module Fastlane module Actions module SharedValues DSYM_PATHS = :DSYM_PATHS end class DownloadDsymsAction < Action # rubocop:disable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity def require 'openssl' require 'spaceship' require 'net/http' UI.message("Login to App Store Connect (#{params[:username]})") Spaceship::ConnectAPI.login(params[:username], use_portal: false, use_tunes: true) UI.message("Login successful") # Get App app = Spaceship::ConnectAPI::App.find(params[:app_identifier]) unless app UI.user_error!("Could not find app with bundle identifier '#{params[:app_identifier]}' on account #{params[:username]}") end # Process options version = params[:version] build_number = params[:build_number].to_s unless params[:build_number].nil? itc_platform = params[:platform] output_directory = params[:output_directory] wait_for_dsym_processing = params[:wait_for_dsym_processing] wait_timeout = params[:wait_timeout] min_version =[:min_version]) if params[:min_version] platform = # Set version if it is latest if version == 'latest' # Try to grab the edit version first, else fallback to live version UI.message("Looking for latest version...") latest_version = app.get_edit_app_store_version(platform: platform) || app.get_live_app_store_version(platform: platform) UI.user_error!("Could not find latest version for your app, please try setting a specific version") if latest_version.nil? latest_build = get_latest_build!(app_id:, version: latest_version.version_string, platform: platform) version = latest_build.app_version build_number = latest_build.version elsif version == 'live' UI.message("Looking for live version...") live_version = app.get_live_app_store_version(platform: platform) UI.user_error!("Could not find live version for your app, please try setting 'latest' or a specific version") if live_version.nil? # No need to search for candidates, because released App Store version should only have one build version = live_version.version_string build_number = end # Remove leading zeros from version string (eg. 1.02 -> 1.2) if version version = version.split(".").map(&:to_i).join(".") end # Make sure output_directory has a slash on the end if output_directory && !output_directory.end_with?('/') output_directory += '/' end # Write a nice message message = [] message << "Looking for dSYM files for '#{params[:app_identifier]}' on platform #{platform}" message << "v#{version}" if version message << "(#{build_number})" if build_number UI.message(message.join(" ")) filter = { app: } filter["preReleaseVersion.platform"] = platform build_resps = Spaceship::ConnectAPI.get_builds(filter: filter, sort: "-uploadedDate", includes: "preReleaseVersion").all_pages builds = build_resps.flat_map(&:to_models) builds.each do |build| asc_app_version = build.app_version asc_build_number = build.version message = [] message << "Found train (version): #{asc_app_version}" message << ", comparing to supplied version: #{version}" if version UI.verbose(message.join(" ")) if version && version != asc_app_version UI.verbose("Version #{version} doesn't match: #{asc_app_version}") next end if min_version && min_version > UI.verbose("Min version #{min_version} not reached: #{asc_app_version}") next end message = [] message << "Found build version: #{asc_build_number}" message << ", comparing to supplied build_number: #{build_number}" if build_number UI.verbose(message.join(" ")) if build_number && asc_build_number != build_number UI.verbose("build_version: #{asc_build_number} doesn't match: #{build_number}") next end UI.verbose("Build_version: #{asc_build_number} matches #{build_number}, grabbing dsym_url") if build_number get_details_and_download_dsym(app: app, train: asc_app_version, build_number: asc_build_number, platform: itc_platform, wait_for_dsym_processing: wait_for_dsym_processing, wait_timeout: wait_timeout, output_directory: output_directory) end end def self.get_details_and_download_dsym(app: nil, train: nil, build_number: nil, platform: nil, wait_for_dsym_processing: nil, wait_timeout: nil, output_directory: nil) start = download_url = nil loop do begin resp = Spaceship::Tunes.client.build_details(app_id:, train: train, build_number: build_number, platform: platform) resp['apple_id'] = build_details = Spaceship::Tunes::BuildDetails.factory(resp) download_url = build_details.dsym_url UI.verbose("dsym_url: #{download_url}") rescue Spaceship::TunesClient::ITunesConnectError => ex UI.error("Error accessing dSYM file for build\n\n#{build}\n\nException: #{ex}") end unless download_url if !wait_for_dsym_processing || ( - start) > wait_timeout # In some cases, AppStoreConnect does not process the dSYMs, thus no error should be thrown. UI.message("Could not find any dSYM for #{build_number} (#{train})") else UI.message("Waiting for dSYM file to appear...") sleep(30) next end end break end if download_url, app.bundle_id, train, build_number, output_directory) return if build_number else UI.message("No dSYM URL for #{build_number} (#{train})") end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity def self.get_latest_build!(app_id: nil, version: nil, platform: nil) filter = { app: app_id } filter["preReleaseVersion.version"] = version filter["preReleaseVersion.platform"] = platform latest_build = Spaceship::ConnectAPI.get_builds(filter: filter, sort: "-uploadedDate", includes: "preReleaseVersion").first if latest_build.nil? UI.user_error!