# # Author:: AJ Christensen (<aj@opscode.com>) # Author:: Mark Mzyk (mmzyk@opscode.com) # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2008 Opscode, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require 'socket' require 'chef/config' require 'chef/exceptions' require 'chef/log' require 'chef/platform' require 'mixlib/cli' require 'tmpdir' require 'rbconfig' class Chef::Application include Mixlib::CLI class Wakeup < Exception end def initialize super @chef_client = nil @chef_client_json = nil trap("TERM") do Chef::Application.fatal!("SIGTERM received, stopping", 1) end trap("INT") do Chef::Application.fatal!("SIGINT received, stopping", 2) end unless Chef::Platform.windows? trap("QUIT") do Chef::Log.info("SIGQUIT received, call stack:\n " + caller.join("\n ")) end trap("HUP") do Chef::Log.info("SIGHUP received, reconfiguring") reconfigure end end # Always switch to a readable directory. Keeps subsequent Dir.chdir() {} # from failing due to permissions when launched as a less privileged user. end # Reconfigure the application. You'll want to override and super this method. def reconfigure configure_chef configure_logging end # Get this party started def run reconfigure setup_application run_application end # Parse the configuration file def configure_chef parse_options begin case config[:config_file] when /^(http|https):\/\// Chef::REST.new("", nil, nil).fetch(config[:config_file]) { |f| apply_config(f.path) } else ::File::open(config[:config_file]) { |f| apply_config(f.path) } end rescue Errno::ENOENT => error Chef::Log.warn("*****************************************") Chef::Log.warn("Did not find config file: #{config[:config_file]}, using command line options.") Chef::Log.warn("*****************************************") Chef::Config.merge!(config) rescue SocketError => error Chef::Application.fatal!("Error getting config file #{Chef::Config[:config_file]}", 2) rescue Chef::Exceptions::ConfigurationError => error Chef::Application.fatal!("Error processing config file #{Chef::Config[:config_file]} with error #{error.message}", 2) rescue Exception => error Chef::Application.fatal!("Unknown error processing config file #{Chef::Config[:config_file]} with error #{error.message}", 2) end end # Initialize and configure the logger. If the configured log location is not # STDOUT, but stdout is a TTY and we're not daemonizing, we set up a secondary # logger with output to stdout. This way, we magically do the right thing when # the user has configured logging to a file but they're running chef in the # shell to debug something. # # If the user has configured a formatter, then we skip the magical logger to # keep the output pretty. def configure_logging require 'pp' Chef::Log.init(Chef::Config[:log_location]) if ( Chef::Config[:log_location] != STDOUT ) && STDOUT.tty? && (!Chef::Config[:daemonize]) && (Chef::Config.formatter == "null") stdout_logger = Logger.new(STDOUT) STDOUT.sync = true stdout_logger.formatter = Chef::Log.logger.formatter Chef::Log.loggers << stdout_logger end Chef::Log.level = Chef::Config[:log_level] end # Called prior to starting the application, by the run method def setup_application raise Chef::Exceptions::Application, "#{self.to_s}: you must override setup_application" end # Actually run the application def run_application raise Chef::Exceptions::Application, "#{self.to_s}: you must override run_application" end # Initializes Chef::Client instance and runs it def run_chef_client @chef_client = Chef::Client.new( @chef_client_json, :override_runlist => config[:override_runlist] ) @chef_client_json = nil @chef_client.run @chef_client = nil end private def apply_config(config_file_path) Chef::Config.from_file(config_file_path) Chef::Config.merge!(config) end class << self def debug_stacktrace(e) message = "#{e.class}: #{e}\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}" chef_stacktrace_out = "Generated at #{Time.now.to_s}\n" chef_stacktrace_out += message Chef::FileCache.store("chef-stacktrace.out", chef_stacktrace_out) Chef::Log.fatal("Stacktrace dumped to #{Chef::FileCache.load("chef-stacktrace.out", false)}") Chef::Log.debug(message) true end # Log a fatal error message to both STDERR and the Logger, exit the application def fatal!(msg, err = -1) Chef::Log.fatal(msg) Process.exit err end def exit!(msg, err = -1) Chef::Log.debug(msg) Process.exit err end end end