# fluent-plugin-modsecurity
fluentd plugin for modsecurity log
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# td-agent config
# (1) Consume the input by tail and tag modsecurity
# (2) retreive detail log from each record and append back to record
type modsecurity
path_prefix /var/log
# (3) append geoip information (optional)
type geoip
geoip_lookup_key transaction.client_ip
enable_key_country_code geoip_country
enable_key_city geoip_city
enable_key_latitude geoip_lat
enable_key_longitude geoip_lon
remove_tag_prefix test.
add_tag_prefix geoip.
flush_interval 5s
# (3) Output
type elasticsearch
include_tag_key true
log_level info
logstash_format true
logstash_prefix modsecurity_geo
type_name blocked
buffer_chunk_limit 1M
buffer_queue_limit 32
flush_interval 30s
port 9200