require 'bio' module Bio::PolyploidTools class SNPException < RuntimeError end class SNP #GENE,ORIGINAL,POS,SNP attr_accessor :gene, :original, :position, :snp, :snp_in, :original_name attr_accessor :contig attr_accessor :exon_list attr_accessor :container attr_accessor :flanking_size, :ideal_min, :ideal_max attr_accessor :template_sequence attr_accessor :use_reference attr_accessor :genomes_count attr_accessor :primer_3_min_seq_length attr_accessor :chromosome attr_accessor :variation_free_region attr_accessor :max_hits attr_accessor :errors attr_accessor :repetitive attr_accessor :hit_count attr_accessor :snp_type attr_accessor :orientation #Format: #Gene_name,Original,SNP_Pos,pos,chromosome #A_comp0_c0_seq1,C,519,A,2A def self.parse(reg_str) reg_str.chomp! snp = snp.gene, snp.original, snp.position, snp.snp, snp.chromosome = reg_str.split(",") snp.position.strip! snp.position = snp.position.to_i snp.original.upcase! snp.original.strip! snp.snp.upcase! snp.snp.strip! snp.chromosome.strip! snp.use_reference = false snp end #Format: #IWGSC_CSS_1AL_scaff_1455974 127 test_snp C T 135.03 . def self.parseVCF(vcf_line, chr_arm_parser: Bio::PolyploidTools::ChromosomeArm.getArmSelection("first_two") ) snp = arr = vcf_line.split("\t") snp.gene = arr[2] snp.original = arr[3] snp.position = arr[1] snp.snp = arr[4] snp.chromosome =[0]) snp.contig = arr[0] snp.position.strip! snp.position = snp.position.to_i snp.original.upcase! snp.original.strip! snp.snp.upcase! snp.snp.strip! snp.chromosome.strip! snp.orientation = :forward info = arr[7] if info details = info.scan(/(\w+)=([\w|.]+)/).collect { |id, value| { :id => id, :value => value }} details.each do |e| snp.orientation = :reverse if e[:id] == "OR" and e[:value] == "reverse" end end return snp end def setTemplateFromFastaFile(fastaFile ,flanking_size: 100) reg = reg.entry = gene reg.entry = @contig if @contig reg.start = position - flanking_size reg.end = position + flanking_size + 1 reg.orientation = :forward entry = fastaFile.index.region_for_entry(reg.entry) reg.start = 1 if reg.start < 1 reg.end = entry.length if reg.end > entry.length amb = Bio::NucleicAcid.to_IUAPC("#{original}#{snp}") @position = @position - reg.start + 1 @position = 1 if @position < 1 #puts "about to fetch" self.template_sequence = fastaFile.fetch_sequence(reg) #puts "done fetching" template_sequence[position - 1] = amb end def initialize @genomes_count = 3 @primer_3_min_seq_length = 50 @variation_free_region = 0 @contig = false @max_hits = 8 @exon_list = {|hsh, key| hsh[key] = [] } @errors = @repetitive = false @hit_count = 0 end def to_polymarker_coordinates(flanking_size, total:nil) start = position - flanking_size + 1 start = 0 if start < 0 total = flanking_size * 2 unless total total += 1 new_position = position - start + 2 [start , total, new_position ] end def to_polymarker_sequence(flanking_size, total:nil) out = template_sequence.clone snp_seq = "[#{original}/#{snp}]" p = position-1 if orientation == :reverse p = out.length - p - 1 s = s1 = s2 = out = s.reverse_complement snp_seq = "[#{s1.reverse_complement}/#{s2.reverse_complement}]" end out[p] = snp_seq start = position - flanking_size - 1 start = 0 if start < 0 total = flanking_size * 2 unless total total += 5 out[start , total ].upcase end def snp_id_in_seq "#{original}#{position}#{snp}" end #We Only want the chromosome, we drop the arm. #We don't use this any more. #def chromosome= (chr) # @chromosome = chr #end def chromosome_group chromosome[0] end def chromosome_genome chromosome[1] end def chromosome_genome return chromosome[3] if chromosome[3] return nil