[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/spieker/tokens.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/spieker/tokens) For generating a token on an active record column you can use `generate_token` Parameters ---------- * column: the column of the active record * options: some options for generating the token * :length: the token length (default: 8) * :uniq: whether the token must be uniq or not (default: true) * :scope: the column for the scope to check the uniqueness (default: nil) * :characters: an array of characters the tokens should be build from (default: a-zA-Z0-9) Example ------- ```ruby class User < ActiveRecord::Base tokenize :email_confirmation_token, length: 16 end ``` this is equal to ```ruby class User < ActiveRecord::Base before_validation on: :create do |obj| obj.generate_token :email_confirmation_token, length: 16 end end ``` Installation ------------ Currently the gem is not available on rubyforge, so you have to install it with git: ``` gem 'ar-tokens' ``` License ------- This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.