require 'spec_helper' describe RequestLogAnalyzer::FileFormat::Apache do describe '.access_line_definition' do before(:each) do @format_string = '%h %l %u %t "%r" %>s %b "%{Referer}i" "%{User-agent}i" %T' @line_definition = RequestLogAnalyzer::FileFormat::Apache.access_line_definition(@format_string) end it "should create a Regexp to match the line" do @line_definition.regexp.should be_kind_of(Regexp) end it "should create a list of captures for the values in the lines" do @line_definition.captures.should have(12).items end it "should make it a header line" do @line_definition.should be_header end it "should make it a footer line" do @line_definition.should be_footer end it "should capture :duration" do @line_definition.captures?(:duration).should be_true end end describe '.access_line_definition' do it "should parse values in microseconds when no argument is given to %D" do format = RequestLogAnalyzer::FileFormat::Apache.create('%D') format.should parse_line('12345').and_capture(:duration => 0.012345) end it "should parse values in microseconds when micro is given as argument to %D" do format = RequestLogAnalyzer::FileFormat::Apache.create('%{micro}D') format.should parse_line('12345').and_capture(:duration => 0.012345) end it "should parse values in microseconds when micro is given as argument to %D" do format = RequestLogAnalyzer::FileFormat::Apache.create('%{milli}D') format.should parse_line('12345').and_capture(:duration => 12.345) end end describe '.create' do before(:each) do @format_string = '%h %l %u %t "%r" %>s %b "%{Referer}i" "%{User-agent}i"' @format = RequestLogAnalyzer::FileFormat::Apache.create(@format_string) end it "should create the :access line definition" do @format.should have_line_definition(:access).capturing(:timestamp, :remote_host, :bytes_sent, :http_method, :path, :http_version, :http_status) end it "should be a valid file format" do @format.should be_valid end it "should setup report trackers" do @format.report_trackers.should_not be_empty end end context '"Common" access log parsing' do before(:all) do @file_format = RequestLogAnalyzer::FileFormat.load(:apache, :common) @log_parser = @sample_1 = ' - - [08/Sep/2009:07:54:09 -0400] "GET /profile/18543424 HTTP/1.0" 200 8223' @sample_2 = ' - - [08/Sep/2009:07:54:05 -0400] "GET /gallery/fresh?page=23&per_page=16 HTTP/1.1" 200 23414' @nonsense_sample = 'addasdsasadadssadasd' end it "should have a valid language definitions" do @file_format.should be_valid end it "should not parse a valid access log line" do @file_format.should_not parse_line(@nonsense_sample) end it "should read the correct values from a valid HTTP/1.0 access log line" do @file_format.should parse_line(@sample_1).as(:access).and_capture( :remote_host => '', :remote_logname => nil, :user => nil, :timestamp => 20090908075409, :http_status => 200, :http_method => 'GET', :http_version => '1.0', :bytes_sent => 8223) end it "should read the correct values from a valid 200 access log line" do @file_format.should parse_line(@sample_2).as(:access).and_capture( :remote_host => '', :remote_logname => nil, :user => nil, :timestamp => 20090908075405, :http_status => 200, :http_method => 'GET', :http_version => '1.1', :bytes_sent => 23414) end it "should parse 10 request from fixture access log without warnings" do request_counter.should_receive(:hit!).exactly(10).times @log_parser.should_not_receive(:warn) @log_parser.parse_file(log_fixture(:apache_common)) do |request| request_counter.hit! if request.kind_of?(RequestLogAnalyzer::FileFormat::Apache::Request) end end end context '"Combined" access log parsing' do before(:all) do @file_format = RequestLogAnalyzer::FileFormat.load(:apache, :combined) @log_parser = @sample_1 = ' - - [02/Sep/2009:12:02:40 +0200] "GET //phpMyAdmin/ HTTP/1.1" 404 209 "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98)"' @sample_2 = ' - - [02/Sep/2009:05:08:33 +0200] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 30 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_5_8; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.3 Safari/531.9"' @nonsense_sample = 'addasdsasadadssadasd' end it "should have a valid language definitions" do @file_format.should be_valid end it "should not parse a valid access log line" do @file_format.should_not parse_line(@nonsense_sample) end it "should read the correct values from a valid 404 access log line" do @file_format.should parse_line(@sample_1).as(:access).and_capture( :remote_host => '', :remote_logname => nil, :user => nil, :timestamp => 20090902120240, :http_status => 404, :http_method => 'GET', :http_version => '1.1', :bytes_sent => 209, :referer => nil, :user_agent => 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98)') end it "should read the correct values from a valid 200 access log line" do @file_format.should parse_line(@sample_2).as(:access).and_capture( :remote_host => '', :remote_logname => nil, :user => nil, :timestamp => 20090902050833, :http_status => 200, :http_method => 'GET', :http_version => '1.1', :bytes_sent => 30, :referer => nil, :user_agent => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_5_8; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.3 Safari/531.9') end it "should parse 5 request from fixture access log without warnings" do request_counter.should_receive(:hit!).exactly(5).times @log_parser.should_not_receive(:warn) @log_parser.parse_file(log_fixture(:apache_combined)) do |request| request_counter.hit! if request.kind_of?(RequestLogAnalyzer::FileFormat::Apache::Request) end end end context '"Rack" access log parser' do before(:each) do @file_format = RequestLogAnalyzer::FileFormat.load(:rack) @log_parser = @sample_1 = ' - - [16/Sep/2009 07:40:08] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 500 63183 0.0453' @sample_2 = ' - - [01/Oct/2009 07:58:10] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 1 0.0045' @nonsense_sample = 'addasdsasadadssadasd' end it "should create a kind of an Apache file format" do @file_format.should be_kind_of(RequestLogAnalyzer::FileFormat::Apache) end it "should have a valid language definitions" do @file_format.should be_valid end it "should parse a valid access log line with status 500" do @file_format.should parse_line(@sample_1).as(:access).and_capture( :remote_host => '', :timestamp => 20090916074008, :user => nil, :http_status => 500, :http_method => 'GET', :http_version => '1.1', :duration => 0.0453, :bytes_sent => 63183, :remote_logname => nil) end it "should parse a valid access log line with status 200" do @file_format.should parse_line(@sample_2).as(:access).and_capture( :remote_host => '', :timestamp => 20091001075810, :user => nil, :http_status => 200, :http_method => 'GET', :http_version => '1.1', :duration => 0.0045, :bytes_sent => 1, :remote_logname => nil) end it "should not parse an invalid access log line" do @file_format.should_not parse_line(@nonsense_sample) end it "should parse 2 Apache requests from a sample without warnings" do request_counter.should_receive(:hit!).twice @log_parser.should_not_receive(:warn) @log_parser.parse_io(log_stream(@sample_1, @nonsense_sample, @sample_2)) do |request| request_counter.hit! if request.kind_of?(RequestLogAnalyzer::FileFormat::Apache::Request) end end end end