end def to_fasta return ">#{self.gene}\n#{self.template_sequence}\n" end def add_exon(exon, arm, filter_best: true) if filter_best and exon_list[arm].size > 0 current = exon_list[arm].first exon_list[arm] = [exon] if exon.record.score > current.record.score else exon_list[arm] << exon end end def covered_region return @covered_region if @covered_region if self.use_reference reg = reg.entry = gene reg.orientation = :forward reg.start = self.position - self.flanking_size reg.end = self.position + self.flanking_size reg.start = 1 if reg.start < 1 return reg end min = @position max = @position # puts "Calculating covered region for #{self.inspect}" # puts "#{@exon_list.inspect}" # raise "Exons haven't been loaded for #{self.to_s}" if @exon_list.size == 0 if @exon_list.size == 0 min = self.position - self.flanking_size min = 1 if min < 1 max = self.position + self.flanking_size end @exon_list.each do | chromosome, exon_arr | exon_arr.each do | exon | reg = exon.query_region min = reg.start if reg.start < min max = reg.end if reg.end > max end end reg = reg.entry = gene reg.orientation = :forward reg.start = min reg.end = max @covered_region = reg @covered_region end def left_padding flanking_size - self.local_position + 1 # primer_region.start - covered_region.start # 0 end def right_padding ret = (2*flanking_size) - (left_padding + self.covered_region.size ) ret = 0 if ret < 0 ret end def local_position # puts "local_position #{self.position} #{self.covered_region.start}" self.position - self.covered_region.start end def padded_position(pos) pos + left_padding end def primer_fasta_string gene_region = self.covered_region local_pos_in_gene = self.local_position ret_str = "" surrounding_parental_sequences.each do |name, seq| ret_str << ">#{gene_region.entry}-#{self.position}_#{name}\n" ret_str << "#{seq}\n" end self.surrounding_exon_sequences.each do |chromosome, exon_seq| ret_str << ">#{chromosome}\n#{exon_seq}\n" end mask = surrounding_masked_chromosomal_snps(chromosome) ret_str << ">Mask\n#{mask}\n" pr = primer_region(chromosome, snp_in ) ret_str << pr.to_fasta ret_str end def primer_region(target_chromosome, parental ) parental = aligned_sequences[parental].downcase names = aligned_sequences.keys target_chromosome = get_target_sequence(names, target_chromosome) chromosome_seq = aligned_sequences[target_chromosome] chromosome_seq = "-" * parental.size unless chromosome_seq chromosome_seq = chromosome_seq.downcase mask = mask_aligned_chromosomal_snp(target_chromosome) pr = position_in_region = 0 (0..parental.size-1).each do |i| if chromosome_seq[i] != '-' or parental[i] != '-' case when mask[i] == '&' #This is the SNP we take the parental pr.snp_pos = position_in_region pr.homoeologous = false when mask[i] == ':' #This is the SNP we take the parental pr.snp_pos = position_in_region pr.homoeologous = true when mask[i] == '-' #When the mask doesnt detect a SNP, so we take the parental parental[i] = chromosome_seq[i] unless Bio::NucleicAcid::is_unambiguous(parental[i]) when /[[:upper:]]/.match(mask[i]) #This is a good candidate for marking a SNP #We validate that the consensus from the sam file accepts the variation from the chromosomal sequence if parental[i] == '-' parental[i] = mask[i] pr.crhomosome_specific_intron << position_in_region elsif Bio::NucleicAcid.is_valid(parental[i], mask[i]) parental[i] = mask[i] pr.chromosome_specific << position_in_region end when /[[:lower:]]/.match(mask[i]) #this is not that good candidate, but sitll gives specificity if parental[i] == '-' parental[i] = mask[i] pr.almost_crhomosome_specific_intron << position_in_region elsif Bio::NucleicAcid.is_valid(parental[i], mask[i]) parental[i] = mask[i].upcase pr.almost_chromosome_specific << position_in_region end end #Case closes position_in_region += 1 end #Closes region with bases end pr.sequence=parental.gsub('-','') pr end def reverse_complement_string(sequenc_str) complement ='atgcrymkdhvbswnATGCRYMKDHVBSWN', 'tacgyrkmhdbvswnTACGYRKMHDBVSWN') complement.reverse! end def return_primer_3_string(opts={}) left = opts[:left_pos] right = opts[:right_pos] sequence = opts[:sequence] extra = opts[:extra] orientation = "forward" if opts[:right_pos] orientation = "forward" if left > right left = sequence.size - left - 1 right = sequence.size - right - 1 sequence = reverse_complement_string(sequence) orientation = "reverse" end if @variation_free_region > 0 check_str = sequence[right+1, @variation_free_region] return nil if check_str != check_str.downcase end end #puts "__" #puts self.inspect str = "SEQUENCE_ID=#{opts[:name]} #{orientation} \n" str << "SEQUENCE_FORCE_LEFT_END=#{left}\n" unless opts[:extra_f] str << "SEQUENCE_FORCE_RIGHT_END=#{right}\n" if opts[:right_pos] str << extra if extra str << opts[:extra_f] if opts[:extra_f] str << "SEQUENCE_TEMPLATE=#{sequence}\n" str << "=\n" #In case that we don't have a right primer, we do both orientations unless opts[:right_pos] sequence = opts[:sequence] left = sequence.size - left - 1 orientation = "reverse" sequence = reverse_complement_string(sequence) str << "SEQUENCE_ID=#{opts[:name]} #{orientation}\n" str << "SEQUENCE_FORCE_LEFT_END=#{left}\n" unless opts[:extra_r] str << opts[:extra_r] if opts[:extra_r] str << "SEQUENCE_TEMPLATE=#{sequence}\n" str << extra if extra str << "=\n" end str end def primer_3_all_strings(target_chromosome, parental) pr = primer_region(target_chromosome, parental ) primer_3_propertes = seq_original = if seq_original.size < primer_3_min_seq_length errors << "The sequence (#{seq_original.size}) is shorter than #{primer_3_min_seq_length}" return primer_3_propertes end if self.hit_count > self.max_hits errors << "The marker maps to #{self.hit_count} positions (max_hits: #{self.max_hits}). " repetitive = true return primer_3_propertes end seq_original[pr.snp_pos] = self.original seq_original_reverse = reverse_complement_string(seq_original) seq_snp = seq_snp[pr.snp_pos] = self.snp seq_snp_reverse = reverse_complement_string(seq_snp) rev_pos = seq_snp.size - position if pr.homoeologous @snp_type = "homoeologous" else @snp_type = "non-homoeologous" end pr.chromosome_specific.each do |pos| args = {:name =>"#{gene}:#{original}#{position}#{snp} #{original_name} chromosome_specific exon #{@snp_type} #{chromosome}", :left_pos => pr.snp_pos, :right_pos => pos, :sequence=>seq_original} primer_3_propertes << return_primer_3_string(args) args[:name] = "#{gene}:#{original}#{position}#{snp} #{snp_in} chromosome_specific exon #{@snp_type} #{chromosome}" args[:sequence] = seq_snp primer_3_propertes << return_primer_3_string(args) end pr.almost_chromosome_specific.each do |pos| args = {:name =>"#{gene}:#{original}#{position}#{snp} #{original_name} chromosome_semispecific exon #{@snp_type} #{chromosome}", :left_pos => pr.snp_pos, :right_pos => pos, :sequence=>seq_original} primer_3_propertes << return_primer_3_string(args) args[:name] = "#{gene}:#{original}#{position}#{snp} #{snp_in} chromosome_semispecific exon #{@snp_type} #{chromosome}" args[:sequence] = seq_snp primer_3_propertes << return_primer_3_string(args) end pr.crhomosome_specific_intron.each do |pos| args = {:name =>"#{gene}:#{original}#{position}#{snp} #{original_name} chromosome_specific