1.5.0 (August 3, 2013) * Add Neat. * Replace Bourne with RSpec Mocks. * Replace Sham Rack with WebMock. * Remove dependency on `hub` gem. * Clean up leftover Rails 3 conventions. 1.4.0 (July 21, 2013) * Support Rails 4. * Support Ruby 2. * Remove jQuery UI. * Factories spec works for non-ActiveRecord objects. * Use New Relic RPM gem >= 3.5.7 for Heroku request queue accuracy. * Abort RSpec runs on first failure. * Replace custom email validator with gem. 1.3.0 (May 13, 2013) * Switch web server from Thin to Unicorn * Set up database before setting up RSpec so that the rspec:install task works * Add Delayed::Job * Clean up cruft from ActionMailer delivery configuration * strong_parameters now raises an error in development * Enforce Ruby 1.9.2+ in the gemspec 1.2.2 (March 14, 2013) * Fix Syntax error in staging/production environment config files. * Make Factory Girl available to development environment for generators and `rails console`. 1.2.1 (February 28, 2013) * Use Ruby 1.9.3 and 2.0 * Update staging and production email delivery * Remove Spork and Guard * Add better_errors and binding_of_caller gems * Fix ActiveRecord attributes' blacklist * Add Flutie to Gemfile 1.2.0 (February 13, 2013) * Upgrade Rails from 3.2.8 to 3.2.12 to keep pace with security patches. * Improve staging environment on Heroku with staging `ENV` variables and overriding the recipient in staging email delivery. * Remove Flutie, use Bourbon. * Wrap all HTTP requests in a 5 second timeout. * Don't use `attr_accessible` whitelists. Instead, configure Strong Parameters. * Provide a `bin/setup` script. * Force RSpec's `expect` syntax. * Remove remaining references to Cucumber, complete RSpec + Capybara conversion. * Improve Foreman/`.env`/`Procfile` interactions. 1.1.5 (October 22, 2012) * Ignore `.env`. * Link to thoughtbot/guides in generated README. * Remove Cucumber in favor of RSpec + Capybara. * Deliver emails in staging environment to an overriden email or set of emails. * Encode database as UTF8. * Bundle with binstubs using 37signals' directory convention. * Configure time formats using localization. * Add Ruby version to Gemfile. * Add fast-failing spec that tests validity of factories. * Use SimpleCov for C0 coverage. * Configure RSpec with `--profile` flag to find slow-running specs. 1.1.4 (September 4, 2012) * Always store UTC in the DB. * Use Rails 3.2.8. 1.1.3 (August 7, 2012) * Fix broken Gemfile additions where capybara stole cucumber's `require: false` 1.1.2 (August 6, 2012) * Fix broken rake. * Use Heroku-compliant asset pipeline settings. 1.1.1 (August 3, 2012) * Fix broken newline interpolation 1.1.0 (August 3, 2012) * Add --github option. * Add --webkit option. * Remove cruft when generating controllers. * Add Spork and Guard. 1.0.1 (August 2, 2012) * Fix broken install on Ruby 1.8. * Remove db/schema.rb from .gitignore. * Remove Factory Girl step definitions. 1.0.0 (June 29, 2012) * Ignore `bin/`, `.rake_tasks`, `.bundle/`, and `.gem/`. * Create a root route only with `--clearance`. * Do not autocommit after generate. * Style static error pages. * Cucumber requires everything under `features/`, regardless of pwd. * Added gems: * `foreman` * `therubyracer` * Removed gems: * `copycopter_client` * `heroku` * `ruby-debug` * `sass` * `sprockets-redirect` * `email_spec`