("Could not find latest bulid for version #{version}") end return latest_build end def, bundle_id, train_number, build_version, output_directory) result = self.download_file(download_url) path = write_dsym(result, bundle_id, train_number, build_version, output_directory) UI.success("🔑 Successfully downloaded dSYM file for #{train_number} - #{build_version} to '#{path}'") Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::DSYM_PATHS] ||= [] Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::DSYM_PATHS] << File.expand_path(path) end def self.write_dsym(data, bundle_id, train_number, build_number, output_directory) file_name = "#{bundle_id}-#{train_number}-#{build_number}" if output_directory file_name = output_directory + file_name end File.binwrite(file_name, data) file_name end def self.download_file(url) uri = URI.parse(url) if ENV['http_proxy'] UI.verbose("Found 'http_proxy' environment variable so connect via proxy") proxy_uri = URI.parse(ENV['http_proxy']) http =, uri.port,, proxy_uri.port) else http =, uri.port) end http.use_ssl = (uri.scheme == "https") res = http.get(uri.request_uri) res.body end ##################################################### # @!group Documentation ##################################################### def self.description "Download dSYM files from App Store Connect for Bitcode apps" end def self.details sample = <<-SAMPLE.markdown_sample ```ruby lane :refresh_dsyms do download_dsyms # Download dSYM files from iTC upload_symbols_to_crashlytics # Upload them to Crashlytics clean_build_artifacts # Delete the local dSYM files end ``` SAMPLE [ "This action downloads dSYM files from App Store Connect after the ipa gets re-compiled by Apple. Useful if you have Bitcode enabled.".markdown_preserve_newlines, sample ].join("\n") end def self.available_options user = CredentialsManager::AppfileConfig.try_fetch_value(:itunes_connect_id) user ||= CredentialsManager::AppfileConfig.try_fetch_value(:apple_id) [ :username, short_option: "-u", env_name: "DOWNLOAD_DSYMS_USERNAME", description: "Your Apple ID Username for App Store Connect", default_value: user, default_value_dynamic: true), :app_identifier, short_option: "-a", env_name: "DOWNLOAD_DSYMS_APP_IDENTIFIER", description: "The bundle identifier of your app", optional: false, code_gen_sensitive: true, default_value: CredentialsManager::AppfileConfig.try_fetch_value(:app_identifier), default_value_dynamic: true), :team_id, short_option: "-k", env_name: "DOWNLOAD_DSYMS_TEAM_ID", description: "The ID of your App Store Connect team if you're in multiple teams", optional: true, is_string: false, # as we also allow integers, which we convert to strings anyway code_gen_sensitive: true, default_value: CredentialsManager::AppfileConfig.try_fetch_value(:itc_team_id), default_value_dynamic: true, verify_block: proc do |value| ENV["FASTLANE_ITC_TEAM_ID"] = value.to_s end), :team_name, short_option: "-e", env_name: "DOWNLOAD_DSYMS_TEAM_NAME", description: "The name of your App Store Connect team if you're in multiple teams", optional: true, code_gen_sensitive: true, default_value: CredentialsManager::AppfileConfig.try_fetch_value(:itc_team_name), default_value_dynamic: true, verify_block: proc do |value| ENV["FASTLANE_ITC_TEAM_NAME"] = value.to_s end), :platform, short_option: "-p", env_name: "DOWNLOAD_DSYMS_PLATFORM", description: "The app platform for dSYMs you wish to download (ios, appletvos)", optional: true, default_value: :ios), :version, short_option: "-v", env_name: "DOWNLOAD_DSYMS_VERSION", description: "The app version for dSYMs you wish to download, pass in 'latest' to download only the latest build's dSYMs or 'live' to download only the live version dSYMs", optional: true), :build_number, short_option: "-b", env_name: "DOWNLOAD_DSYMS_BUILD_NUMBER", description: "The app build_number for dSYMs you wish to download", optional: true, is_string: false), :min_version, short_option: "-m", env_name: "DOWNLOAD_DSYMS_MIN_VERSION", description: "The minimum app version for dSYMs you wish to download", optional: true), :output_directory, short_option: "-s", env_name: "DOWNLOAD_DSYMS_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY", description: "Where to save the download dSYMs, defaults to the current path", optional: true), :wait_for_dsym_processing, short_option: "-w", env_name: "DOWNLOAD_DSYMS_WAIT_FOR_DSYM_PROCESSING", description: "Wait for dSYMs to process", optional: true, default_value: false, type: Boolean), :wait_timeout, short_option: "-t", env_name: "DOWNLOAD_DSYMS_WAIT_TIMEOUT", description: "Number of seconds to wait for dSYMs to process", optional: true, default_value: 300, type: Integer) ] end def self.output [ ['DSYM_PATHS', 'An array to all the zipped dSYM files'] ] end def self.return_value nil end def self.authors ["KrauseFx"] end def self.is_supported?(platform) [:ios, :appletvos].include?(platform) end def self.example_code [ 'download_dsyms', 'download_dsyms(version: "1.0.0", build_number: "345")', 'download_dsyms(version: "1.0.1", build_number: 42)', 'download_dsyms(version: "live")', 'download_dsyms(min_version: "1.2.3")' ] end def self.category :app_store_connect end end end end