require "numru/gphys/gphys" require "numru/gphys/varrayhdfeos5" module NumRu class GPhys module HE5_IO module_function PredefCoordNames = ["Time","Longitude","Latitude","Colatitude"] # ^ In the order of precedence @@predef_gdcoords = [/^altitude$/i, /^altitude/i, /^pressure$/i, /^wavelength$/i, /^wavelength/i,/^wavenumber$/i, /^wavenumber/i, /^time$/i,/time$/i] # ^ In the order of precedence @@predef_zacoords = [/^latitude$/i, /^latitude/i, /^altitude$/i, /^altitude/i, /^pressure$/i, /^wavelength$/i, /^wavelength/i,/^wavenumber$/i, /^wavenumber/i, /^time$/i, /time$/i, /^solarzenithangle$/i, /^solarzenithangle/i] # ^ In the order of precedence def self.add_predef_gdcoords(regexp) raise ArgumentError, "arg must be a regexp" unless regexp.is_a?(Regexp) @@predef_gdcoords.push(regexp) end def self.predef_gdcoords @@predef_gdcoords end def self.add_predef_zacoords(regexp) raise ArgumentError, "arg must be a regexp" unless regexp.is_a?(Regexp) @@predef_gdcoords.push(regexp) end def self.predef_zacoords @@predef_gdcoords end def is_a_HE5?(filename) file = nil begin file =,"rb") str = ensure file.close if file end return str=="\211HDF" end def open(files, varname) files, var0, varname, gridtype = __interpret_files( files, varname ) case gridtype when "swath" _sw_open(var0, varname) when "grid" _gd_open(var0, varname) when "za" _za_open(var0, varname) else raise "Sorry. Currently, only the Swath type is supported" end end def _sw_open(var0, varname) swath = var0.swath data = __files2varray( swath, varname ) rank = data.rank dim_names = var0.dim_names #< coordiante varables > geo_names = swath.geo_names # geolocation varables coords = assoccoords = proc ={|nm| vdns = swath.var(nm).dim_names if vdns.length==1 && (dim=dim_names.index(vdns[0])) && !coords[dim] coords[dim] = __files2varray( swath, nm) elsif ( (vdns - dim_names).length==0 ) # all dims are covered dimids = vdns.collect{|s| dim_names.index(s)} assoccoords.push( [dimids, __files2varray( swath, nm)] ) end } # (first precedence) Predefined coordinate variable names PredefCoordNames.each do |nm| if geo_names.delete(nm) # if included, delete and call end # (second precedence) Variables having the same name as a dimension dim_names.each do |nm| if geo_names.delete(nm) # if included, delete and call end # (else) geo_names.each do |nm| if swath.geo(nm).ntype != "char" end =begin # if no geolocation variable was found for a dim, search variables too if coords.include?(nil) swath.var_names.each do |nm| vdns = swath.var(nm).dim_names if vdns.length==1 && (dim=dim_names.index(vdns[0])) && !coords[dim] coords[dim] = __files2varray( swath, nm) end break if !coords.include?(nil) end end =end #< make axes > axes = coords.each_with_index do |crd, dim| if crd axis = axis.set_pos( crd ) else axis =, true) dimnm = dim_names[dim] len = data.shape_current[dim] axis.set_pos(!).rename(dimnm) ) end axes.push( axis ) end #< make grid > grid = *axes ) if assoccoords.length > 0 assoccoords.collect! do |dimids, vary| acgrid = *(dimids.collect{|dim| axes[dim]}) ) gphys =, vary) end grid.set_assoc_coords( assoccoords ) end #< make gphys >,data) end private :_sw_open def _gd_open(var0, varname) #< make axes > grid = var0.grid data = __files2varray( grid, varname ) axes = __make_gd_axes(var0, grid, data) #< make grid > new_grid = *axes ) #< make gphys >,data) end private :_gd_open def _za_open(var0, varname) #< make axes > za = data = __files2varray( za, varname ) axes = __make_za_axes(var0, za, data) #< make grid > new_za = *axes ) #< make gphys >,data) end private :_za_open def write(file, gphys, name=nil) name = if name.nil? dims = gphys.rank.times{|n| dims[n] = gphys.coord(n) } case file when HE5Sw VArrayHE5SwField.write(file,,name,dims) when HE5Gd VArrayHE5GdField.write(file,,name,dims) when HE5Za else raise ArgumentError, "arg must be a HE5Sw, a HE5Gd or a HE5Za" end nil end def var_names(files) case files when HE5 file = files opened = true when String file = opened = false else raise ArgumentError, "arg must be a HDF-EOS5 or a file name" end raise "file must be a HDF-EOS5 swath filed" if !file.has_swath?