# frozen_string_literal: true require 'riemann/tools' require 'riemann/tools/version' # Gathers haproxy CSV statistics and submits them to Riemann. module Riemann module Tools class Haproxy include Riemann::Tools require 'net/http' require 'csv' opt :stats_url, 'Full url to haproxy stats (eg: https://user:password@host.com:9999/stats)', required: true, type: :string opt :user_agent, 'User-Agent header for HTTP requests', short: :none, default: "#{File.basename($PROGRAM_NAME)}/#{Riemann::Tools::VERSION} (+https://github.com/riemann/riemann-tools)" def initialize super @uri = URI("#{opts[:stats_url]};csv") end def tick csv.each do |row| row = row.to_hash ns = "haproxy #{row['pxname']} #{row['svname']}" row.each do |property, metric| next if property.nil? || property == 'pxname' || property == 'svname' report( host: @uri.host, service: "#{ns} #{property}", metric: metric.to_f, tags: ['haproxy'], ) end report( host: @uri.host, service: "#{ns} state", state: (%w[UP OPEN].include?(row['status']) ? 'ok' : 'critical'), tags: ['haproxy'], ) end end def csv CSV.parse(body.split('# ')[1], headers: true) end def body http = ::Net::HTTP.new(@uri.host, @uri.port) http.use_ssl = true if @uri.scheme == 'https' res = http.start do |h| get = ::Net::HTTP::Get.new(@uri.request_uri, { 'user-agent' => opts[:user_agent] }) unless @uri.userinfo.nil? userinfo = @uri.userinfo.split(':') get.basic_auth userinfo[0], userinfo[1] end h.request get end res.body end end end end