describe('Exceptions:', function() { var env; beforeEach(function() { env = new j$.Env(); }); describe('with break on exception', function() { it('should not catch the exception', function() { env.catchExceptions(false); env.describe('suite for break on exceptions', function() {'should break when an exception is thrown', function() { throw new Error('I should hit a breakpoint!'); }); }); var spy = jasmine.createSpy('spy'); try { env.execute(); spy(); } catch (e) {} expect(spy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe("with catch on exception", function() { it('should handle exceptions thrown, but continue', function(done) { var secondTest = jasmine.createSpy('second test'); env.describe('Suite for handles exceptions', function () {'should be a test that fails because it throws an exception', function() { throw new Error(); });'should be a passing test that runs after exceptions are thrown from a async test', secondTest); }); var expectations = function() { expect(secondTest).toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }; env.addReporter({ jasmineDone: expectations }); env.execute(); }); it("should handle exceptions thrown directly in top-level describe blocks and continue", function(done) { var secondDescribe = jasmine.createSpy("second describe"); env.describe("a suite that throws an exception", function () {"is a test that should pass", function () { this.expect(true).toEqual(true); }); throw new Error("top level error"); }); env.describe("a suite that doesn't throw an exception", secondDescribe); var expectations = function() { expect(secondDescribe).toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }; env.addReporter({ jasmineDone: expectations }); env.execute(); }); }); });