() swathlist=file.swath_names() varnames=[] for i in 0..swathlist.size-1 sfile=file.swath(swathlist[i]) sfile.var_names.each{|name| f, var, varname, gridtype = __interpret_files( sfile, name ) if var.rank>1 ||!=var.dim_names[0] varnames.push(swathlist[i]+"/"+name) end } sfile.closed # close Swath field end file.close unless opened # close Swath field & close HDF-EOS5 file return varnames end def var_names_except_coordinates(files) var_names(files) end ############################################################ def __convertTime( axisname ) # Convert Geo Location Field "Time" or "LocalTime" # if == "Time" || == "LocalTime" # axisname.val.each{|ax| # stun = axisname.units.to_s # since = DateTime.parse("1993-01-01 00:00:00+00:00") # tun = Units[stun] # sec = tun.convert( ax, Units['seconds'] ).round + 1e-1 # datetime = since + (sec/86400.0) # ax =datetime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # } #p axisname[0].val # end end def __files2varray( files, varname, dim=nil, gd_flag=nil, ntype=nil ) if files.is_a?(HE5Sw) # Single file. Returns a VArrayHE5SwField. dim is ignored. file = files var = file.var(varname) raise "variable '#{varname}' not found in #{file}" if !var if ntype != nil && gd_flag == 1 VArrayHE5SwField.new2( var , varname, ntype, dim) elsif ntype != nil && gd_flag == 0 VArrayHE5SwField.new3( file, varname, ntype, dim) else var ) end elsif files.is_a?(HE5Gd) # Single file. Returns a VArrayHE5GdField. dim is ignored. file = files var = file.var(varname) raise "variable '#{varname}' not found in #{file}" if !var if ntype != nil && gd_flag == 1 VArrayHE5GdField.new2( var , varname, ntype, dim) else var ) end elsif files.is_a?(HE5Za) # Single file. Returns a VArrayHE5ZaField. dim is ignored. file = files var = file.var(varname) raise "variable '#{varname}' not found in #{file}" if !var if ntype != nil && gd_flag == 1 VArrayHE5ZaField.new2( var , varname, ntype, dim) else var ) end elsif files.is_a?(NArray) # Suppose that files is a NArray of HDF-EOS5. Returns a VArrayCompsite. if dim.is_a?(Integer) && dim>=0 && dim "swath", "grid", "za", .... case files when HE5, String files = if files.is_a?(String) dirname, varname, = varname.split(/\//) if files.has_swath? swath = files.swath(dirname) or raise("Can't find a swath named #{dirname}") he5var0 = swath.var( varname ) gridtype = 'swath' elsif files.has_grid? grid = files.grid(dirname) or raise("Can't find a grid named #{dirname}") he5var0 = grid.var( varname ) gridtype = 'grid' elsif files.has_za? za = files.zonal(dirname) or raise("Can't find a zonal average named #{dirname}") he5var0 = za.var( varname ) gridtype = 'za' else raise "Sorry. Currenly, only the Swath type is supported" end when HE5Sw he5var0 = files.var( varname ) gridtype = 'swath' when HE5Gd he5var0 = files.var( varname ) gridtype = 'grid' # when Regexp else raise TypeError, "argument files: not a HDF-EOS5, String, NArray, or Array" end [files, he5var0, varname, gridtype] end def __make_gd_axes(var0, grid, data) dim_names = var0.dim_names # 次元の名前 unlocated_dim_names = var0.dim_names # まだ軸の決まっていない次元の名前 unused_var_names = grid.var_names axes = # (#1) HDF-EOS5 standard rule. ["Longitude", "Latitude"].each do |provided_varname| unlocated_dim_names.each do |dim_nm| if (vary = __make_field_one_dimension(grid.var(provided_varname), dim_names.index(dim_nm))) axes.push( unlocated_dim_names.delete(dim_nm) unused_var_names.delete(provided_varname) break end end end if unused_var_names.include?