intron #{@snp_type} #{chromosome}", :left_pos => pr.snp_pos, :right_pos => pos, :sequence=>seq_original} primer_3_propertes << return_primer_3_string(args) args[:name] = "#{gene}:#{original}#{position}#{snp} #{snp_in} chromosome_specific exon #{@snp_type} #{chromosome}" args[:sequence] = seq_snp primer_3_propertes << return_primer_3_string(args) end pr.almost_crhomosome_specific_intron.each do |pos| args = {:name =>"#{gene}:#{original}#{position}#{snp} #{original_name} chromosome_semispecific intron #{@snp_type} #{chromosome}", :left_pos => pr.snp_pos, :right_pos => pos, :sequence=>seq_original} primer_3_propertes << return_primer_3_string(args) args[:name] = "#{gene}:#{original}#{position}#{snp} #{snp_in} chromosome_semispecific exon #{@snp_type} #{chromosome}" args[:sequence] = seq_snp primer_3_propertes << return_primer_3_string(args) end args = {:name =>"#{gene}:#{original}#{position}#{snp} #{original_name} chromosome_nonspecific all #{@snp_type} #{chromosome}", :left_pos => pr.snp_pos, :sequence=>seq_original} primer_3_propertes << return_primer_3_string(args) args[:name] = "#{gene}:#{original}#{position}#{snp} #{snp_in} chromosome_nonspecific all #{@snp_type} #{chromosome}" args[:sequence] = seq_snp primer_3_propertes << return_primer_3_string(args) primer_3_propertes end def to_s "#{gene}:#{original}#{position}#{snp}#{chromosome}" end def short_s "#{original}#{position}#{snp}".upcase end def primer_3_string(target_chromosome, parental) strings = primer_3_all_strings(target_chromosome, parental) strings.join end def exon_for_chromosome (chromosome) selected_exon=exon_list[chromosome] puts "No exon with chromosome #{chromosome} for #{gene}" unless selected_exon selected_exon end def parental_sequences return @parental_sequences if @parental_sequences gene_region = self.covered_region local_pos_in_gene = self.local_position @parental_sequences = container.parents.each do |name, bam| seq = nil if bam seq = bam.consensus_with_ambiguities({:region=>gene_region}).to_s else seq = container.gene_model_sequence(gene_region) unless name == self.snp_in seq[local_pos_in_gene] = self.original end end seq[local_pos_in_gene] = seq[local_pos_in_gene].upcase seq[local_pos_in_gene] = self.snp if name == self.snp_in @parental_sequences [name] = seq end @parental_sequences end def surrounding_parental_sequences return @surrounding_parental_sequences if @surrounding_parental_sequences gene_region = self.covered_region local_pos_in_gene = self.local_position @surrounding_parental_sequences = container.parents.each do |name, bam| seq = nil if bam seq = bam.consensus_with_ambiguities({:region=>gene_region}).to_s else seq = container.gene_model_sequence(gene_region) #puts "#{name} #{self.snp_in}" #puts "Modifing original: #{name}\n#{seq}" unless name == self.snp_in seq[local_pos_in_gene] = self.original else seq[local_pos_in_gene] = self.snp end #puts "#{seq}" end seq[local_pos_in_gene] = seq[local_pos_in_gene].upcase seq[local_pos_in_gene] = self.snp if name == self.snp_in @surrounding_parental_sequences [name] = cut_and_pad_sequence_to_primer_region(seq) end @surrounding_parental_sequences end def cut_sequence_to_primer_region(sequence) ideal_min = self.local_position - flanking_size ideal_max = self.local_position + flanking_size ideal_min = 0 if ideal_min < 0 ideal_max = sequence.size - 1 if ideal_max > sequence.size # len = ideal_max - ideal_min sequence[ideal_min..ideal_max] end def cut_and_pad_sequence_to_primer_region(sequence) ideal_min = self.local_position - flanking_size ideal_max = self.local_position + flanking_size left_pad = 0 right_pad=0 if