require 'spec_helper' RUMOUR_TEST_ACCESS_TOKEN = '13b91294f69c5e6046274d249911c275e21e013e' TWILIO_TEST_SENDER_NUMBER = '+15005550006' TWILIO_TEST_RECIPIENT_NUMBER = '+14108675309' Rumour.configure do |config| config.access_token = 'CONFIGURED_ACCESS_TOKEN' end RSpec.describe Rumour::Client do describe '.new' do it 'sets the authentication credentials' do rumour_client = expect(rumour_client.access_token).to eq(RUMOUR_TEST_ACCESS_TOKEN) end it 'falls back to the configuration credentials' do rumour_client = expect(rumour_client.access_token).to eq('CONFIGURED_ACCESS_TOKEN') end it 'raises an AuthenticationError if no access_token is supplied' do Rumour.configure { |config| config.access_token = nil } expect { rumour_client = }.to raise_error(Rumour::Errors::AuthenticationError) Rumour.configure { |config| config.access_token = 'CONFIGURED_ACCESS_TOKEN' } end end describe 'text_messages' do describe 'send with valid data' do it 'creates and retrieves a new message as a hash' do rumour_client = text_message = rumour_client.send_text_message(TWILIO_TEST_SENDER_NUMBER, TWILIO_TEST_RECIPIENT_NUMBER, 'Hello from rumour-ruby!') expect(text_message['id']).to_not be_nil end end describe 'send with invalid data' do it 'raises a RequestError' do rumour_client = expect { text_message = rumour_client.send_text_message('+351123456789', '+351123456789', 'Hello from rumour-ruby!') }.to raise_error(Rumour::Errors::RequestError) end end end describe 'android push_notifications' do describe 'send with valid data' do it 'creates and retrieves a new push notification as a hash' do rumour_client = push_notification = rumour_client.send_push_notification('android::some_registration_id', title: 'PN Title', text: 'PN Text', android_data: { my_key: 'my_value'}) expect(push_notification['id']).to_not be_nil end end end describe 'ios push_notifications' do describe 'send with valid data' do it 'creates and retrieves a new push notification as a hash' do rumour_client = push_notification = rumour_client.send_push_notification('ios::some_device_token', title: 'PN Title', text: 'PN Text', ios_alert: { title: 'iOS Title'}) expect(push_notification['id']).to_not be_nil end end end describe 'interceptor' do describe 'for text messages' do it 'sends the message to the interceptor' do Rumour.configure do |config| config.intercept_text_message_recipient = '+14108675309' end rumour_client = text_message = rumour_client.send_text_message(TWILIO_TEST_SENDER_NUMBER, '+351912345678', 'Hello from rumour-ruby!') expect(text_message['id']).to_not be_nil expect(text_message['recipient']).to eq('+14108675309') end end describe 'for push notifications' do it 'sends the push notification to the interceptor' do Rumour.configure do |config| config.intercept_push_notification_recipient = 'ios::push_recipient' end rumour_client = push_notification = rumour_client.send_push_notification('ios::some_device_token', title: 'PN Title', text: 'PN Text', ios_alert: { title: 'iOS Title'}) expect(push_notification['id']).to_not be_nil expect(push_notification['recipient']).to eq('push_recipient') end end end end