############################################################## # # Inference Algorithms for Bayesian Network Library for Ruby # # Author: Sergio Espeja ( http://www.upf.edu/pdi/iula/sergio.espeja, sergio.espeja at gmail.com ) # # Developed in: IULA ( http://www.iula.upf.es ) and # in bee.com.es ( http://bee.com.es ) # # == Current implemented algorithms # * enumeration_ask # * prior_sample # * rejection_sampling # * likelihood_weighting # ############################################################## class BayesNet < DirectedAdjacencyGraph # Inference Algorithms # ENUMERATION ASK algorithm # # Implementation based on: S.Russell, P.Norving, "Artificial # Intelligence, A Modern Approach", 2nd Edition. pp 506 # # x --> query variable # # e --> variables with observed values def enumeration_ask(x,e, bn_vertices = vertices) e << x q = [] #p bn_vertices.collect { |v| v.name } x.outcomes.each {|outcome| x.set_value(outcome) q << enumerate_all(bn_vertices, e) } q end # Returns a sample from prior joint distribution specified by the network. # # Implementation based on: S.Russell, P.Norving, "Artificial # Intelligence, A Modern Approach", 2nd Edition. pp 511-512 # # The input are the nodes of the bn ordered by dependencies see nodes_ordered_by_dependencies def prior_sample(nodes_ordered = nodes_ordered_by_dependencies) sample = Array.new nodes_ordered.each { |v| value = rand < v.get_probability(true) v.set_value(value) sample << v.copy } # leave the bn clear of values. nodes_ordered.each { |v| v.clear_value } return sample end # Returns an estimation of P(X=x|e) = obtained. Generates samples from prior joint # distribution specified by the network, rejects all those that do not match the evidence, # and finally counts hoy often X = x occurs in remaining samples. # # Caution, this algorthm is unusable for complex problems because rejects many samples! # # Implementation based on: S.Russell, P.Norving, "Artificial # Intelligence, A Modern Approach", 2nd Edition. pp 513 # # x --> query variable # # e --> variables with observed values # # n --> Number of samples generated # def rejection_sampling( x, e, n, bn = self ) evidece_list = [e] if e.class != Array x_list = [x] if x.class != Array nodes_ordered = bn.nodes_ordered_by_dependencies evidence_vector = get_vector_value(evidece_list, nodes_ordered) x_vector = get_vector_value(x_list, nodes_ordered) total_valid = 0; total_correct = 0 n.times do sample_vector = bn.prior_sample(nodes_ordered).collect {|v| v.value} valid = true; correct = true for i in 0..(sample_vector.size-1) do correct = false if !x_vector[i].nil? and sample_vector[i] != x_vector[i] valid = false and break if !evidence_vector[i].nil? and sample_vector[i] != evidence_vector[i] end next if !valid total_valid += 1 total_correct += 1 if correct end p_true = total_correct.to_f/total_valid.to_f return [p_true, 1-p_true] #return [total_correct.to_f, total_valid.to_f] end # Returns an estimation of P(X=x|e) = obtained. # # Implementation based on: S.Russell, P.Norving, "Artificial # Intelligence, A Modern Approach", 2nd Edition. pp 515 # # x --> query variable # # e --> variables with observed values, must be a copy of the nodes # in bn ( Can't be the BayesNetNodes instaces that are in bn ). # # n --> Number of samples generated # # WARNING: Clears the values of current bn! def likelihood_weighting( x, e, n, bn = self ) retval = [0.0, 0.0] n.times { w_sample, w = weighted_sample(e) # ask for a weighted_sample with given evidences value = w_sample.select { |v| v.name == x.name }[0].value # select the value for the query variable if value == (x.value || true) # if no value for x, ask for true retval[1] += w else retval[0] += w end } # Normalize results norm = retval[1].to_f / (retval[0]+retval[1]).to_f return [norm, 1-norm] end protected # Auxiliar function to compute Enumeration Ask Algorithm def enumerate_all(vars, e) return 1.0 if vars.empty? y = vars.first; i = 1 while !y.all_parents_with_values? and i < vars.size y = vars[i] i = i + 1 end raise "Error bayes net not computable with enumeration-ask " + \ "algorithm" if i == vars.size and !y.all_parents_with_values? if e.include?(y) return p_v_cond_parents(y) * enumerate_all(vars-[y], e) else prob = 0.0 y.outcomes.each { |outcome| y.set_value(outcome) prob = prob + p_v_cond_parents(y) * enumerate_all(vars-[y], e+[y]) y.clear_value } return prob end end # Returns an event and a weight. # # Implementation based on: S.Russell, P.Norving, "Artificial # Intelligence, A Modern Approach", 2nd Edition. pp 515 # # e --> variables with observed values # # WARNING: Clears the values of current bn! def weighted_sample(e, bn = self) nodes_ordered = bn.nodes_ordered_by_dependencies sample = Array.new w = 1.0 nodes_ordered.each { |v| node_actual = e.select { |node| node.name == v.name } if e.class == Array node_actual = [e] if e.class == BayesNetNode and e.name == v.name if !node_actual.nil? and node_actual.size == 1 value = node_actual[0].value w = w * v.get_probability(value) else value = rand < v.get_probability(true) end v.set_value(value) sample << v.copy } # leave the bn clear of values. bn.clear_values! return sample, w end # Axiliar function that returns an array of bn_vertices_ordered.size positions # with nil if position aren't in vertices_vector, and value if there's a match # in vertices_vector. def get_vector_value(vertices_vector, bn_vertices_ordered) bn_vertices_ordered.collect { |v| if !vertices_vector.nil? node_actual = vertices_vector.select { |node| node.name == v.name } case node_actual.size when 0 nil when 1 node_actual[0].value else raise "Error in get_vector_value" end else nil end } end end