require File.expand_path("../test_helper", File.dirname(__FILE__)) require "rails_erd/diagram" class DiagramTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase def retrieve_entities(options = {}) klass = [].tap do |entities| klass.class_eval do each_entity do |entity, attributes| entities << entity end end klass.create(options) end end def retrieve_relationships(options = {}) klass = [].tap do |relationships| klass.class_eval do each_relationship do |relationship| relationships << relationship end end klass.create(options) end end def retrieve_specializations(options = {}) klass = [].tap do |specializations| klass.class_eval do each_specialization do |specialization| specializations << specialization end end klass.create(options) end end def retrieve_attribute_lists(options = {}) klass = {}.tap do |attribute_lists| klass.class_eval do each_entity do |entity, attributes| attribute_lists[entity.model] = attributes end end klass.create(options) end end # Diagram ================================================================== test "domain sould return given domain" do domain = assert_same domain, end # Diagram DSL ============================================================== test "create should succeed silently if called on abstract class" do create_simple_domain assert_nothing_raised do Diagram.create end end test "create should succeed if called on subclass" do create_simple_domain assert_nothing_raised do end end test "create should call callbacks in instance in specific order" do create_simple_domain executed_calls = do setup do calls << :setup end each_entity do calls << :entity end each_relationship do calls << :relationship end save do calls << :save end def calls @calls ||= [] end end.create assert_equal [:setup, :entity, :entity, :relationship, :save], executed_calls end test "create class method should return result of save" do create_simple_domain subclass = do save do "foobar" end end assert_equal "foobar", subclass.create end test "create should return result of save" do create_simple_domain diagram = do save do "foobar" end assert_equal "foobar", diagram.create end # Entity filtering ========================================================= test "generate should yield entities" do create_model "Foo" assert_equal [Foo], end test "generate should filter excluded entity" do create_model "Book" create_model "Author" assert_equal [Book], retrieve_entities(:exclude => [:Author]).map(&:model) end test "generate should filter excluded entities" do create_model "Book" create_model "Author" create_model "Editor" assert_equal [Book], retrieve_entities(:exclude => [:Author, :Editor]).map(&:model) end test "generate should include only specified entity" do create_model "Book" create_model "Author" assert_equal [Book], retrieve_entities(:only => [:Book]).map(&:model) end test "generate should include only specified entities" do create_model "Book" create_model "Author" create_model "Editor" assert_equal [Author, Editor], retrieve_entities(:only => [:Author, :Editor]).map(&:model) end test "generate should filter disconnected entities if disconnected is false" do create_model "Book", :author => :references do belongs_to :author end create_model "Author" create_model "Table", :type => :string assert_equal [Author, Book], retrieve_entities(:disconnected => false).map(&:model) end test "generate should yield disconnected entities if disconnected is true" do create_model "Foo", :type => :string assert_equal [Foo], retrieve_entities(:disconnected => true).map(&:model) end test "generate should filter specialized entities" do create_model "Foo", :type => :string Object.const_set :SpecialFoo, assert_equal [Foo], end test "generate should yield specialized entities if inheritance is true" do create_model "Foo", :type => :string Object.const_set :SpecialFoo, assert_equal [Foo, SpecialFoo], retrieve_entities(:inheritance => true).map(&:model) end test "generate should yield specialized entities with distinct tables" do create_model "Foo" Object.const_set :SpecialFoo, SpecialFoo.class_eval do self.table_name = "special_foo" end create_table "special_foo", {}, true assert_equal [Foo, SpecialFoo], end test "generate should filter generalized entities" do create_model "Cannon" create_model "Galleon" do has_many :cannons, :as => :defensible end assert_equal ["Cannon", "Galleon"], end test "generate should yield generalized entities if polymorphism is true" do create_model "Cannon" create_model "Galleon" do has_many :cannons, :as => :defensible end assert_equal ["Cannon", "Defensible", "Galleon"], retrieve_entities(:polymorphism => true).map(&:name) end # Relationship filtering =================================================== test "generate should yield relationships" do create_simple_domain assert_equal 1, retrieve_relationships.length end test "generate should yield indirect relationships if indirect is true" do create_model "Foo" do has_many :bazs has_many :bars end create_model "Bar", :foo => :references do belongs_to :foo has_many :bazs, :through => :foo end create_model "Baz", :foo => :references do belongs_to :foo end assert_equal [false, false, true], retrieve_relationships(:indirect => true).map(&:indirect?) end test "generate should filter indirect relationships if indirect is false" do create_model "Foo" do has_many :bazs has_many :bars end create_model "Bar", :foo => :references do belongs_to :foo has_many :bazs, :through => :foo end create_model "Baz", :foo => :references do belongs_to :foo end assert_equal [false, false], retrieve_relationships(:indirect => false).map(&:indirect?) end test "generate should yield relationships from specialized entities" do create_model "Foo", :bar => :references create_model "Bar", :type => :string Object.const_set :SpecialBar, SpecialBar.class_eval do has_many :foos end assert_equal 1, retrieve_relationships.length end test "generate should yield relationships to specialized entities" do create_model "Foo", :type => :string, :bar => :references Object.const_set :SpecialFoo, create_model "Bar" do has_many :special_foos end assert_equal 1, retrieve_relationships.length end # Specialization filtering ================================================= test "generate should not yield specializations" do create_specialization create_polymorphic_generalization create_abstract_generalization assert_equal [], retrieve_specializations end test "generate should yield specializations but not generalizations if inheritance is true" do create_specialization create_polymorphic_generalization create_abstract_generalization assert_equal ["Beer"], retrieve_specializations(:inheritance => true).map { |s| } end test "generate should yield generalizations but not specializations if polymorphism is true" do create_specialization create_polymorphic_generalization create_abstract_generalization assert_equal ["Galleon", "Palace"], retrieve_specializations(:polymorphism => true).map { |s| } end test "generate should yield specializations and generalizations if polymorphism and inheritance is true" do create_specialization create_polymorphic_generalization create_abstract_generalization assert_equal ["Beer", "Galleon", "Palace"], retrieve_specializations(:inheritance => true, :polymorphism => true).map { |s| } end # Attribute filtering ====================================================== test "generate should yield content attributes by default" do create_model "Book", :title => :string, :created_at => :datetime, :author => :references do belongs_to :author end create_model "Author" assert_equal %w{title}, retrieve_attribute_lists[Book].map(&:name) end test "generate should yield primary key attributes if included" do create_model "Book", :title => :string create_model "Page", :book => :references do belongs_to :book end assert_equal %w{id}, retrieve_attribute_lists(:attributes => [:primary_keys])[Book].map(&:name) end test "generate should yield foreign key attributes if included" do create_model "Book", :author => :references do belongs_to :author end create_model "Author" assert_equal %w{author_id}, retrieve_attribute_lists(:attributes => [:foreign_keys])[Book].map(&:name) end test "generate should yield timestamp attributes if included" do create_model "Book", :created_at => :datetime, :created_on => :date, :updated_at => :datetime, :updated_on => :date create_model "Page", :book => :references do belongs_to :book end assert_equal %w{created_at created_on updated_at updated_on}, retrieve_attribute_lists(:attributes => [:timestamps])[Book].map(&:name) end test "generate should yield combinations of attributes if included" do create_model "Book", :created_at => :datetime, :title => :string, :author => :references do belongs_to :author end create_model "Author" assert_equal %w{created_at title}, retrieve_attribute_lists(:attributes => [:content, :timestamps])[Book].map(&:name) end test "generate should yield no attributes for specialized entities" do create_model "Beverage", :type => :string, :name => :string, :distillery => :string, :age => :integer Object.const_set :Whisky, assert_equal [], retrieve_attribute_lists(:inheritance => true)[Whisky].map(&:name) end end