# # This class is SO DOCUMENTED! Seriously, Just look at that! This is so incredible! # # It even has some links: {http://www.google.com Google for instance} {OverDocumentedClass} # {OverDocumentedClass itself} {http://www.github.com} {OverDocumentedMixin~mixed_method} # {Casper The ghost!} # # @abstract It's so abstract! ^_^ {http://www.github.com} # @author The great Yoda {http://www.github.com} # @include OverDocumentedMixin # @include Casper # @extend OverDocumentedMixin # @extend Casper # @copyright The great Yoda {http://www.github.com} # @deprecated Don't use this anymore!!11 # @example Foobar # foo = bar # @note Never fortget this thing! {http://www.github.com} # @method #virtual_method({a, b}) # This is the virtual method ZOMG # @private # @see www.github.com # @since 1.0 # @todo Run with the wolves {http://www.github.com} # @version 1.1 class OverDocumentedClass # The constant that is SO DOCUMENTED as well (I feel sick about it) # @abstract It's so abstract! ^_^ {http://www.github.com} # @author The great Yoda {http://www.github.com} # @copyright The great Yoda {http://www.github.com} # @deprecated Don't use this anymore!!11 # @example Foobar # foo = bar # @note Never fortget this thing! {http://www.github.com} # @private # @see www.github.com # @since 1.0 # @todo Run with the wolves {http://www.github.com} # @version 1.1 CONSTANT: foo: 'bar' # @property [OverDocumentedClass] Returns the {OverDocumentedClass clone}. @property 'clone', get: -> new OverDocumentedClass # @abstract It's so abstract! ^_^ {http://www.github.com} # @author The great Yoda {http://www.github.com} # @copyright The great Yoda {http://www.github.com} # @deprecated Don't use this anymore!!11 # @example Foobar # foo = bar # @note Never fortget this thing! {http://www.github.com} # @private # @see www.github.com # @since 1.0 # @todo Run with the wolves {http://www.github.com} # @version 1.1 # @throw [OverDocumentedClass] EXCEPTION OMG # @return [OverDocumentedClass] RETVAL OMG # @param [String] foo The first parameter # @param [Integer] bar The second parameter (all of a sudden) # @option options [String] option The only option (wtf?) # @event simpleEvent # @event notSoSimpleEvent Having description # @event complicatedEvent # Having description and parameters # @param [String] The string @class_method: (foo, bar, options={}) -> # @abstract It's so abstract! ^_^ {http://www.github.com} # @author The great Yoda {http://www.github.com} # @copyright The great Yoda {http://www.github.com} # @deprecated Don't use this anymore!!11 # @example Foobar # foo = bar # @note Never fortget this thing! {http://www.github.com} # @private # @see www.github.com # @since 1.0 # @todo Run with the wolves {http://www.github.com} # @version 1.1 # @throw [String] EXCEPTION OMG # @return [String] RETVAL OMG # @overload #instance_method(foo, bar) # Obviously you can omit the last parameter # @overload #instance_method(foo, bar, options) # Or you can set it! instance_method: (foo, bar, options={}) ->