require 'cide/builder' require 'cide/config_file' require 'cide/constants' require 'cide/docker' require 'cide/runner' require 'thor' require 'json' require 'securerandom' require 'time' module CIDE # Command-line option-parsing and execution for cide class CLI < Thor include CIDE::Docker include Thor::Actions default_command 'exec' desc 'exec', 'Builds an image and executes the run script' method_option 'name', desc: 'Name of the image', aliases: %w(-n -t), default: File.basename(Dir.pwd) method_option 'export', desc: 'Whenever to export artifacts', type: :boolean, default: nil method_option 'export_dir', desc: 'Change the ouput directory on the host', aliases: %w(-o --host_export_dir), default: nil method_option 'guest_export_dir', desc: 'Change the ouput directory on the host', aliases: %w(-i), default: nil method_option 'run', desc: 'Override the script to run', type: :string, aliases: ['-r'], default: nil method_option 'pull', desc: 'Whenever to pull for new images on build', type: :boolean, default: true method_option 'ssh_key', desc: 'Path to a ssh key to import into the docker image', aliases: ['-s'], default: '~/.ssh/id_rsa' def exec setup_docker tag = name_to_tag banner 'Config' config = ConfigFile.load(Dir.pwd) say_status :config, config.inspect ## Build ## banner 'Build' builder = pull: options.pull, ssh_key: File.expand_path(options.ssh_key), tag: tag, ) ## Run ## banner 'Run' command = ? ['sh', '-e', '-c',] : runner = command: command, env: config.env, links: config.links, tag: tag, )! ## Export ## return unless options.export banner 'Export' runner.export!( guest_dir: options.guest_export_dir || config.export_dir, host_dir: options.export_dir || config.export_dir, ) rescue Docker::Error => ex exit ex.exitstatus rescue RuntimeError => ex $stderr.puts ex.to_s exit 1 ensure runner.cleanup! if runner end desc 'package', 'Builds a package from the container script/build' method_option 'name', desc: 'Name of the image', aliases: %w(-n -t), default: File.basename(Dir.pwd) method_option 'ssh_key', desc: 'Path to a ssh key to import into the docker image', aliases: ['-s'], default: '~/.ssh/id_rsa' method_option 'package', desc: 'Name of the package', default: File.basename(Dir.pwd) method_option 'upload', desc: 'Whenever to upload the result to S3', type: :boolean, default: true method_option 'set-version', desc: 'Tells cide the package version, otherwise extracted from git', default: nil # AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_REGION need to be passed # either trough the env or ~/.aws/credentials file method_option 'aws_bucket', desc: 'AWS_BUCKET', default: ENV['AWS_BUCKET'] def package fail 'missing AWS_BUCKET' if options.upload && !options.aws_bucket tag = name_to_tag build_root = File.expand_path('.package') guest_export_dir = '/cide/package' host_export_dir = File.join(build_root, 'package') version = options.version || ( git_branch = `git symbolic-ref --short -q HEAD || echo unknown`.strip git_rev = `git rev-parse --short HEAD`.strip "#{git_branch}-#{git_rev}" ) timestamp ='%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S') tar_name = "#{options.package}.#{timestamp}.#{version}.tar.gz" tar_path = File.join(build_root, tar_name) banner 'Config' config = ConfigFile.load(Dir.pwd) say_status :config, config.inspect ## Build ## banner 'Build' builder = pull: options.pull, ssh_key: File.expand_path(options.ssh_key), tag: tag, ) ## Run ## banner 'Run' runner = command: ['script/build', guest_export_dir], env: config.env, links: config.links, tag: tag, )! ## Export ## banner 'Export' FileUtils.rm_rf(build_root) runner.export!( guest_dir: guest_export_dir, host_dir: host_export_dir, ) # Create archive puts "Package: #{tar_name}" system('tar', '-czf', tar_path, '-C', host_export_dir, '.') ## Upload ## return unless options.upload banner 'Upload' require 'aws-sdk' s3 = resp = s3.put_object( bucket: options.aws_bucket, key: tar_name, body:, ) p resp rescue Docker::Error => ex exit ex.exitstatus rescue RuntimeError => ex $stderr.puts ex.to_s exit 1 ensure FileUtils.rm_rf(build_root) if options.upload runner.cleanup! if runner end desc 'debug', 'Opens a debug console in the last project image' method_option 'name', desc: 'Name of the build', aliases: %w(-n -t), default: File.basename(Dir.pwd) method_option 'user', desc: 'User to run under', default: 'cide' def debug setup_docker tag = name_to_tag ## Config ## banner 'Config' config = ConfigFile.load(Dir.pwd) say_status :config, config.inspect ## Run ## banner 'Run' runner = command: ['bash'], env: config.env, links: config.links, tag: tag, user: options.user, )!(interactive: true) rescue Docker::Error => ex exit ex.exitstatus rescue RuntimeError => ex $stderr.puts ex.to_s exit 1 ensure runner.cleanup! if runner end desc 'clean', 'Removes old containers' method_option 'days', desc: 'Number of days to keep the images', default: 7, type: :numeric method_option 'count', desc: 'Maximum number of images to keep', default: 20, type: :numeric def clean setup_docker days_to_keep = options[:days] max_images = options[:count] x = docker('images', '--no-trunc', capture: true) iter = x.lines.each cide_image_ids = iter .map { |line| line.split(/\s+/) } .select { |line| line[0] =~ %r{^cide[/-]} || line[0] == '' } .map { |line| line[2] } if cide_image_ids.empty? puts 'No images found to be cleaned' return end x = docker('inspect', *cide_image_ids, capture: true) cide_images = JSON.parse(x.strip) .each { |image| image['Created'] = Time.iso8601(image['Created']) } .sort { |a, b| a['Created'] <=> b['Created'] } if cide_images.size > max_images old_cide_images = cide_images[0..-max_images] .map { |image| image['Id'] } else old_times = - (days_to_keep * 24 * 60 * 60) old_cide_images = cide_images .select { |image| image['Created'] < old_times } .map { |image| image['Id'] } end if old_cide_images.empty? puts 'No images found to be cleaned' return end docker('rmi', '--force', *old_cide_images) end desc 'init', "Creates a blank #{CONFIG_FILES.first} in the project" def init puts "Creating #{CONFIG_FILES.first} with default values" create_file CONFIG_FILES.first, end private # Prefixes the tag to make it recognizable by the cleaner # Makes sure it's a valid tag def name_to_tag(name) "cide/#{ name}" end LINE_WIDTH = 78.0 def banner(text) pad = (LINE_WIDTH - text.size - 4) / 2 pad = 0 if pad < 0 puts '=' * pad.floor + "[ #{text} ]" + '=' * pad.ceil end end end