module MailManager class ContactsController < BaseController include DeleteableActions def subscribe if params[:contact].present? and params[:contact][:email_address].present? @contact = MailManager::Contact.find_by_email_address(params[:contact][:email_address]) @contact = if @contact.nil? @contact.update_attributes(params[:contact]) #check to see what list we subscribed to, if Austin local redirect, if San Antonio, redirect to their thank you page end if params[:redirect_url].present? #check to see if it came from SA redirect_to params[:redirect_url] else redirect_to mail_manager.thank_you_path #uncomment after testing... end end def send_one_off_message @contact = Contact.find(params[:id]) @mailing = Mailing.find(params[:mailing_id]) @mailing.send_one_off_message(@contact) flash[:info] = "Test message sent to #{@contact.email_address_with_name}" redirect_to mail_manager.contacts_path end def index @mailing_list = MailingList.find_by_id(params[:mailing_list_id]) params[:status] ||= 'active' @contacts = => params[:page], :per_page => params[:per_page]) end def new @contact = end def edit find_contact end def create @contact =[:contact]) if flash[:notice] = 'Contact was successfully created.' redirect_to(mail_manager.contacts_path) else render :action => "new" end end def update find_contact if @contact.update_attributes(params[:contact]) flash[:notice] = 'Contact was successfully updated.' redirect_to(mail_manager.contacts_path) else render :action => "edit" end end def destroy find_contact @contact.delete redirect_to(mail_manager.contacts_url) end protected def find_contact @contact = Contact.find(params[:id]) end end end