= Minitest == Minitest/AssertEmpty |=== | Enabled by default | Safe | Supports autocorrection | Version Added | Version Changed | Enabled | Yes | Yes | 0.2 | - |=== Enforces the test to use `assert_empty` instead of using `assert(object.empty?)`. === Examples [source,ruby] ---- # bad assert(object.empty?) assert(object.empty?, 'message') # good assert_empty(object) assert_empty(object, 'message') ---- === References * https://minitest.rubystyle.guide#assert-empty == Minitest/AssertEmptyLiteral |=== | Enabled by default | Safe | Supports autocorrection | Version Added | Version Changed | Enabled | Yes | Yes | 0.5 | 0.11 |=== Enforces the test to use `assert_empty` instead of using `assert_equal([], object)` or `assert_equal({}, object)`. === Examples [source,ruby] ---- # bad assert_equal([], object) assert_equal({}, object) # good assert_empty(object) ---- == Minitest/AssertEqual |=== | Enabled by default | Safe | Supports autocorrection | Version Added | Version Changed | Enabled | Yes | Yes | 0.4 | - |=== Enforces the use of `assert_equal(expected, actual)` over `assert(expected == actual)`. === Examples [source,ruby] ---- # bad assert("rubocop-minitest" == actual) # good assert_equal("rubocop-minitest", actual) ---- === References * https://minitest.rubystyle.guide#assert-equal-arguments-order == Minitest/AssertInDelta |=== | Enabled by default | Safe | Supports autocorrection | Version Added | Version Changed | Pending | Yes | Yes | 0.10 | - |=== Enforces the test to use `assert_in_delta` instead of using `assert_equal` to compare floats. === Examples [source,ruby] ---- # bad assert_equal(0.2, actual) assert_equal(0.2, actual, 'message') # good assert_in_delta(0.2, actual) assert_in_delta(0.2, actual, 0.001, 'message') ---- === References * https://minitest.rubystyle.guide/#assert-in-delta == Minitest/AssertIncludes |=== | Enabled by default | Safe | Supports autocorrection | Version Added | Version Changed | Enabled | Yes | Yes | 0.2 | - |=== Enforces the test to use `assert_includes` instead of using `assert(collection.include?(object))`. === Examples [source,ruby] ---- # bad assert(collection.include?(object)) assert(collection.include?(object), 'message') # good assert_includes(collection, object) assert_includes(collection, object, 'message') ---- === References * https://minitest.rubystyle.guide#assert-includes == Minitest/AssertInstanceOf |=== | Enabled by default | Safe | Supports autocorrection | Version Added | Version Changed | Enabled | Yes | Yes | 0.4 | - |=== Enforces the test to use `assert_instance_of(Class, object)` over `assert(object.instance_of?(Class))`. === Examples [source,ruby] ---- # bad assert(object.instance_of?(Class)) assert(object.instance_of?(Class), 'message') # good assert_instance_of(Class, object) assert_instance_of(Class, object, 'message') ---- === References * https://minitest.rubystyle.guide#assert-instance-of == Minitest/AssertKindOf |=== | Enabled by default | Safe | Supports autocorrection | Version Added | Version Changed | Pending | Yes | Yes | 0.10 | - |=== Enforces the test to use `assert_kind_of(Class, object)` over `assert(object.kind_of?(Class))`. === Examples [source,ruby] ---- # bad assert(object.kind_of?(Class)) assert(object.kind_of?(Class), 'message') # good assert_kind_of(Class, object) assert_kind_of(Class, object, 'message') ---- === References * https://github.com/rubocop/minitest-style-guide#assert-kind-of == Minitest/AssertMatch |=== | Enabled by default | Safe | Supports autocorrection | Version Added | Version Changed | Enabled | Yes | Yes | 0.6 | - |=== Enforces the test to use `assert_match` instead of using `assert(matcher.match(string))`. === Examples [source,ruby] ---- # bad assert(matcher.match(string)) assert(matcher.match(string), 'message') # good assert_match(regex, string) assert_match(matcher, string, 'message') ---- === References * https://minitest.rubystyle.guide#assert-match == Minitest/AssertNil |=== | Enabled by default | Safe | Supports autocorrection | Version Added | Version Changed | Enabled | Yes | Yes | 0.1 | - |=== Enforces the test to use `assert_nil` instead of using `assert_equal(nil, something)`, `assert(something.nil?)