# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Recipe module to ensure a checkout is consistant on a bot.""" from recipe_engine import recipe_api class BotUpdateApi(recipe_api.RecipeApi): def __init__(self, mastername, buildername, slavename, issue, patchset, patch_url, repository, gerrit_ref, rietveld, revision, parent_got_revision, deps_revision_overrides, fail_patch, *args, **kwargs): self._mastername = mastername self._buildername = buildername self._slavename = slavename self._issue = issue self._patchset = patchset self._patch_url = patch_url self._repository = repository self._gerrit_ref = gerrit_ref self._rietveld = rietveld self._revision = revision self._parent_got_revision = parent_got_revision self._deps_revision_overrides = deps_revision_overrides self._fail_patch = fail_patch self._last_returned_properties = {} super(BotUpdateApi, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def __call__(self, name, cmd, **kwargs): """Wrapper for easy calling of bot_update.""" assert isinstance(cmd, (list, tuple)) bot_update_path = self.resource('bot_update.py') kwargs.setdefault('infra_step', True) kwargs.setdefault('env', {}) kwargs['env'].setdefault('PATH', '%(PATH)s') kwargs['env']['PATH'] = self.m.path.pathsep.join([ kwargs['env']['PATH'], str(self._module.PACKAGE_REPO_ROOT)]) return self.m.python(name, bot_update_path, cmd, **kwargs) @property def last_returned_properties(self): return self._last_returned_properties # DO NOT USE. # The below method will be removed after there are no more callers of # tryserver.maybe_apply_issue (skbug.com/5588). def apply_gerrit_ref(self, root, gerrit_no_reset=False, gerrit_no_rebase_patch_ref=False, gerrit_rebase_patch_ref=True, **kwargs): apply_gerrit_path = self.resource('apply_gerrit.py') kwargs.setdefault('infra_step', True) kwargs.setdefault('env', {}).setdefault('PATH', '%(PATH)s') kwargs['env']['PATH'] = self.m.path.pathsep.join([ kwargs['env']['PATH'], str(self._module.PACKAGE_REPO_ROOT)]) cmd = [ '--gerrit_repo', self._repository, '--gerrit_ref', self._gerrit_ref or '', '--root', str(root), ] if gerrit_no_reset: cmd.append('--gerrit_no_reset') if gerrit_no_rebase_patch_ref or not gerrit_rebase_patch_ref: cmd.append('--gerrit_no_rebase_patch_ref') return self.m.python('apply_gerrit', apply_gerrit_path, cmd, **kwargs) def ensure_checkout(self, gclient_config=None, suffix=None, patch=True, update_presentation=True, force=False, patch_root=None, no_shallow=False, with_branch_heads=False, refs=None, patch_oauth2=False, use_site_config_creds=True, output_manifest=True, clobber=False, root_solution_revision=None, rietveld=None, issue=None, patchset=None, gerrit_no_reset=False, gerrit_no_rebase_patch_ref=False, gerrit_rebase_patch_ref=True, **kwargs): """ Args: use_site_config_creds: If the oauth2 credentials are in the buildbot site_config. See crbug.com/624212 for more information. gclient_config: The gclient configuration to use when running bot_update. If omitted, the current gclient configuration is used. rietveld: The rietveld server to use. If omitted, will infer from the 'rietveld' property. issue: The rietveld issue number to use. If omitted, will infer from the 'issue' property. patchset: The rietveld issue patchset to use. If omitted, will infer from the 'patchset' property. """ refs = refs or [] # We can re-use the gclient spec from the gclient module, since all the # data bot_update needs is already configured into the gclient spec. cfg = gclient_config or self.m.gclient.c assert cfg is not None, ( 'missing gclient_config or forgot api.gclient.set_config(...) before?') # Used by bot_update to determine if we want to run or not. master = self._mastername builder = self._buildername slave = self._slavename # Construct our bot_update command. This basically be inclusive of # everything required for bot_update to know: root = patch_root if root is None: root = self.m.gclient.calculate_patch_root( self.m.properties.get('patch_project'), cfg) if patch: issue = issue or self._issue patchset = patchset or self._patchset patch_url = self._patch_url gerrit_repo = self._repository gerrit_ref = self._gerrit_ref else: # The trybot recipe sometimes wants to de-apply the patch. In which case # we pretend the issue/patchset/patch_url never existed. issue = patchset = patch_url = email_file = key_file = None gerrit_repo = gerrit_ref = None # Issue and patchset must come together. if issue: assert patchset if patchset: assert issue if patch_url: # If patch_url is present, bot_update will actually ignore issue/ps. issue = patchset = None # The gerrit_ref and gerrit_repo must be together or not at all. If one is # missing, clear both of them. if not gerrit_ref or not gerrit_repo: gerrit_repo = gerrit_ref = None assert (gerrit_ref != None) == (gerrit_repo != None) # Point to the oauth2 auth files if specified. # These paths are where the bots put their credential files. if patch_oauth2: # TODO(martiniss): remove this hack :(. crbug.com/624212 if use_site_config_creds: email_file = self.m.path['build'].join( 'site_config', '.rietveld_client_email') key_file = self.m.path['build'].join( 'site_config', '.rietveld_secret_key') else: #pragma: no cover #TODO(martiniss): make this use path.join, so it works on windows email_file = '/creds/rietveld/client_email' key_file = '/creds/rietveld/secret_key' else: email_file = key_file = None # Allow