module Searchgasm
class Config
# = Search Configuration
# Provides configuration for searchgasm
# === Example
# Searchgasm::Config.configure do |config|
# = 50
# end
class Search
class << self
# The default for per page. This is only applicaple for protected searches. Meaning you start the search with new_search or new_conditions.
# The reason for this not to disturb regular queries such as Whatever.find(:all). You would not expect that to be limited.
# * Default: The 2nd option in your per_page_choices, default of 25
# * Accepts: Any value in your per_page choices, nil or a blank string means "show all"
def per_page
return @per_page if @set_per_page
per_page = Helpers.per_page_select_choices[1]
per_page = per_page.last if per_page.is_a?(Array)
@per_page = per_page
def per_page=(value)
@set_per_page = true
@per_page = value
# If you are using ActiveRecord < 2.2.0 then ActiveRecord does not remove duplicates when using the :joins option, when it should. To fix this problem searchgasm does this for you. Searchgasm tries to act
# just like ActiveRecord, but in this instance it doesn't make sense.
# As a result, Searchgasm removes all duplicates results in *ALL* search / calculation queries. It does this by forcing the DISTINCT or GROUP BY operation in your SQL. Which might come as a surprise to you
# since it is not the "norm". If you don't want searchgasm to do this, set this to false.
# * Default: true
# * Accepts: Boolean
def remove_duplicates
return @remove_duplicates if @set_remove_duplicates
@remove_duplicates ||= true
def remove_duplicates? # :nodoc:
remove_duplicates == true
def remove_duplicates=(value) # :nodoc:
@set_remove_duplicates = true
@remove_duplicates = value