`, or `assert_predicate(something, :nil?)`. === Examples [source,ruby] ---- # bad assert_equal(nil, actual) assert_equal(nil, actual, 'message') assert(object.nil?) assert(object.nil?, 'message') assert_predicate(object, :nil?) assert_predicate(object, :nil?, 'message') # good assert_nil(actual) assert_nil(actual, 'message') ---- === References * https://minitest.rubystyle.guide#assert-nil == Minitest/AssertOutput |=== | Enabled by default | Safe | Supports autocorrection | Version Added | Version Changed | Pending | Yes | No | 0.10 | - |=== Checks for opportunities to use `assert_output`. === Examples [source,ruby] ---- # bad $stdout = StringIO.new puts object.method $stdout.rewind assert_match expected, $stdout.read # good assert_output(expected) { puts object.method } ---- === References * https://minitest.rubystyle.guide/#assert-output == Minitest/AssertPathExists |=== | Enabled by default | Safe | Supports autocorrection | Version Added | Version Changed | Pending | Yes | Yes | 0.10 | - |=== Enforces the test to use `assert_path_exists` instead of using `assert(File.exist?(path))`. === Examples [source,ruby] ---- # bad assert(File.exist?(path)) assert(File.exist?(path), 'message') # good assert_path_exists(path) assert_path_exists(path, 'message') ---- === References * https://minitest.rubystyle.guide/#assert-path-exists == Minitest/AssertPredicate |=== | Enabled by default | Safe | Supports autocorrection | Version Added | Version Changed | Pending | Yes | Yes | 0.18 | - |=== Enforces the test to use `assert_predicate` instead of using `assert(obj.a_predicate_method?)`. === Examples [source,ruby] ---- # bad assert(obj.one?) assert(obj.one?, 'message') # good assert_predicate(obj, :one?) assert_predicate(obj, :one?, 'message') ---- === References * https://minitest.rubystyle.guide/#assert-predicate == Minitest/AssertRespondTo |=== | Enabled by default | Safe | Supports autocorrection | Version Added | Version Changed | Enabled | Yes | Yes | 0.3 | - |=== Enforces the use of `assert_respond_to(object, :do_something)` over `assert(object.respond_to?(:do_something))`. === Examples [source,ruby] ---- # bad assert(object.respond_to?(:do_something)) assert(object.respond_to?(:do_something), 'message') assert(respond_to?(:do_something)) # good assert_respond_to(object, :do_something) assert_respond_to(object, :do_something, 'message') assert_respond_to(self, :do_something) ---- === References * https://minitest.rubystyle.guide#assert-responds-to-method == Minitest/AssertSilent |=== | Enabled by default | Safe | Supports autocorrection | Version Added | Version Changed | Pending | Yes | Yes | 0.10 | - |=== Enforces the test to use `assert_silent { ... }` instead of using `assert_output('', '') { ... }`. === Examples [source,ruby] ---- # bad assert_output('', '') { puts object.do_something } # good assert_silent { puts object.do_something } ---- === References * https://github.com/rubocop/minitest-style-guide#assert-silent == Minitest/AssertTruthy |=== | Enabled by default | Safe | Supports autocorrection | Version Added | Version Changed | Enabled | Yes | Yes | 0.2 | - |=== Enforces the test to use `assert(actual)` instead of using `assert_equal(true, actual)`. === Examples [source,ruby] ---- # bad assert_equal(true, actual) assert_equal(true, actual, 'message') # good assert(actual) assert(actual, 'message') ---- === References * https://minitest.rubystyle.guide#assert-truthy == Minitest/AssertWithExpectedArgument |=== | Enabled by default | Safe | Supports autocorrection | Version Added | Version Changed | Pending | No | No | 0.11 | - |=== Tries to detect when a user accidentally used `assert` when they meant to use `assert_equal`. === Safety This cop is unsafe because it is not possible to determine whether the second argument of `assert` is a message or not. === Examples [source,ruby] ---- # bad assert(3, my_list.length) assert(expected, actual) # good assert_equal(3, my_list.length) assert_equal(expected, actual) assert(foo, 'message') ---- == Minitest/AssertionInLifecycleHook |=== | Enabled by default | Safe | Supports autocorrection | Version Added | Version Changed | Pending | Yes | No | 0.10 | - |=== Checks for usage of assertions in lifecycle hooks. === Examples [source,ruby] ---- # bad class FooTest < Minitest::Test def setup assert_equal(foo, bar) end end # good class FooTest < Minitest::Test def test_something assert_equal(foo, bar) end end ---- == Minitest/DuplicateTestRun |=== | Enabled by default | Safe | Supports autocorrection | Version Added | Version Changed | Pending | Yes | No | 0.19 | - |=== If a Minitest class inherits from another class, it will also inherit its methods causing Minitest to run the parent's tests methods twice. This cop detects when there are two tests classes, one inherits from the other, and both have tests methods. This cop will add an offense to the Child class in such a case. === Examples [source,ruby] ---- # bad class ParentTest < Minitest::Test def test_parent # it will run this test twice. end end class ChildTest < ParentTest def test_child end end # good class ParentTest < Minitest::Test def test_parent end end class ChildTest < Minitest::Test def test_child end end # good class ParentTest < Minitest::Test end class ChildTest def test_child end def test_parent end end ---- === References * https://minitest.rubystyle.guide/#subclassing-test-cases == Minitest/GlobalExpectations |=== | Enabled by default | Safe | Supports autocorrection | Version Added | Version Changed | Enabled | Yes | Yes | 0.7 | 0.16 |=== Checks for deprecated global expectations and autocorrects them to use expect format. === Examples ==== EnforcedStyle: _ [source,ruby] ---- # bad musts.must_equal expected_musts wonts.wont_match expected_wonts musts.must_raise TypeError expect(musts).must_equal expected_musts expect(wonts).wont_match expected_wonts expect { musts }.must_raise TypeError value(musts).must_equal expected_musts value(wonts).wont_match expected_wonts value { musts }.must_raise TypeError # good _(musts).must_equal expected_musts _(wonts).wont_match expected_wonts _ { musts }.must_raise TypeError ---- ==== EnforcedStyle: any (default) [source,ruby] ---- # bad musts.must_equal expected_musts wonts.wont_match expected_wonts musts.must_raise TypeError # good _(musts).must_equal expected_musts _(wonts).wont_match expected_wonts _ { musts }.must_raise TypeError expect(musts).must_equal expected_musts expect(wonts).wont_match expected_wonts expect { musts }.must_raise TypeError value(musts).must_equal expected_musts value(wonts).wont_match expected_wonts value { musts }.must_raise TypeError ---- ==== EnforcedStyle: expect [source,ruby] ---- # bad musts.must_equal expected_musts wonts.wont_match expected_wonts musts.must_raise TypeError _(musts).must_equal expected_musts _(wonts).wont_match expected_wonts _ { musts }.must_raise TypeError value(musts).must_equal expected_musts value(wonts).wont_match expected_wonts value { musts }.must_raise TypeError # good expect(musts).must_equal expected_musts expect(wonts).wont_match expected_wonts expect { musts }.must_raise TypeError ---- ==== EnforcedStyle: value [source,ruby] ---- # bad musts.must_equal expected_musts wonts.wont_match