describe('uiEvent', function () { var $scope, $rootScope, $compile; beforeEach(module('ui.directives')); beforeEach(inject(function (_$rootScope_, _$compile_) { $compile = _$compile_; $rootScope = _$rootScope_; })); //helper for creating event elements function eventElement(scope, eventObject) { scope._uiEvent = eventObject || {}; return $compile('')(scope); } describe('test', function () { it('should work with dblclick event and assignment', function () { $scope = $rootScope.$new(); var elm = eventElement($scope, {'dblclick': 'dbl=true'}); expect($scope.dbl).toBeUndefined(); elm.trigger('dblclick'); expect($scope.dbl).toBe(true); }); it('should work with two events in one key a function', function () { $scope = $rootScope.$new(); $scope.counter = 0; $scope.myfn = function () { $scope.counter++; }; var elm = eventElement($scope, {'keyup mouseenter': 'myfn()'}); elm.trigger('keyup'); elm.trigger('mouseenter'); expect($scope.counter).toBe(2); }); it('should work work with multiple entries', function () { $scope = $rootScope.$new(); $scope.amount = 5; var elm = eventElement($scope, { 'click': 'amount=amount*2', 'mouseenter': 'amount=amount*4', 'keyup': 'amount=amount*3' }); elm.trigger('click'); expect($scope.amount).toBe(10); elm.trigger('mouseenter'); expect($scope.amount).toBe(40); elm.trigger('keyup'); expect($scope.amount).toBe(120); }); it('should allow passing of $event object', function () { $scope = $rootScope.$new(); $scope.clicky = function (par1, $event, par2) { expect($'bar'); expect(par1).toBe(1); expect(par2).toBe(2); }; var elm = eventElement($scope, {'click': 'clicky(1, $event, 2)'}); $(elm).trigger({ type: 'click', foo: 'bar' }); }); it('should allow passing of $params object', function () { $scope = $rootScope.$new(); $scope.onStuff = function ($event, $params) { expect($event.type).toBe('stuff'); expect($params[0]).toBe('foo'); expect($params[1]).toBe('bar'); }; var elm = eventElement($scope, {'stuff': 'onStuff($event, $params)'}); $(elm).trigger('stuff', ['foo', 'bar']); }); }); });