("Longitude") || unused_var_names.include?("Latitude") raise("Sorry. Truely multidimensional longitudes/latitudes are yet to be supported. (2-dimensional lon/lat data that are actually one dimensional are supported.)") end # (#2) Empirical rule (from EOS-AURA, MLS, etc) # (#2-1) 軸が未確定の次元に対し、次元名と一致する名前を持つ1次元変数を座標変数として採用する unlocated_dim_names.each do |dim_nm| if unused_var_names.include?(dim_nm) vary = __files2varray( grid, dim_nm) if vary.rank == 1 axes.push( unlocated_dim_names.delete(dim_nm) unused_var_names.delete(dim_nm) end end end # (#2-2) 軸が未確定の次元に対し、その次元を使って定義されている1次元変数を座標変数として採用する # (a) select variables match to Regexp. @@predef_gdcoords.each do |reg_exp| unlocated_dim_names.each do |dim_nm| # get candidates candidate_var_names = unused_var_names.each do |var_nm| var = grid.var(var_nm) if reg_exp =~ var_nm && var.dim_names.include?(dim_nm) candidate_var_names.push(var_nm) end end # permute the candidates in order of length. candidate_var_names = candidate_var_names.sort {|a, b| a.length <=> b.length} candidate_var_names.each do |candidate| vary = __files2varray(grid, candidate) if vary.rank == 1 axes.push( unlocated_dim_names.delete(dim_nm) unused_var_names.delete(candidate) end break if unlocated_dim_names.length == 0 end end end # (#2-3) 座標変数はファイル中にないものとみなし, # ダミーとして 0,1,2,... が割り当てられるようにする. unlocated_dim_names.each do |dim_nm| nary_length = data.shape_current[dim_names.index(dim_nm)] nary = NArray[0...nary_length] vary = + "_dummy") axis =, true) axis.set_pos(vary) axes.push(axis) end return axes end private :__make_gd_axes def __make_za_axes(var0, za, data) dim_names = var0.dim_names # 次元の名前 unlocated_dim_names = var0.dim_names # まだ軸の決まっていない次元の名前 unused_var_names = za.var_names axes = # (#1) HDF-EOS5 standard rule is none. # (#2) Empirical rule (from EOS-AURA, MLS, etc) # (#2-1) 次元名と一致する名前を持つ1次元変数を座標変数として採用する unlocated_dim_names.each do |dim_nm| if unused_var_names.include?(dim_nm) vary = __files2varray( za, dim_nm) if vary.rank == 1 axes.push( unlocated_dim_names.delete(dim_nm) unused_var_names.delete(dim_nm) end end end # (#2-2) 軸が未確定の次元に対し、その次元を使って定義されている1次元変数を座標変数として採用する # (a) select variables match to Regexp. @@predef_zacoords.each do |reg_exp| unlocated_dim_names.each do |dim_nm| # get candidates candidate_var_names = unused_var_names.each do |var_nm| var = za.var(var_nm) if reg_exp =~ var_nm && var.dim_names.include?(dim_nm) candidate_var_names.push(var_nm) end end # permute the candidates in order of length. candidate_var_names = candidate_var_names.sort {|a, b| a.length <=> b.length} candidate_var_names.each do |candidate| vary = __files2varray(za, candidate) if vary.rank == 1 axes.push( unlocated_dim_names.delete(dim_nm) unused_var_names.delete(candidate) end break if unlocated_dim_names.length == 0 end end end # (#2-3) 座標変数はファイル中にないものとみなし, # ダミーとして 0,1,2,... が割り当てられるようにする. unlocated_dim_names.each do |dim_nm| nary_length = data.shape_current[dim_names.index(dim_nm)] nary = NArray[0...nary_length] vary = + "_dummy") axis =, true) axis.set_pos(vary) axes.push(axis) end return axes end private :__make_za_axes # dim_index に関して実質1次元の変数ならば VArray を返す。そうでなければ nil を返す。 