patch_project's revision if necessary. # This is important for projects which are checked out as DEPS of the # gclient solution. self.m.gclient.set_patch_project_revision( self.m.properties.get('patch_project'), cfg) rev_map = cfg.got_revision_mapping.as_jsonish() flags = [ # 1. Do we want to run? (master/builder/slave). ['--master', master], ['--builder', builder], ['--slave', slave], # 2. What do we want to check out (spec/root/rev/rev_map). ['--spec', self.m.gclient.config_to_pythonish(cfg)], ['--root', root], ['--revision_mapping_file', self.m.json.input(rev_map)], ['--git-cache-dir', cfg.cache_dir], # 3. How to find the patch, if any (issue/patchset/patch_url). ['--issue', issue], ['--patchset', patchset], ['--patch_url', patch_url], ['--rietveld_server', rietveld or self._rietveld], ['--gerrit_repo', gerrit_repo], ['--gerrit_ref', gerrit_ref], ['--apply_issue_email_file', email_file], ['--apply_issue_key_file', key_file], # 4. Hookups to JSON output back into recipes. ['--output_json', self.m.json.output()],] # Collect all fixed revisions to simulate them in the json output. # Fixed revision are the explicit input revisions of bot_update.py, i.e. # every command line parameter "--revision name@value". fixed_revisions = {} revisions = {} for solution in cfg.solutions: if solution.revision: revisions[solution.name] = solution.revision elif solution == cfg.solutions[0]: revisions[solution.name] = ( self._parent_got_revision or self._revision or 'HEAD') if self.m.gclient.c and self.m.gclient.c.revisions: revisions.update(self.m.gclient.c.revisions) if cfg.solutions and root_solution_revision: revisions[cfg.solutions[0].name] = root_solution_revision # Allow for overrides required to bisect into rolls. revisions.update(self._deps_revision_overrides) for name, revision in sorted(revisions.items()): fixed_revision = self.m.gclient.resolve_revision(revision) if fixed_revision: fixed_revisions[name] = fixed_revision flags.append(['--revision', '%s@%s' % (name, fixed_revision)]) # Add extra fetch refspecs. for ref in refs: flags.append(['--refs', ref]) # Filter out flags that are None. cmd = [item for flag_set in flags for item in flag_set if flag_set[1] is not None] if clobber: cmd.append('--clobber') if force: cmd.append('--force') if no_shallow: cmd.append('--no_shallow') if output_manifest: cmd.append('--output_manifest') if with_branch_heads or cfg.with_branch_heads: cmd.append('--with_branch_heads') if gerrit_no_reset: cmd.append('--gerrit_no_reset') if gerrit_no_rebase_patch_ref or not gerrit_rebase_patch_ref: cmd.append('--gerrit_no_rebase_patch_ref') # Inject Json output for testing. first_sln = cfg.solutions[0].name step_test_data = lambda: self.test_api.output_json( master, builder, slave, root, first_sln, rev_map, force, self._fail_patch, output_manifest=output_manifest, fixed_revisions=fixed_revisions) # Add suffixes to the step name, if specified. name = 'bot_update' if not patch: name += ' (without patch)' if suffix: name += ' - %s' % suffix # Ah hah! Now that everything is in place, lets run bot_update! step_result = None try: # 87 and 88 are the 'patch failure' codes for patch download and patch # apply, respectively. We don't actually use the error codes, and instead # rely on emitted json to determine cause of failure. step_result = self(name, cmd, step_test_data=step_test_data, ok_ret=(0, 87, 88), **kwargs) except self.m.step.StepFailure as f: step_result = f.result raise finally: if step_result: self._last_returned_properties = step_result.json.output.get( 'properties', {}) if update_presentation: # Set properties such as got_revision. for prop_name, prop_value in ( self.last_returned_properties.iteritems()): step_result.presentation.properties[prop_name] = prop_value # Add helpful step description in the step UI. if 'step_text' in step_result.json.output: step_text = step_result.json.output['step_text'] step_result.presentation.step_text = step_text # Add log line output. if 'log_lines' in step_result.json.output: for log_name, log_lines in step_result.json.output['log_lines']: step_result.presentation.logs[log_name] = log_lines.splitlines() # Set the "checkout" path for the main solution. # This is used by the Chromium module to figure out where to look for # the checkout. # If there is a patch failure, emit another step that said things # failed. if step_result.json.output.get('patch_failure'): return_code = step_result.json.output.get('patch_apply_return_code') if return_code == 3: # This is download failure, hence an infra failure. # Sadly, python.failing_step doesn't support kwargs. self.m.python.inline( 'Patch failure - Try Rebasing', ('import sys;' 'print "Patch download failed. See bot_update step for' ' details";sys.exit(1)'), infra_step=True, step_test_data=lambda: self.m.raw_io.test_api.output( 'Patch download failed. See bot_update step for details', retcode=1) ) else: # This is actual patch failure. self.m.tryserver.set_patch_failure_tryjob_result() self.m.python.failing_step( 'Patch failure', 'Check the bot_update step for details') # bot_update actually just sets root to be the folder name of the # first solution. if step_result.json.output['did_run']: co_root = step_result.json.output['root'] cwd = kwargs.get('cwd', self.m.path['slave_build']) if 'checkout' not in self.m.path: self.m.path['checkout'] = cwd.join(*co_root.split(self.m.path.sep)) return step_result