# Changelog ## 1.11.0 - When parsing a string assume a single separator to be a decimal mark when number starts with 0 ## 1.10.0 - When using the `assume_from_symbol` option, the currency in the input string will be used over the assumed currency based on symbol. For example, `$1.05 CAD` will use `CAD` instead of `USD`. ## 1.9.4 - Fix symbol parsing that are surrounded by other characters ## 1.9.3 - Fix input parsing when currency symbol after the amount ## 1.9.2 - Respect Money.rounding_mode when parsing strings - Deprecate Monetize.extract_cents ## 1.9.1 - Ruby 2.6 support ## 1.9.0 - Relax Money gem dependency to ~> 6.12 - Refactor `Monetize::Parser` - Ruby 2.5 support ## 1.8.0 - Money version updated to 6.11.2 - Fix rounding problem in `.from_bigdecimal` ## 1.7.0 - Add South Korean Won currency - Money version updated to 6.9 - Coveralls version update to 0.8.20 - Add South Korean Won currency - Improve conversion to Money from Hash ## 1.6.0 - Ruby 2.4.0 support - Money version updated to 6.8 ## 1.5.0 - Fix issue where parsing a Money object resulted in a Money object with its currency set to `Money.default_currency`, rather than the currency that it was sent in as. - Add extra currencies: - Azerbaijani manat - Chinese yuan - Czech koruna - Hungarian forint - Indian rupee - Russian ruble - Turkish Lira - Ukrainian Hryvnia - Swiss Frank - Polish Zloty - Kazakhstani Tenge - Fix issue with losing precision on BigDecimal input - Add Swedish krona - Exclude ambiguous kr symbol from parsing - Fix JPY parsing - Subclass all errors to Monetize::Error - Fix ruby 1.9.3 compatibility - Suppress errors when using parse. Use `parse!` instead - Strip currency symbol prefix when parsing input ## 1.4.0 - Fixed support for Money.infinite_precision = true in .to_money - Add Rubocop config to project - Reformat code to adapt to Rubocop guidelines - Add config setting to always enforce currency delimiters - Add rake console task - Required Forwardable on Collection to resolve NameError [\#44](https://github.com/RubyMoney/monetize/issues/44) - Add capability to parse currency amounts given with suffixes (K, M, B, and T) ## 1.3.1 - Updated Money version dependency to 6.6 ## 1.3.0 - Add Lira Sign (₤) as a symbol for GBP ## 1.2.0 - Add support for parsing Yen symbol - Add `Monetize.parse_collection` and `Monetize::Collection` class for parsing multiple values - Add parsing of C$ for Canadian Dollar - Add NilClass extension - Add Hash extension ## 1.1.0 - Add :assume_from_symbol option to #parse - Enable #parse to detect currency with signed amounts - Updated Money version dependency to 6.5.0 ## 1.0.0 - Updated Money version dependency to 6.4.0 ## 0.4.1 - Updated Money version dependency to 6.2.1 ## 0.4.0 - Added correct parsing of Brazilian Real $R symbol - Add testing task for Brazilian Real parsing - Updated Money version dependency to 6.2.0