ideal_min < 0 left_pad = ideal_min * -1 ideal_min = 0 end if ideal_max > sequence.size right_pad = ideal_max - sequence.size ideal_max = sequence.size - 1 end ret = "-" * left_pad << sequence[ideal_min..ideal_max] << "-" * right_pad ret end def sequences_to_align @sequences_to_align = surrounding_parental_sequences.merge(surrounding_exon_sequences) unless @sequences_to_align @sequences_to_align end def aligned_sequences return @aligned_sequences if @aligned_sequences options = ['--maxiterate', '1000', '--localpair', '--quiet'] mafft = "mafft" , options) #puts "Before MAFT:#{sequences_to_align.inspect}" report = mafft.query_align(sequences_to_align) @aligned_sequences = report.alignment # puts "MAFFT: #{report.alignment.inspect}" @aligned_sequences end def aligned_sequences_fasta ret_str = "" aligned_sequences.each_pair do |name, seq| ret_str << ">#{self.to_s}-#{name}\n#{seq}\n" end ret_str << ">MASK #{chromosome}\n#{mask_aligned_chromosomal_snp(chromosome)}\n" pr = primer_region(chromosome, snp_in ) ret_str << pr.to_fasta ret_str ret_str end def get_snp_position_after_trim local_pos_in_gene = self.local_position ideal_min = self.local_position - flanking_size ideal_max = self.local_position + flanking_size left_pad = 0 if ideal_min < 0 left_pad = ideal_min * -1 ideal_min = 0 end local_pos_in_gene - ideal_min end def aligned_snp_position return @aligned_snp_position if @aligned_snp_position #puts self.inspect pos = -1 parental_strings = parental_sequences.keys.each do | par | parental_strings << aligned_sequences[par] end $stderr.puts "WARN: #{self.to_s} #{parental_sequences.keys} is not of size 2 (#{parental_strings.size})" if parental_strings.size != 2 local_pos_in_parental = get_snp_position_after_trim i = 0 while i < parental_strings[0].size do if local_pos_in_parental == 0 and parental_strings[0][i] != "-" pos = i if parental_strings[0][i] == parental_strings[1][i] $stderr.puts "WARN: #{self.to_s} doesn't have a SNP in the marked place (#{i})! \n#{parental_strings[0]}\n#{parental_strings[1]}" end end local_pos_in_parental -= 1 if parental_strings[0][i] != "-" i += 1 end @aligned_snp_position = pos return pos end def get_target_sequence(names, chromosome) best = chromosome best_score = 0 names.each do |e| arr = e.split("_") if arr.length == 3 score = arr[2].to_f if score >best_score best_score = score best = e end end end best end def mask_aligned_chromosomal_snp(chromosome) names = aligned_sequences.keys parentals = parental_sequences.keys position_after_trim = get_snp_position_after_trim names = names - parentals local_pos_in_gene = aligned_snp_position best_target = get_target_sequence(names, chromosome) masked_snps = aligned_sequences[best_target].downcase if aligned_sequences[best_target] masked_snps = "-" * aligned_sequences.values[0].size unless aligned_sequences[best_target] #TODO: Make this chromosome specific, even when we have more than one alignment going to the region we want. #puts "mask_aligned_chromosomal_snp(#{chromosome})" #puts names i = 0 for i in 0..masked_snps.size-1 #puts i different = 0 cov = 0 from_group = 0 nCount = 0 seen = [] names.each do | chr | if aligned_sequences[chr] and aligned_sequences[chr][i] != "-" #puts aligned_sequences[chr][i] cov += 1 nCount += 1 if aligned_sequences[chr][i] == 'N' or aligned_sequences[chr][i] == 'n' # maybe fix this to use ambiguity codes instead. if chr[0] == chromosome_group and not seen.include? chr[1] seen << chr[1] from_group += 1 end #puts "Comparing #{chromosome_group} and #{chr[0]} as chromosomes" if chr != best_target $stderr.puts "WARN: No base for #{masked_snps} : ##{i}" unless