module Vagrant def self.config Config.config end class Config extend StackedProcRunner @@config = nil class << self def reset! @@config = nil proc_stack.clear end def configures(key, klass) config.class.configures(key, klass) end def config @@config ||= end def run(&block) push_proc(&block) end def execute! run_procs!(config) config.loaded! end end end class Config class Base def [](key) send(key) end def to_json instance_variables_hash.to_json end def instance_variables_hash instance_variables.inject({}) do |acc, iv| acc[iv.to_s[1..-1].to_sym] = instance_variable_get(iv) acc end end end class SSHConfig < Base attr_accessor :username attr_accessor :password attr_accessor :host attr_accessor :forwarded_port_key attr_accessor :max_tries attr_accessor :timeout attr_accessor :private_key_path def private_key_path File.expand_path(@private_key_path, Env.root_path) end end class VMConfig < Base include StackedProcRunner attr_accessor :box attr_accessor :box_ovf attr_accessor :base_mac attr_accessor :project_directory attr_reader :forwarded_ports attr_reader :shared_folders attr_accessor :hd_location attr_accessor :disk_image_format attr_accessor :provisioner attr_accessor :shared_folder_uid attr_accessor :shared_folder_gid def initialize @forwarded_ports = {} @shared_folders = {} @provisioner = nil end def forward_port(name, guestport, hostport, protocol="TCP") forwarded_ports[name] = { :guestport => guestport, :hostport => hostport, :protocol => protocol } end def share_folder(name, guestpath, hostpath) @shared_folders[name] = { :guestpath => guestpath, :hostpath => hostpath } end def hd_location=(val) raise"disk_storage must be set to a directory") unless @hd_location=val end def shared_folder_uid @shared_folder_uid || Vagrant.config.ssh.username end def shared_folder_gid @shared_folder_gid || Vagrant.config.ssh.username end def customize(&block) push_proc(&block) end end class PackageConfig < Base attr_accessor :name attr_accessor :extension end class VagrantConfig < Base attr_accessor :dotfile_name attr_accessor :log_output attr_accessor :home def home @home ? File.expand_path(@home) : nil end end class Top < Base @@configures = [] class <