require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' describe Reader do dataset :readers activate_authlogic before do @existing_reader = readers(:normal) end it "should have some groups" do reader = readers(:normal) reader.groups.any?.should be_true reader.groups.size.should == 2 end describe "on validation" do before do @reader = :name => "Test Reader", :email => '', :login => 'test', :password => 'passw0rd', :password_confirmation => 'passw0rd' @reader.should be_valid end it "should require a name" do = nil @reader.should_not be_valid @reader.errors.on(:name).should_not be_empty end it "should require a valid email address" do = nil @reader.should_not be_valid @reader.errors.on(:email).should_not be_empty = 'nodomain' @reader.should_not be_valid = 'bad@punctuation,com' @reader.should_not be_valid end it "should require an email address that is not in use by either reader or user" do = readers(:normal).email @reader.should_not be_valid = users(:another).email @reader.should_not be_valid end it "should require a unique login" do @reader.login = @existing_reader.login @reader.should_not be_valid @reader.errors.on(:login).should_not be_empty end end describe "on creation" do before do @reader = Reader.create :name => "Test Reader", :email => '', :login => 'test', :password => 'passw0rd', :password_confirmation => 'passw0rd' end it 'should await activation' do @reader.activated_at.should be_nil @reader.activated?.should be_false end it 'should default to trusted status' do @reader.trusted.should == true end end describe "on create_for_user" do it "should return the existing reader if there is one" do reader = Reader.for_user(users(:existing)) reader.should == readers(:user) reader.is_user?.should be_true reader.is_admin?.should be_false end it "should create a matching reader if necessary" do user = users(:admin) reader = Reader.for_user(user) [:name, :email, :login, :created_at, :notes].each do |att| reader.send(att).should == user.send(att) end reader.crypted_password.should == user.password => 'admin', :password => 'password').should be_valid reader.is_user?.should be_true reader.is_admin?.should be_true end end describe "on update" do before do @reader = readers(:normal) end it 'should be puttable in the doghouse' do @reader.password_confirmation = @reader.password = '' @reader.trusted = false! @reader.trusted.should == false end end describe "on update if really a user" do it "should update the user's attributes" do reader = readers(:user) = "Cardinal Fang"! User.find_by_name("Cardinal Fang").should == users(:existing) end it "should update the user's credentials" do reader = readers(:user) reader.password = reader.password_confirmation = 'bl0tto'! => reader.login, :password => 'bl0tto').should be_valid reader.user.authenticated?('bl0tto').should be_true end end describe "on activation" do before do @reader = Reader.create :name => "Test Reader", :email => '', :login => 'another_login', :password => 'passw0rd', :password_confirmation => 'passw0rd', :trusted => 1 end it 'should be retrieved by id and activation code' do Reader.find_by_id_and_perishable_token(, @reader.perishable_token).should == @reader end it 'should not be retrievable with no or the wrong code' do Reader.find_by_id_and_perishable_token(, 'walrus').should be_nil Reader.find_by_id_and_perishable_token(, '').should be_nil end it 'should activate itself' do @reader.activate! @reader.activated?.should be_true @reader.activated_at.should_not be_nil end end describe "on login" do before do @reader = Reader.create :name => "Test Reader", :email => '', :login => 'test', :password => 'h00haa', :password_confirmation => 'h00haa' @reader.activate! end it 'should authenticate' do => 'test', :password => 'h00haa').should be_valid end it 'should not authenticate with bad password' do => 'test', :password => 'corcovado').should_not be_valid end it 'should not authenticate if it does not exist' do => 'loch ness monster', :password => 'blotto').should_not be_valid end end end