module TaliaUtil # Some methods to update the RDF store. There is no real inferencing, just # some hardcoded rules that help to provide basic functionality with simple # RDF stores. class RdfUpdate class << self # This is the wrapper for rdfs_from_owl for the rake task def owl_to_rdfs puts "Checking for OWL classes." # Register the namespaces for ActiveRDF ActiveRDF::Namespace.register(:rdfs, N::RDFS.to_s) ActiveRDF::Namespace.register(:owl, N::OWL.to_s) progress = nil size, modified, blanks = rdfs_from_owl do |size| progress ||= begin puts "#{size} OWL classes found, adding rdfs:Class type for each.""Updating RDF database", size) end end progress.finish if(progress) puts "Finished updating. Updated #{modified} of #{size} classes. #{blanks} blank nodes were ignored." end # This checks for owl:Classes and adds and rdfs:Class triple to them. This # doesn't check if the triple already exists, and thus may cause duplicates. # You can pass a block that will be called with the overall size # as a parameter. # # It returns the overall size, the number of modified elements and the # number of blank nodes def rdfs_from_owl # Remove previous auto rdfs triples ActiveRDF::FederationManager.clear(N::TALIA.auto_rdfs.context) # This gets all OWL classes in the store all_qry = all_qry.where(:class, N::RDF::type, N::OWL.Class) all_owl = all_qry.execute # This gets all OWL classes that already have an RDF class attached qry_rdfs = qry_rdfs.where(:class, N::RDF::type, N::OWL.Class) qry_rdfs.where(:class, N::RDF::type, N::RDFS.Class) classes_with_rdfs = qry_rdfs.execute modified = 0 blanks = 0 class_hash = {} # Put all the existing owl classes in a hash all_owl.each do |owl_class| if(owl_class.is_a?(RDFS::BNode)) blanks = blanks + 1 next end class_hash[owl_class] = :has_rdfs_class end # Now remove the ones that already have an RDF class classes_with_rdfs.each do |owl_class| next if(owl_class.is_a?(RDFS::BNode)) class_hash[owl_class] = :no_rdfs_class end # Now go through all klasses and add the missing triples class_hash.each do |klass, status| if(status == :has_rdfs_class) modified = modified + 1 ActiveRDF::FederationManager.add(, N::RDF.type, N::RDFS.Class, N::TALIA.auto_rdfs_context) end yield(class_hash.size) if(block_given?) end return [class_hash.size, modified, blanks] end end end end