require 'styled_inputs/extensions/tag_helper'
require 'styled_inputs/extensions/instance_tag'
# Automatically adds css classes to input tags so that fields can be
# easily styled.
# == Tag examples
# text_field_tag('name') # =>
# hidden_field_tag('name') # =>
# radio_button_tag('agree', 1) # =>
# == Form helper examples
# text_field(:person, :name) # =>
# hidden_field(:person, :name) # =>
# radio_button(:person, :agree, 1) # =>
# == Merging options
# If you specify additional classes when creating a tag, the automated css
# classes will be prepended to the current ones. For example,
# text_field_tag('name', :class => 'selected') # =>
# text_field_tag('name', :class => 'selected shadow') # =>
module StyledInputs