# NulogySSO [![Gem](https://img.shields.io/gem/v/nulogy_sso?label=nulogy_sso)](https://rubygems.org/gems/nulogy_sso "View this project in Rubygems") ## Auth0 For more information on Auth0 see the [Auth0 documentation](https://auth0.com/docs/flows/concepts/auth-code#how-it-works). ## Installation This gem is a Rails Engine. It follows best practices [documented here](https://guides.rubyonrails.org/engines.html). To begin with, add the gem to your Gemfile: ```ruby gem "nulogy_sso" ``` Install the gem: ```sh bundle ``` Routes can now be mounted into your application in `routes.rb` and served up at a specific URI prefix: ```ruby mount NulogySSO::Engine, at: "/sso" # Optional redirects get "login", to: redirect("sso/login") get "logout", to: redirect("sso/logout") ``` The engine now needs to be configured. First create a YAML config file, perhaps named `config/auth_sso.yml`, to configure your app's Auth0 settings. This assumes that the necessary Auth0 applications have been created in the correct Auth0 tenants. An example configuration for local development would look like: ```yaml default: &default audience: <%= ENV.fetch("SSO_AUDIENCE", "auth.nulogy.net") %> client_id: <%= ENV.fetch("SSO_CLIENT_ID", "SSO CLIENT ID FROM AUTH0") %> client_secret: <%= ENV.fetch("SSO_CLIENT_SECRET", "SSO CLIENT SECRET FROM AUTH0") %> base_uri: <%= ENV.fetch("SSO_BASE_URI", "") %> cookie_prefix: <%= ENV.fetch("SSO_COOKIE_PREFIX", "") %> login_uri: <%= ENV.fetch("SSO_LOGIN_URI", "") %> redirect_uri: <%= ENV.fetch("SSO_REDIRECT_URI", "") %> development: <<: *default base_uri: <%= ENV.fetch("SSO_BASE_URI", "https://auth-dev.nulogy.net") %> cookie_prefix: <%= ENV.fetch("SSO_COOKIE_PREFIX", "dev") %> login_uri: <%= ENV.fetch("SSO_LOGIN_URI", "http://localhost:3000/sso/validate_authentication_code") %> redirect_uri: <%= ENV.fetch("SSO_REDIRECT_URI", "http://localhost:3000") %> test: <<: *default production: <<: *default ``` With that available, you can configure the engine with an initializer file. This is where _NulogySSO_ can be customized according to your application's needs. Put the below code into `config/initializers/nulogy_sso.rb`, with the appropriate modifications implemented. For `sso_config`, refer to [nulogy_sso.rb](lib/nulogy_sso.rb) for a list of required keys and [sso_config.yml](spec/dummy/config/sso_config.yml) for an example config file. ```ruby # Compiles config/auth_sso.yml into a Ruby object. An error is thrown if required keys are missing. # See lib/nulogy_sso.rb for required keys. NulogySSO.sso_config = Rails::Application.config_for(:sso) # Return the user matching the provided email, or nil if not found. NulogySSO.find_user_by_email = ->(email) { nil } # Handle errors from the SSO authentication flow, according to the app's design. # This includes internal errors from the Auth0 gem (ie, token signature mismatch) and no user from the app DB matching the email from the JWT. # The controller is passed as an argument to give the handler access to the "controller context", which is useful for tasks such as rendering a view. NulogySSO.handle_sso_error = ->(controller: , error:) { } # Handle how unauthenticated requests should be responded to. The default is to redirect to the defined login page. # For API based applications this should be overriden to provide a meaningful error as per your API's contract (i.e. an HTTP 401 error code) # Additionally, this could be overriden if an application should bypass SSO when running tests. NulogySSO.handle_unauthenticated_request = ->(controller) { controller.redirect_to sso_engine.login_path } ``` The app is now ready to authenticate a user with Auth0! With NulogySSO and Auth0, the user's identity is maintained across requests (and apps!) via a [JWT](https://auth0.com/docs/jwt) stored as a browser cookie. Add this code to the `ApplicationController`: ```ruby class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base include NulogySSO::ControllerHelper before_action :authenticate_sso_user # ... end ``` As an added bonus, NulogySSO also emulates the common Devise pattern of making the current User's user model object available via `current_user`. This is made available through including `ControllerHelper`. ## Development ### Setup ```sh # Setup Ruby rvm install $(cat .ruby-version) bundle # Setup project files cp .env.sample .env rake app:db:test:prepare # Launch Docker containers, required for testing docker-compose up -d ``` ### Testing There are multiple helpers made available via the `NulogySSO::TestUtilities` module. These are helpful for doing things such as grabbing test JWT values and interacting with a [Mockserver](https://github.com/jamesdbloom/mockserver) mock of the Auth0 API. It is a common use case for a Rails app to switch from Devise-powered authentication to Auth0. Here's a pattern that could be applied around a feature flag (e.g. environment variable) to switch between Devise user authentication test helpers and NulogySSO test helpers: _(TODO: insert link to CPI `ControllerIntegrationSpecMacros`)_ ### Contributing Feel free to create a PR if you wish to add new functionality to this Engine or detect a bug. A developer on CN1 will review and merge. This project follows [Semver Versioning](https://semver.org/). Please add an entry into [CHANGELOG.md](./CHANGELOG.md) in your PR. Deployments are done manually on an as-needed basis. ## Roadmap * Parameterize app name for error page * Buildkite pipeline * Rubocop * Rake install task (ie, generate required files automatically, instead of requiring a heavy amount of manual work to integrate nulogy_sso into a Rails app) * Add additional hooks, as necessitated by unique use cases for new apps using this engine