# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rails_helper' RSpec.feature 'Admin Posts', type: :system do before { sign_in } describe 'listing posts' do let!(:posts) { create_list(:spina_blog_post, 3, published_at: Date.today + 1) } it 'shows all the posts' do visit '/admin/conferences/blog/posts' expect(page).to have_css 'tbody tr', count: 3 end end describe 'creating a post' do it 'creates a post', js: true do visit '/admin/conferences/blog/posts' click_on 'New Post' fill_in 'Post title', with: 'Title of Blog post' find( :css, 'trix-editor[input*="content_input"]' ).set('Foobar') click_on 'Save post' within '#header' do click_on 'Posts' end within 'tbody' do expect(page).to have_content 'Title of Blog post' end end end end