def __make_field_one_dimension(aHE5GdField, dim_index) rank = aHE5GdField.rank indexes = seps = (2**(-23).to_f) * 10 deps = Float::EPSILON * 10 # (2**(-52).to_f) * 10 permissible_diff = case aHE5GdField.simple_get.typecode when NArray::SFLOAT, NArray::SCOMPLEX then seps when NArray::DFLOAT, NArray::DCOMPLEX then deps else 0 end for i in 0...rank do indexes.push(i) unless i == dim_index end mn = aHE5GdField.simple_get.min(*indexes) mx = aHE5GdField.simple_get.max(*indexes) maxdiff = (mx - mn).max maxval = ((mx1=mx.max)>(mx2=-mn.min)) ? mx1 : mx2 is_zero = (maxdiff/maxval <= permissible_diff) unless is_zero return nil else ary = for j in 0...rank do if j == dim_index ary.push(true) else ary.push(0) end end return[](*ary) end end private :__make_field_one_dimension end end end ###################################################### if $0 == __FILE__ include NumRu require "numru/hdfeos5" require "numru/gphys/varray" ##### Read test ##### # Swath #filename1, varname1 = "../../../testdata/MLS-Aura_L2GP-O3_v02-21-c01_2007d059.he5", "O3/L2gpValue" # Grid #filename1, varname1 = "../../../testdata/OMI-Aura_L3-OMAEROe_2008m0101_v003-2009m0114t114202.he5", "ColumnAmountAerosol/AerosolModelMW" # Zonal Average filename1, varname1 = "../../../testdata/test_za.he5", "za1/Temperature" print "filename1 = \"#{filename1}\", varname1 = \"#{varname1}\"\n" file = print "zonal_names = " p file.zonal_names temp =, varname1) print "temp = " p temp exit ###### # p, temp.shape_current # p temp.val.class temp2 = temp[true, 2] # p, temp2.shape_current temp_xmean = temp#.average(0) # p temp.val temp_edy = ( temp - temp_xmean ) # p '###',,temp_edy.val[0,true] # p '@@@',temp # p '///',temp.copy # p '+++',temp2 puts "\n** test write (tmp.he5) **" p v = temp_edy.axis(0).pos.copy.rename('lonlon') temp_edy.axis(0).set_aux('test',v) temp_edy.axis(0).set_aux('test2',(v/2).rename('lonlon2')) temp_edy.axis(0).set_aux('test2',(v/2).rename('lonlon3')) print "========== temp ===========\n" pp temp print "=====================\n" pp temp_edy print "========== temp_edy ==========\n" #### grid write test #### file2 = HE5.create('tmp.he5') gd = HE5Gd.create( file2, 'grid1', 1440, 720, [90.0, 180.0], [-90.0, -180.0]) print "gd = " pp gd print "gd.gridinfo = " pp gd.gridinfo GPhys::HE5_IO.write(gd,temp_edy) file2.close exit #### swath write test #### file2 = HE5.create('tmp.he5') sw = HE5Sw.create( file2, 'swath1') print "sw = " pp sw GPhys::HE5_IO.write(sw,temp_edy) file2.close sw = HE5Sw.create(file3 = HE5.create('tmp2.he5'),'swath1') GPhys::HE5_IO.write(sw,temp_xmean) file3.close p '** test composite **' temp =,"O3/L2gpValue") sw = HE5Sw.create( f=HE5.create('tmp00.he5'), "swath3" ) GPhys::HE5_IO.write( sw, temp[0..5,true] ) # GPhys::HE5_IO.write( sw, temp[6..9,true] ) # GPhys::HE5_IO.write( sw, temp[10..15,true] ) f.close =begin ###### Regexp test. ###### files = /tmp(\d)(\d).he5/ p gpcompo = files, "O3/L2gpValue") p gpcompo.coord(0).val p gpcompo[false,0].val =end p '** test each_along_dims* **' f=HE5.create('tmpE1.he5') GPhys::HE5_IO.each_along_dims_write( temp, f, 1, 2 ){|sub| [sub.mean(0)] } f.close f=HE5.create('tmpE0.he5') GPhys::HE5_IO.write( f, temp.mean(0) ) f.close print `he5dump tmpE0.he5 > tmpE0; he5dump tmpE1.he5 > tmpE1 ; diff -u tmpE[01]` f=HE5.create('tmpE2.he5') GPhys::HE5_IO.each_along_dims_write([temp,temp_edy], f, "level"){|s1,s2| [s1.mean(0),s2.mean(1).rename('T_edy')] } f.close f=HE5.create('tmpE3.he5') GPhys::HE5_IO.each_along_dims_write([temp,temp_xmean], f, "level"){|s1,s2| [s1.mean(1),s2.rename('T_x_mean'),s2.mean(0).rename('T_xy_mean')] } f.close print "\n\n** PACKED DATA TREATMENT **\n\n" file ="../../../testdata/T.jan.packed.withmiss.he5") temp =,"T") temp.att_names.each{|nm| p nm,temp.get_att(nm) if /(scale|offs)/ =~ nm} p( mls=temp.copy.att_names ) p( (temp*10).att_names - mls ) p( temp[0,false].copy.att_names - mls ) print "\n\n** copying with write_grid **\n\n" f=HE5.create('tmpE4.he5') grid = GPhys::HE5_IO.write_grid(f,temp) p grid,grid.axis(0).pos.val f.close print "\n\n** axis conventions **\n\n" x = temp.axis(0).copy.to_gphys x.coord(0).set_att('topology','circular') x.coord(0).set_att('modulo',[360.0]) p x f=HE5.create('tmpE5.he5') GPhys::HE5_IO.write_grid(f,x) f.close'tmpE5.he5'),'lon') p x.coord(0).axis_cyclic? p x.coord(0).axis_modulo end