expected_wonts musts.must_raise TypeError _(musts).must_equal expected_musts _(wonts).wont_match expected_wonts _ { musts }.must_raise TypeError expect(musts).must_equal expected_musts expect(wonts).wont_match expected_wonts expect { musts }.must_raise TypeError # good value(musts).must_equal expected_musts value(wonts).wont_match expected_wonts value { musts }.must_raise TypeError ---- === Configurable attributes |=== | Name | Default value | Configurable values | EnforcedStyle | `any` | `_`, `any`, `expect`, `value` | Include | `+**/test/**/*+`, `+**/*_test.rb+`, `+**/spec/**/*+`, `+**/*_spec.rb+` | Array |=== === References * https://minitest.rubystyle.guide#global-expectations == Minitest/LiteralAsActualArgument |=== | Enabled by default | Safe | Supports autocorrection | Version Added | Version Changed | Pending | Yes | Yes | 0.10 | - |=== Enforces correct order of expected and actual arguments for `assert_equal`. === Examples [source,ruby] ---- # bad assert_equal foo, 2 assert_equal foo, [1, 2] assert_equal foo, [1, 2], 'message' # good assert_equal 2, foo assert_equal [1, 2], foo assert_equal [1, 2], foo, 'message' ---- === References * https://minitest.rubystyle.guide/#assert-equal-arguments-order == Minitest/MultipleAssertions |=== | Enabled by default | Safe | Supports autocorrection | Version Added | Version Changed | Pending | Yes | No | 0.10 | - |=== Checks if test cases contain too many assertion calls. The maximum allowed assertion calls is configurable. === Examples ==== Max: 1 [source,ruby] ---- # bad class FooTest < Minitest::Test def test_asserts_twice assert_equal(42, do_something) assert_empty(array) end end # good class FooTest < Minitest::Test def test_asserts_once assert_equal(42, do_something) end def test_another_asserts_once assert_empty(array) end end ---- === Configurable attributes |=== | Name | Default value | Configurable values | Max | `3` | Integer |=== == Minitest/NoAssertions |=== | Enabled by default | Safe | Supports autocorrection | Version Added | Version Changed | Disabled | Yes | No | 0.12 | - |=== Checks if test cases contain any assertion calls. === Examples [source,ruby] ---- # bad class FooTest < Minitest::Test def test_the_truth end end # good class FooTest < Minitest::Test def test_the_truth assert true end end ---- == Minitest/RefuteEmpty |=== | Enabled by default | Safe | Supports autocorrection | Version Added | Version Changed | Enabled | Yes | Yes | 0.3 | - |=== Enforces to use `refute_empty` instead of using `refute(object.empty?)`. === Examples [source,ruby] ---- # bad refute(object.empty?) refute(object.empty?, 'message') # good refute_empty(object) refute_empty(object, 'message') ---- === References * https://minitest.rubystyle.guide#refute-empty == Minitest/RefuteEqual |=== | Enabled by default | Safe | Supports autocorrection | Version Added | Version Changed | Enabled | Yes | Yes | 0.3 | - |=== Enforces the use of `refute_equal(expected, object)` over `assert(expected != actual)` or `assert(! expected == actual)`. === Examples [source,ruby] ---- # bad assert("rubocop-minitest" != actual) assert(! "rubocop-minitest" == actual) # good refute_equal("rubocop-minitest", actual) ---- === References * https://minitest.rubystyle.guide#refute-equal == Minitest/RefuteFalse |=== | Enabled by default | Safe | Supports autocorrection | Version Added | Version Changed | Enabled | Yes | Yes | 0.3 | - |=== Enforces the use of `refute(object)` over `assert_equal(false, object)`. === Examples [source,ruby] ---- # bad assert_equal(false, actual) assert_equal(false, actual, 'message') assert(!test) assert(!test, 'message') # good refute(actual) refute(actual, 'message') ---- === References * https://minitest.rubystyle.guide#refute-false == Minitest/RefuteInDelta |=== | Enabled by default | Safe | Supports autocorrection | Version Added | Version Changed | Pending | Yes | Yes | 0.10 | - |=== Enforces the test to use `refute_in_delta` instead of using `refute_equal` to compare floats. === Examples [source,ruby] ---- # bad refute_equal(0.2, actual) refute_equal(0.2, actual, 'message') # good refute_in_delta(0.2, actual) refute_in_delta(0.2, actual, 0.001, 'message') ---- === References * https://minitest.rubystyle.guide/#refute-in-delta == Minitest/RefuteIncludes |=== | Enabled by default | Safe | Supports autocorrection | Version Added | Version Changed | Enabled | Yes | Yes | 0.3 | - |=== Enforces the test to use `refute_includes` instead of using `refute(collection.include?(object))`. === Examples [source,ruby] ---- # bad refute(collection.include?(object)) refute(collection.include?(object), 'message') # good refute_includes(collection, object) refute_includes(collection, object, 'message') ---- === References * https://minitest.rubystyle.guide#refute-includes == Minitest/RefuteInstanceOf |=== | Enabled by default | Safe | Supports autocorrection | Version Added | Version Changed | Enabled | Yes | Yes | 0.4 | - |=== Enforces the use of `refute_instance_of(Class, object)` over `refute(object.instance_of?(Class))`. === Examples [source,ruby] ---- # bad refute(object.instance_of?(Class)) refute(object.instance_of?(Class), 'message') # good refute_instance_of(Class, object) refute_instance_of(Class, object, 'message') ---- === References * https://minitest.rubystyle.guide#refute-instance-of == Minitest/RefuteKindOf |=== | Enabled by default | Safe | Supports autocorrection | Version Added | Version Changed | Pending | Yes | Yes | 0.10 | - |=== Enforces the use of `refute_kind_of(Class, object)` over `refute(object.kind_of?(Class))`. === Examples [source,ruby] ---- # bad refute(object.kind_of?(Class)) refute(object.kind_of?(Class), 'message') # good refute_kind_of(Class, object) refute_kind_of(Class, object, 'message') ---- === References * https://github.com/rubocop/minitest-style-guide#refute-kind-of == Minitest/RefuteMatch |=== | Enabled by default | Safe | Supports autocorrection | Version Added | Version Changed | Enabled | Yes | Yes | 0.6 | - |=== Enforces the test to use `refute_match` instead of using `refute(matcher.match(string))`. === Examples [source,ruby] ---- # bad refute(matcher.match(string)) refute(matcher.match(string), 'message') # good refute_match(matcher, string) refute_match(matcher, string, 'message') ---- === References * https://minitest.rubystyle.guide#refute-match == Minitest/RefuteNil |=== | Enabled by default | Safe | Supports autocorrection | Version Added | Version Changed | Enabled | Yes | Yes | 0.2 | - |=== Enforces the test to use `refute_nil` instead of using `refute_equal(nil, something)`, `refute(something.nil?)`, or `refute_predicate(something, :nil?)`. === Examples [source,ruby] ---- # bad refute_equal(nil, actual) refute_equal(nil, actual, 'message') refute(actual.nil?) refute(actual.nil?, 'message') refute_predicate(object, :nil?) refute_predicate(object, :nil?, 'message') # good refute_nil(actual) refute_nil(actual, 'message') ---- === References * https://minitest.rubystyle.guide#refute-nil == Minitest/RefutePathExists |=== | Enabled by default | Safe | Supports autocorrection | Version Added | Version Changed | Pending | Yes | Yes | 0.10 | - |=== Enforces the test to use `refute_path_exists` instead of using `refute(File.exist?(path))`. === Examples [source,ruby] ---- # bad refute(File.exist?(path)) refute(File.exist?(path), 'message') # good refute_path_exists(path) refute_path_exists(path, 'message') ---- === References * https://minitest.rubystyle.guide/#refute-path-exists == Minitest/RefutePredicate |=== | Enabled by default | Safe | Supports autocorrection | Version Added | Version Changed | Pending | Yes | Yes | 0.18 | - |=== Enforces the test to use `refute_predicate` instead of using `refute(obj.a_predicate_method?)