# Using Cocoapods-Keys in Swift projects Once you've followed the setup instructions described in the [Usage](/orta/cocoapods-keys#usage) section of the README, you have two choices. ## Using the bridge header If you want to make your keys available to your whole project: 1. Make sure you have a [bridging header](https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/ios/documentation/Swift/Conceptual/BuildingCocoaApps/MixandMatch.html) already setup. 2. In the bridging header, import the generated key file: ```objectivec #import ``` ## Importing the framework If you've added the `use_frameworks!` and only want your Keys to be available in specific files, simply use Swift's `import` statement. The name of the generated module is `Keys`. ```swift import Keys ``` ## Usage ```swift let keys = MyApplicationKeys() ARAnalytics.setupWithAnalytics(keys.analyticsToken) ```