masked_snps[i].upcase $stderr.puts "WARN: No base for #{aligned_sequences[chr]} : ##{i}" unless masked_snps[i].upcase different += 1 if masked_snps[i].upcase != aligned_sequences[chr][i].upcase end end end masked_snps[i] = "-" if different == 0 masked_snps[i] = "-" if cov == 1 masked_snps[i] = "-" if nCount > 0 masked_snps[i] = "*" if cov == 0 expected_snps = names.size - 1 #puts "Diferences: #{different} to expected: #{ expected_snps } [#{i}] Genome count (#{from_group} == #{genomes_count})" masked_snps[i] = masked_snps[i].upcase if different == expected_snps and from_group == genomes_count #puts "#{i}:#{masked_snps[i]}" if i == local_pos_in_gene masked_snps[i] = "&" #puts "#{i}:#{masked_snps[i]}___" bases = "" names.each do | chr | bases << aligned_sequences[chr][i] if aligned_sequences[chr] and aligned_sequences[chr][i] != "-" end code_reference = "n" code_reference = Bio::NucleicAcid.to_IUAPC(bases) unless bases == "" if Bio::NucleicAcid.is_valid(code_reference, original) and Bio::NucleicAcid.is_valid(code_reference, snp) masked_snps[i] = ":" end end #i += 1 end masked_snps end def surrounding_masked_chromosomal_snps(chromosome) chromosomes = surrounding_exon_sequences names = chromosomes.keys get_target_sequence(names) masked_snps = chromosomes[chromosome].tr("-","+") if chromosomes[chromosome] masked_snps = "-" * (flanking_size * 2 ) unless chromosomes[chromosome] local_pos_in_gene = flanking_size i = 0 while i < masked_snps.size do different = 0 cov = 0 names.each do | chr | if chromosomes[chr][i] != "-" and chromosomes[chr][i]. != 'N' and chromosomes[chr][i]. != 'n' cov += 1 if chr != chromosome and masked_snps[i] != "+" different += 1 if masked_snps[i] != chromosomes[chr][i] end end end masked_snps[i] = "-" if different == 0 and masked_snps[i] != "+" masked_snps[i] = "-" if cov < 2 masked_snps[i] = masked_snps[i].upcase if different > 1 if i == local_pos_in_gene masked_snps[i] = "&" end i += 1 end masked_snps end def surrounding_exon_sequences return @surrounding_exon_sequences if @surrounding_exon_sequences gene_region = self.covered_region @surrounding_exon_sequences = self.exon_list.each do |chromosome, exon_arr| exon_arr.each do |exon| exon_start_offset = exon.query_region.start - gene_region.start flanquing_region = exon.target_flanking_region_from_position(position,flanking_size) #TODO: Padd when the exon goes over the regions... #puts flanquing_region.inspect #Ignoring when the exon is in a gap unless exon.snp_in_gap exon_seq = container.chromosome_sequence(flanquing_region) @surrounding_exon_sequences["#{chromosome}_#{flanquing_region.start}_#{exon.record.score}"] = exon_seq end end end @surrounding_exon_sequences end def exon_sequences return @exon_sequences if @exon_sequences gene_region = self.covered_region local_pos_in_gene = self.local_position @exon_sequences = self.exon_list.each do |chromosome, exon_arr| exon_arr.each do |exon| exon_start_offset = exon.query_region.start - gene_region.start exon_seq = "-" * exon_start_offset exon_seq << container.chromosome_sequence(exon.target_region).to_s #puts exon_seq #l_pos = exon_start_offset + local_pos_in_gene unless exon.snp_in_gap #puts "local position: #{local_pos_in_gene}" #puts "Exon_seq: #{exon_seq}" exon_seq[local_pos_in_gene] = exon_seq[local_pos_in_gene].upcase exon_seq << "-" * (gene_region.size - exon_seq.size + 1) #puts exon.inspect @exon_sequences["#{chromosome}_#{exon.query_region.start}_#{exon.record.score}"] = exon_seq end end end @exon_sequences[@chromosome] = "-" * gene_region.size unless @exon_sequences[@chromosome] @exon_sequences end end end