`. === Examples [source,ruby] ---- # bad refute(obj.one?) refute(obj.one?, 'message') # good refute_predicate(obj, :one?) refute_predicate(obj, :one?, 'message') ---- === References * https://minitest.rubystyle.guide/#refute-predicate == Minitest/RefuteRespondTo |=== | Enabled by default | Safe | Supports autocorrection | Version Added | Version Changed | Enabled | Yes | Yes | 0.4 | - |=== Enforces the test to use `refute_respond_to(object, :do_something)` over `refute(object.respond_to?(:do_something))`. === Examples [source,ruby] ---- # bad refute(object.respond_to?(:do_something)) refute(object.respond_to?(:do_something), 'message') refute(respond_to?(:do_something)) # good refute_respond_to(object, :do_something) refute_respond_to(object, :do_something, 'message') refute_respond_to(self, :do_something) ---- === References * https://minitest.rubystyle.guide#refute-respond-to == Minitest/SkipEnsure |=== | Enabled by default | Safe | Supports autocorrection | Version Added | Version Changed | Pending | Yes | No | 0.20 | - |=== Checks that `ensure` call even if `skip`. It is unexpected that `ensure` will be called when skipping test. If conditional `skip` is used, it checks that `ensure` is also called conditionally. On the other hand, it accepts `skip` used in `rescue` because `ensure` may be teardown process to `begin` setup process. === Examples [source,ruby] ---- # bad def test_skip skip 'This test is skipped.' assert 'foo'.present? ensure do_something end # bad def test_conditional_skip skip 'This test is skipped.' if condition assert do_something ensure do_teardown end # good def test_skip skip 'This test is skipped.' begin assert 'foo'.present? ensure do_something end end # good def test_conditional_skip skip 'This test is skipped.' if condition assert do_something ensure if condition do_teardown end end # good def test_skip_is_used_in_rescue do_setup assert do_something rescue skip 'This test is skipped.' ensure do_teardown end ---- == Minitest/TestMethodName |=== | Enabled by default | Safe | Supports autocorrection | Version Added | Version Changed | Pending | Yes | Yes | 0.10 | - |=== Enforces that test method names start with `test_` prefix. It aims to prevent tests that aren't executed by forgetting to start test method name with `test_`. === Examples [source,ruby] ---- # bad class FooTest < Minitest::Test def does_something assert_equal 42, do_something end end # good class FooTest < Minitest::Test def test_does_something assert_equal 42, do_something end end # good class FooTest < Minitest::Test def helper_method(argument) end end ---- == Minitest/UnreachableAssertion |=== | Enabled by default | Safe | Supports autocorrection | Version Added | Version Changed | Pending | Yes | No | 0.14 | - |=== Checks for `assert_raises` has an assertion method at the bottom of block because the assertion will be never reached. === Examples [source,ruby] ---- # bad assert_raises FooError do obj.occur_error assert_equal('foo', obj.bar) # Never asserted. end # good assert_raises FooError do obj.occur_error end assert_equal('foo', obj.bar) ---- == Minitest/UnspecifiedException |=== | Enabled by default | Safe | Supports autocorrection | Version Added | Version Changed | Pending | Yes | No | 0.10 | - |=== Checks for a specified error in `assert_raises`. === Examples [source,ruby] ---- # bad assert_raises { raise FooException } assert_raises('This should have raised') { raise FooException } # good assert_raises(FooException) { raise FooException } assert_raises(FooException, 'This should have raised') { raise FooException } ---- === References * https://minitest.rubystyle.guide#unspecified-exception