module RecordSelect module Conditions protected # returns the combination of all conditions. # conditions come from: # * current search (params[:search]) # * intelligent url params (e.g. params[:first_name] if first_name is a model column) # * specific conditions supplied by the developer def record_select_conditions conditions = [] merge_conditions( record_select_conditions_from_search, record_select_conditions_from_params, record_select_conditions_from_controller ) end # an override method. # here you can provide custom conditions to define the selectable records. useful for situational restrictions. def record_select_conditions_from_controller; end # another override method. # define any association includes you want for the finder search. def record_select_includes; end def record_select_like_operator @like_operator ||= ::ActiveRecord::Base.connection.adapter_name == "PostgreSQL" ? "ILIKE" : "LIKE" end # define special list of selected fields, # mainly to define extra fields that can be used for # specialized sorting. def record_select_select end # generate conditions from params[:search] # override this if you want to customize the search routine def record_select_conditions_from_search if params[:search] && !params[:search].strip.empty? if record_select_config.full_text_search? tokens = params[:search].strip.split(' ') else tokens = [params[:search].strip] end search_pattern = record_select_config.full_text_search? ? '%?%' : '?%' build_record_select_conditions(tokens, record_select_like_operator, search_pattern) end end def build_record_select_conditions(tokens, operator, search_pattern) where_clauses = record_select_config.search_on.collect { |sql| "#{sql} #{operator} ?" } phrase = "(#{where_clauses.join(' OR ')})" sql = ([phrase] * tokens.length).join(' AND ') tokens = tokens.collect { |token| [search_pattern.sub('?', token)] * record_select_config.search_on.length }.flatten [sql, *tokens] end # generate conditions from the url parameters (e.g. users/browse?group_id=5) def record_select_conditions_from_params conditions = nil params.each do |field, value| next unless column = record_select_config.model.columns_hash[field] conditions = merge_conditions( conditions, record_select_condition_for_column(column, value) ) end conditions end @@type_cast_method = Rails.version < '4.2' ? :type_cast : :type_cast_from_user # generates an SQL condition for the given column/value def record_select_condition_for_column(column, value) model = record_select_config.model column_name = model.quoted_table_name + '.' + model.connection.quote_column_name( if value.blank? and column.null "#{column_name} IS NULL" elsif column.text? ["LOWER(#{column_name}) LIKE ?", value] else ["#{column_name} = ?", column.send(@@type_cast_method, value)] end end def merge_conditions(*conditions) #:nodoc: c = conditions.find_all {|c| not c.nil? and not c.empty? } c.empty? ? nil : c.collect{|c| record_select_config.model.send(:sanitize_sql, c)}.join(' AND ') end end end