Feature: Managing translations In order to have more free time As a clever developer I want to be able to manage all translations through a Translation model Scenario: List of translations Given I have translated "Key1" to "Key1Translation" in "en" locale And I have translated "Key2" to "Key2Translation" in "en" locale When I go to the list of translations Then I should see "Key1" And I should see "Key1Translation" And I should see "Key2" And I should see "Key2Translation" Scenario: List of finished translations Given I have translated "Key1" to "Key1Translation" in "en" locale And I have translated "Key2" to "" in "en" locale When I go to the list of finished translations Then I should see "Key1" And I should not see "Key2" Scenario: List of unfinished translations Given I have translated "Key1" to "Key1Translation" in "en" locale And I have translated "Key2" to "" in "en" locale When I go to the list of unfinished translations Then I should see "Key2" And I should not see "Key1" Scenario: List of translation in current locale Given I have translated "Key1" to "Key1Translation" in "en" locale And I have translated "Key1" to "Klucz1Tłumaczenie" in "pl" locale When I go to the list of polish translations Then I should see "Klucz1Tłumaczenie" And I should not see "Key1Translation" Scenario: Adding new translation When I go to the list of translations And I follow "New translation" Then I should be on the new translation form When I fill in "translation[key]" with "New translation" And I fill in "translation[translation]" with "New translation is translated" And I press "Create" Then I should be on the list of translations And I should see "Translation created!" And I should see "New translation" And I should see "New translation is translated" Scenario: Editing translations Given I have translated "Key1" to "Key1Translation" in "en" locale When I go to the list of translations And I follow "Edit translation" Then I should be on the edit translation form And I fill in "translation[translation]" with "Key1NewTranslation" And I fill in "translation[many]" with "Key1Many" And I press "Save" Then I should be on the list of translations And I should see "Translation updated" And I should not see "Key1Translation" And I should see "Key1NewTranslation" And I should see "Key1Many" Scenario: List of available locales Given I have translated "Key1" to "Key1PL" in "pl" locale And I have translated "Key1" to "Key1EN" in "en" locale When I am on the list of available locales Then I should see "en" And I should see "pl" Given I have translated "Key1" to "Key1NL" in "nl" locale When I go to the list of available locales Then I should see "en" And I should see "pl" And I should see "nl" Given I have relocalized "Key1" from "nl" to "es" When I go to the list of available locales Then I should see "en" And I should see "pl" And I should see "es" And I should not see "nl"