require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper' class ViewingProjectVideoTest < ActionController::IntegrationTest include VideosHelper def setup ChiliVideos::Config.update(:api_key => 'api-key', :workflow => 'wf') @user = User.generate!(:login => 'existing', :password => 'existing', :password_confirmation => 'existing', :admin => true) @project = Project.generate!.reload User.add_to_project(@user, @project, Role.generate!(:permissions => [:view_video_list, :add_video, :view_specific_video])) login_as end context "Viewing a specific video associated with a Project by clicking the video link" do context "when the specified video is not associated with the project" do setup do Video.destroy_all visit(project_video_path(@project, 'nonexistant-video')) end should "display an error message to the user" do assert_have_selector("div.error") end end context "when the requested video has been associated with the project" do setup do @video = Video.create!(:title => "Video 1", :description => "Description...", :url => "", :project_id =>, :user_id => visit(project_video_path(@project, @video)) end should "include the code to embed the video in another project page with the standard size" do within("") do assert_have_selector("input.embed.standard[value='#{video_embed_macro_markup(@video)}']") end end should "have a link to delete the video" do within("div.contextual") do assert_have_selector("a[class~='video-del'][href='#{project_video_path(@project, @video)}']") end end should "have a link to edit the video" do within("div.contextual") do assert_have_selector("a[class~='video-edit'][href='#{edit_project_video_path(@project, @video)}']") end end should "have a link to upload a new video" do within("div.contextual") do assert_have_selector("a", :href => new_project_video_path(@project)) end end end end context "Deleting a video by clicking the 'delete video' link" do setup do @video = Video.create!(:title => "Video 1", :description => "Description...", :url => "", :project_id =>, :user_id => delete_via_redirect(project_video_path(@project, @video)) end should "notify the user that the video was deleted" do assert_have_selector(".notice") end should "removes the video from the project's list of videos" do visit project_videos_path(@project) assert_have_no_selector(".video##{@video.to_param}") end end end