# WebROaR - Ruby Application Server - http://webroar.in/ # Copyright (C) 2009 Goonj LLC # # This file is part of WebROaR. # # WebROaR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # WebROaR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with WebROaR. If not, see . PREFIX='/admin-panel/' CONFIG_FILE_PATH="#{RAILS_ROOT}/../../conf/config.yml" MAIL_FILE_PATH="#{RAILS_ROOT}/../../conf/mail_config.yml" USERS_FILE_PATH="#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/user.yml" SERVER_PORT=3000 MIN_WORKERS=4 MAX_WORKERS=8 SERVER_NAME='WebROaR' LOG_LEVEL="SEVERE" ACCESS_LOG = "No" #session timeout in minutes SESSION_TIMEOUT = 10 MONTHS = {"January" => 1, "February" => 2, "March" => 3, "April" => 4, "May" => 5, "June" => 6, "July" => 7, "August" => 8, "September" => 9, "October" => 10, "November" => 11, "December" => 12} #Messages INVALID_DATE="Please select a valid date using the calendar." INVALID_FROM_DATE = "Please select a valid 'From' date using the calendar." INVALID_TO_DATE = "Please select a valid 'To' date using the calendar." FROM_DATE_GREATERTHAN_TO_DATE = "The entered 'From Date' should be less than or equal to 'To Date'
" TO_DATE_GREATERTHAN_TODAY = "The entered 'To Date' is in future." INVALID_HOUR = "The hour value is a numeric between 0 and 23." BR = "
" FUTURE_DATE="The entered date/time is in future." NO_URL_HITS="No URL hits for the day." ADMIN_PANEL_BASE_URI="/admin-panel" WRONG_PASSWORD1="The entered passwords does not match." WRONG_PASSWORD2="Please enter a password with at least 6 characters." PASSWORD_CHANGED="Password changed successfully." WRONG_LOGIN_DETAILS="Either the user name or the password is incorrect." USERNAME_BLANK = 'Username is blank.' PASSWORD_BLANK = 'Password is blank.' SUCCESSFUL_LOGOUT="Successfully logged out." SESSION_EXPIRE_MESSAGE='Your previous login session for this application got timed out. Please login again.' DELETE_APPLICATION_ALERT_MESSAGE="Are you sure, remove this application deployment from the server?" RESTART_APPLICATION_ALERT_MESSAGE="Are you sure, restart this application?" RESTART_SERVER_MESSAGE="Please restart the server to made the latest changes effective." NO_APPLICATION_FOR_ANALYTICS="No application has been configured for analytics." NO_APPLICATION_FOR_EXCEPTION_TRACKING="No applications are deployed on the server currently." NO_DEPLOYED_APPLICATION_MESSAGE="No applications are deployed on the server currently." SERVER_PORT_VALIDATION="Port should be a number between 1 and 65535." MINIMUM_WORKERS_VALIDATION="Minimum workers should be a number between 1 and 20." MAXIMUM_WORKERS_VALIDATION="Maximum workers should be number between 1 and 20." #ApplicationSpecification Class validation message. BASEURI_AS_ADMIN_PANEL_BASEURI_VALIDATION="'#{ADMIN_PANEL_BASE_URI}' is reserved as Admin Panel's base uri." MIN_WORKERS_VALIDATION="Application can have utmost 20 minimum workers." MAX_WORKERS_VALIDATION_1="Application must have maximum number of worker greater than or equal to minimum number of workers." MAX_WORKERS_VALIDATION_2="Application can have utmost 20 maximum workers." APPLICATION_PATH_EXISTANCE_VALIDATION="The application path entered does not exist." ANALYTICS_VALIDATION="Analytics should be either enabled or disabled." #ENVIRONMENT_VALIDATION="Environment should be either Production, Development or Test." TYPE_VALIDATION="Application type should be either Rails or Rack." BASEURI_EXISTANCE_VALIDATION="Base URI is same as one of the previously added application." BASEURI_AND_HOSTNAMES_EXIST = "Please correct the entered text for 'Resolver'. It cannot have both base URI (like /app1) and virtual hostname (www.company1.com) specified together." START_WTIH_TILD = "Hostname should start with '~', as it contains wildcard '*'." WILDCARD_AT_START_OR_END = "Hostname can only have the wildcard character either at start or at end. Please enter it again." SUBDIVISION_EXCEEDS_127 = "Hostname subdivision can go down to maximum 127 levels." HOSTNAME_LENGTH_EXCEEDS = "Hostname exceeds total length of 253." HOSTNAME_LDH = "Hostname can contain only letters in upper or lower case, digits, hyphen and dot(.) to separate the labels." LABEL_LENGTH_EXCEEDS = "Length of the label exceeds 63." HOSTNAME_REPEATED = "Hostname is repeated." CONSECUTIVE_DOTS = "Hostname should not have consecutive dots. Please enter it again." APPLICATION_NAME_REPEATED = "Application name already exists. Please provide a different name." #SSL Validations. SSL_PORT_VALIDATION= "SSL port number should be a number between 1 and 65535." SSL_CERTIFICATE_FILE_PATH_VALIDATION1= "Please enter complete path for the SSL certificate file." SSL_CERTIFICATE_FILE_PATH_VALIDATION2= "Please enter the name of the certificate file with .crt extension." SSL_CERTIFICATE_FILE_PATH_VALIDATION3= "This certificate file path does not exist." SSL_KEY_FILE_PATH_VALIDATION1= "Please enter complete SSL key file path." SSL_KEY_FILE_PATH_VALIDATION2= "Please enter the name of the key file with .key extension." SSL_KEY_FILE_PATH_VALIDATION3= "This key file path does not exist." #Graph Titles. TOP_DATABASE_CONSUMING_URLS_GRAPH_TITLE="Top Database Consuming URLs" PERCENTAGE_TIME_SPENT_IN_DATABASE_LAYER_GRAPH_TITLE="Percentage Time Spent in Database Layer" CPU_USGAE_GRAPH_TITLE="Percentage CPU Utilization" MEMORY_USAGE_GRAPH_TITLE="Physical Memory Utilization(in MB)" AVERAGE_RESPONSE_TIME_GRAPH_TITLE="Average Response Time" REQUEST_PER_SECOND_GRAPH_TITLE="Peak Requests Served Per Second" URL_HITS_GRAPH_TITLE="URL Hits" MOST_TIME_CONSUMING_GRAPH_TITLE="Most Time Consuming URLs" SLOWEST_URLS_GRAPH_TITLE="Slowest URLs" # SMTP validations SMTP_ADDRESS_VALIDATION = "
  • Please enter a valid SMTP Server address.
  • Please enter a valid SMTP port number.
  • Please enter a valid domain name.
  • Please enter a valid value for SMTP Authentication. It can be either of login/plain/cram-md5/ntlm-spa/digest-md5
  • Please enter a valid SMTP user name.
  • Please enter a valid SMTP password.
  • " # Sendmail validations SENDMAIL_LOCATION_VALIDATION = "
  • Please enter a valid location for sendmail agent e.g. /usr/sbin/sendmail.
  • Please enter a valid email address of the sender.
  • Sender mail id is blank.
  • " SENDMAIL_RECIPIENT_EMAIL_VALIDATION = "The following recipient email id is invalid" SENDMAIL_RECIPIENT_EMAIL_VALIDATION1 = "
  • Recipient email id is blank.
  • " # RAILS = 'rails' RACK = 'rack'