module Albacore::Asmver class Engine def build_attribute attr_name, attr_data attribute = "#{@start_token}assembly: #{format_attribute_name attr_name}(" unless attr_data.nil? if attr_data.is_a? Hash # Only named parameters attribute << build_named_parameters(attr_data) elsif attr_data.is_a? Array if attr_data.last.is_a? Hash # Positional and named parameters attribute << build_positional_parameters(attr_data.slice(0, attr_data.length - 1)) attribute << ", " attribute << build_named_parameters(attr_data.last) else # Only positional parameters attribute << build_positional_parameters(attr_data) end else # Single positional parameter attribute << "#{format_value attr_data}" end end attribute << ")#{@end_token}" end def build_named_parameters data params = [] data.each_pair do |k, v| params << "#{k.to_s} #{@assignment} #{format_value v}" end params.join ", " end def build_positional_parameters data{ |a| format_value a }.join(", ") end def build_using_statement namespace "#{@using} #{namespace}#{@statement_terminator}" end def build_namespace namespace, writer, &in_namespace raise ArgumentError, "missing block to #build_namespace on #{self.inspect}" unless block_given? writer << namespace_start(namespace) namespace writer << namespace_end end # builds a comment, as a single line if it's a single line # otherwise builds a multiline comment def build_comment string_data if is_multiline string_data build_multiline_comment string_data else build_singleline_comment string_data end end protected NL = /\r\n?|\n/ # For formatting # formats what might be a snake_case attribute, in CamelCase. def format_attribute_name name return name if name !~ /_/ && name =~ /[A-Z]+.*/ name.split('_').map{ |e| e.capitalize }.join end # formats a value according to its type to make it more rubyesque def format_value v case v when String v.inspect when TrueClass 'true' when FalseClass 'false' else v.to_s end end # For namespaces def namespace_start namespace "namespace #{namespace} {" end def namespace_end "}" end # For comments def is_multiline str str =~ NL end def comment_singleline_token '//' end def comment_multiline_start '/*' end def comment_multiline_end '*/' end def build_multiline_comment string_data comment_multiline_start + "\n" + string_data.split(NL).map{ |s| " " + s }.join("\n") + "\n" + comment_multiline_end end def build_singleline_comment string_data %Q|#{comment_singleline_token} #{string_data}| end end end