ((uint32_t)v), "c,c" ((uint32_t)(v >> 32)), [dest] "D,S" (&storage) #else : "=A" (v) : "b" ((uint32_t)v), "c" ((uint32_t)(v >> 32)), [dest] "D" (&storage) #endif : BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_ASM_CLOBBER_CC_COMMA "memory" ); return v; #endif // defined(__PIC__) #endif } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool is_lock_free(storage_type const volatile&) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return true; } }; #endif // defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_X86_HAS_CMPXCHG8B) #if defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_X86_HAS_CMPXCHG16B) template< bool Signed > struct gcc_dcas_x86_64 { typedef typename make_storage_type< 16u, Signed >::type storage_type; typedef typename make_storage_type< 16u, Signed >::aligned aligned_storage_type; static BOOST_CONSTEXPR_OR_CONST bool is_always_lock_free = true; static BOOST_FORCEINLINE void store(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { uint64_t const* p_value = (uint64_t const*)&v; const uint64_t v_lo = p_value[0], v_hi = p_value[1]; #if !defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_NO_ASM_IMPLIED_ZERO_DISPLACEMENTS) __asm__ __volatile__ ( "movq %[dest], %%rax\n\t" "movq 8+%[dest], %%rdx\n\t" ".align 16\n\t" "1: lock; cmpxchg16b %[dest]\n\t" "jne 1b\n\t" : [dest] "=o" (storage) : "b" (v_lo), "c" (v_hi) : BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_ASM_CLOBBER_CC_COMMA "rax", "rdx", "memory" ); #else // !defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_NO_ASM_IMPLIED_ZERO_DISPLACEMENTS) __asm__ __volatile__ ( "movq 0(%[dest]), %%rax\n\t" "movq 8(%[dest]), %%rdx\n\t" ".align 16\n\t" "1: lock; cmpxchg16b 0(%[dest])\n\t" "jne 1b\n\t" : : "b" (v_lo), "c" (v_hi), [dest] "r" (&storage) : BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_ASM_CLOBBER_CC_COMMA "rax", "rdx", "memory" ); #endif // !defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_NO_ASM_IMPLIED_ZERO_DISPLACEMENTS) } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type load(storage_type const volatile& storage, memory_order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { #if defined(__clang__) // Clang cannot allocate rax:rdx register pairs but it has sync intrinsics storage_type value = storage_type(); return __sync_val_compare_and_swap(&storage, value, value); #elif defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_NO_ASM_RAX_RDX_PAIRS) // GCC 4.4 can't allocate rax:rdx register pair either but it also doesn't support 128-bit __sync_val_compare_and_swap storage_type value; // We don't care for comparison result here; the previous value will be stored into value anyway. // Also we don't care for rbx and rcx values, they just have to be equal to rax and rdx before cmpxchg16b. #if !defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_NO_ASM_IMPLIED_ZERO_DISPLACEMENTS) __asm__ __volatile__ ( "movq %%rbx, %%rax\n\t" "movq %%rcx, %%rdx\n\t" "lock; cmpxchg16b %[storage]\n\t" "movq %%rax, %[value]\n\t" "movq %%rdx, 8+%[value]\n\t" : [value] "=o" (value) : [storage] "m" (storage) : BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_ASM_CLOBBER_CC_COMMA "memory", "rax", "rdx" ); #else // !defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_NO_ASM_IMPLIED_ZERO_DISPLACEMENTS) __asm__ __volatile__ ( "movq %%rbx, %%rax\n\t" "movq %%rcx, %%rdx\n\t" "lock; cmpxchg16b %[storage]\n\t" "movq %%rax, 0(%[value])\n\t" "movq %%rdx, 8(%[value])\n\t" : : [storage] "m" (storage), [value] "r" (&value) : BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_ASM_CLOBBER_CC_COMMA "memory", "rax", "rdx" ); #endif // !defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_NO_ASM_IMPLIED_ZERO_DISPLACEMENTS) return value; #else // defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_NO_ASM_RAX_RDX_PAIRS) storage_type value; // We don't care for comparison result here; the previous value will be stored into value anyway. // Also we don't care for rbx and rcx values, they just have to be equal to rax and rdx before cmpxchg16b. __asm__ __volatile__ ( "movq %%rbx, %%rax\n\t" "movq %%rcx, %%rdx\n\t" "lock; cmpxchg16b %[storage]\n\t" : "=&A" (value) : [storage] "m" (storage) : BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_ASM_CLOBBER_CC_COMMA "memory" ); return value; #endif } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool compare_exchange_strong( storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type& expected, storage_type desired, memory_order, memory_order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { #if defined(__clang__) // Clang cannot allocate rax:rdx register pairs but it has sync intrinsics storage_type old_expected = expected; expected = __sync_val_compare_and_swap(&storage, old_expected, desired); return expected == old_expected; #elif defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_NO_ASM_RAX_RDX_PAIRS) // GCC 4.4 can't allocate rax:rdx register pair either but it also doesn't support 128-bit __sync_val_compare_and_swap uint64_t const* p_desired = (uint64_t const*)&desired; const uint64_t desired_lo = p_desired[0], desired_hi = p_desired[1]; bool success; #if !defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_NO_ASM_IMPLIED_ZERO_DISPLACEMENTS) __asm__ __volatile__ ( "movq %[expected], %%rax\n\t" "movq 8+%[expected], %%rdx\n\t" "lock; cmpxchg16b %[dest]\n\t" "sete %[success]\n\t" "movq %%rax, %[expected]\n\t" "movq %%rdx, 8+%[expected]\n\t" : [dest] "+m" (storage), [expected] "+o" (expected), [success] "=q" (success) : "b" (desired_lo), "c" (desired_hi) : BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_ASM_CLOBBER_CC_COMMA "memory", "rax", "rdx" ); #else // !defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_NO_ASM_IMPLIED_ZERO_DISPLACEMENTS) __asm__ __volatile__ ( "movq 0(%[expected]), %%rax\n\t" "movq 8(%[expected]), %%rdx\n\t" "lock; cmpxchg16b %[dest]\n\t" "sete %[success]\n\t" "movq %%rax, 0(%[expected])\n\t" "movq %%rdx, 8(%[expected])\n\t" : [dest] "+m" (storage), [success] "=q" (success) : "b" (desired_lo), "c" (desired_hi), [expected] "r" (&expected) : BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_ASM_CLOBBER_CC_COMMA "memory", "rax", "rdx" ); #endif // !defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_NO_ASM_IMPLIED_ZERO_DISPLACEMENTS) return success; #else // defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_NO_ASM_RAX_RDX_PAIRS) uint64_t const* p_desired = (uint64_t const*)&desired; const uint64_t desired_lo = p_desired[0], desired_hi = p_desired[1]; bool success; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "lock; cmpxchg16b %[dest]\n\t" "sete %[success]\n\t" #if !defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_NO_ASM_CONSTRAINT_ALTERNATIVES) : "+A,A" (expected), [dest] "+m,m" (storage), [success] "=q,m" (success) : "b,b" (desired_lo), "c,c" (desired_hi) #else : "+A" (expected), [dest] "+m" (storage), [success] "=q" (success) : "b" (desired_lo), "c" (desired_hi) #endif : BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_ASM_CLOBBER_CC_COMMA "memory" ); return success; #endif } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool compare_exchange_weak( storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type& expected, storage_type desired, memory_order success_order, memory_order failure_order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return compare_exchange_strong(storage, expected, desired, success_order, failure_order); } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type exchange(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { #if defined(__clang__) // Clang cannot allocate eax:edx register pairs but it has sync intrinsics storage_type old_val = storage; while (true) { storage_type val = __sync_val_compare_and_swap(&storage, old_val, v); if (val == old_val) return val; old_val = val; } #elif defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_NO_ASM_RAX_RDX_PAIRS) // GCC 4.4 can't allocate rax:rdx register pair either but it also doesn't support 128-bit __sync_val_compare_and_swap storage_type old_value; uint64_t const* p_value = (uint64_t const*)&v; const uint64_t v_lo = p_value[0], v_hi = p_value[1]; #if !defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_NO_ASM_IMPLIED_ZERO_DISPLACEMENTS) __asm__ __volatile__ ( "movq %[dest], %%rax\n\t" "movq 8+%[dest], %%rdx\n\t" ".align 16\n\t" "1: lock; cmpxchg16b %[dest]\n\t" "jne 1b\n\t" "movq %%rax, %[old_value]\n\t" "movq %%rdx, 8+%[old_value]\n\t" : [dest] "+o" (storage), [old_value] "=o" (old_value) : "b" (v_lo), "c" (v_hi) : BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_ASM_CLOBBER_CC_COMMA "memory", "rax", "rdx" ); #else // !defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_NO_ASM_IMPLIED_ZERO_DISPLACEMENTS) __asm__ __volatile__ ( "movq 0(%[dest]), %%rax\n\t" "movq 8(%[dest]), %%rdx\n\t" ".align 16\n\t" "1: lock; cmpxchg16b 0(%[dest])\n\t" "jne 1b\n\t" "movq %%rax, 0(%[old_value])\n\t" "movq %%rdx, 8(%[old_value])\n\t" : : "b" (v_lo), "c" (v_hi), [dest] "r" (&storage), [old_value] "r" (&old_value) : BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_ASM_CLOBBER_CC_COMMA "memory", "rax", "rdx" ); #endif // !defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_NO_ASM_IMPLIED_ZERO_DISPLACEMENTS) return old_value; #else // defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_NO_ASM_RAX_RDX_PAIRS) uint64_t const* p_value = (uint64_t const*)&v; const uint64_t v_lo = p_value[0], v_hi = p_value[1]; #if !defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_NO_ASM_IMPLIED_ZERO_DISPLACEMENTS) __asm__ __volatile__ ( "movq %[dest], %%rax\n\t" "movq 8+%[dest], %%rdx\n\t" ".align 16\n\t" "1: lock; cmpxchg16b %[dest]\n\t" "jne 1b\n\t" : "=&A" (v), [dest] "+o" (storage) : "b" (v_lo), "c" (v_hi) : BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_ASM_CLOBBER_CC_COMMA "memory" ); #else // !defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_NO_ASM_IMPLIED_ZERO_DISPLACEMENTS) __asm__ __volatile__ ( "movq 0(%[dest]), %%rax\n\t" "movq 8(%[dest]), %%rdx\n\t" ".align 16\n\t" "1: lock; cmpxchg16b 0(%[dest])\n\t" "jne 1b\n\t" : "=&A" (v) : "b" (v_lo), "c" (v_hi), [dest] "r" (&storage) : BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_ASM_CLOBBER_CC_COMMA "memory" ); #endif // !defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_NO_ASM_IMPLIED_ZERO_DISPLACEMENTS) return v; #endif } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool is_lock_free(storage_type const volatile&) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return true; } }; #endif // defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_X86_HAS_CMPXCHG16B) } // namespace detail } // namespace atomics } // namespace boost #endif // BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_OPS_GCC_X86_DCAS_HPP_INCLUDED_