module Minke module Helpers class Shell def initialize logger @logger = logger end ## # Executes a shell command and returns the return status def execute command @logger.debug command Open3.popen3(command) do |stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr| while line = stdout.gets @logger.debug line end exit_status = wait_thr.value unless exit_status.success? @logger.error "Error executing command: #{command}" abort end end end def execute_and_return command log = `#{command}` return log.strip end def mktmpdir Dir.mktmpdir end def remove_entry_secure dir FileUtils.remove_entry_secure dir end def write_file filename, data, 'w') { |file| file.write(data) } end def read_file filename, 'rb') { |file| }.strip end def exist? filename File.exist? filename end end end end